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Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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Score hidden · 41 minutes ago

Even if it is a legitimate service dog (ducking doubt this, but whatever), there is a limit to what is safe for the dog. For instance, you can jump into a swimming pool or get on roller coaster with your small service dog, and this isn’t anymore okay. It’s just animal cruelty.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
Posted by
2 points · 4 hours ago

What the christ, how desperate is Russia to still be using the same tactics in Bakhmut when it grinds their men to a pulp like this? It's absolutely insane that Russian deaths are accelerating and yet here we are.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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1 point · 1 day ago

Meldonium was a highly arbitrary addition to the WADA list in the first place. It’s a heart and brain circulation drug easily obtainable without a prescription in that part of the world that was only added in 2016. Not saying that there should have been no suspension, but 4 years was really fucking harsh imo.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
Posted by
3 points · 3 days ago
  1. No. It is actually underrated for dungeon pulls where you might have bitten off a bit more than you can chew, or the healer dies. I do think a shorter GCD and a bit more damage might be good though. It’s also kind of a core part of a Paladin’s job identity since it actually uses the shield.

1a. But yes intervene is introduced way too late, agreed. I would introduce the first one at level 48 with reduced potency (120 maybe?), and add the second charge at level 66, since they get nothing at those levels. 74, where you get Intervene normally, could could have its potency come back to 150.

2. I do agree Cover could be better. My main issue is the 10 yalm range. Maybe it could be increased to 15 or something, and a 90 second cd? Especially with Intervention (Shelton for other party members) can reach 30 yalms or the maximum length of any skill.

2a. Just a tangent, but there is no reason Shelton and Intervention need to be separate buttons and Paladin is a bit overloaded. They are almost identical with what they do. Just combine them into one button and let the player target other party members with it.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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0 points · 3 days ago

Never say never. I can totally see a free trial addition with 8.0 or 9.0, lol. We will see.

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2 points · 3 days ago

They will at some point, but I would guess an expansion to the base game happening first, as that also stops at Heavensward so it currently has no difference in content, just QoL.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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2 points · 4 days ago

The US where late to the party and only tried to improve the methods of tactics the UK had already made their primary way of attacking Germany.

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1 point · 4 days ago

The idea of bombing a place aerially for strategic purposes was something both Germany and Japan did on a large scale before either the UK or US. You’d really have to give them credit first, particularly Japan.

Furthermore that link has to do with “dehousing” Germany specifically, to “break their spirits.” While after looking into it indeed Dresden was a joint operation where the RAF and USAF, “dehousing” was not the actual point or internal justification for fire bombing Japan. The point there was because it was considered practically impossible to destroy most of Japan’s industrial manufacturing capability without such an extreme measure because it was so incredibly decentralized.

1 point · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

The point there was because it was considered practically impossible to destroy most of Japan’s industrial manufacturing capability

Yes, the point was that the UK considered it practically impossible to get any meaningful results out of their attempts to target industrial and military so they switched over to unprecise bombing of residential areas as a form of terror to hit the population instead. See the parallel?

And no, that's nothing Germany or Japan did before or that the US decided independently at the same time.

Actually the discussions about the same "Dehousing" papers show that the loss of life was low and the reduction in production capacity high in the UK, as Germany indeed tried to avoid non-military targets (understandable as they still operated mostly on the assumption that the UK could be kept out of the fight - that only changed after the (again) untargeted night bombing of Berlin). Japan only had unsuccessful border skirmishes with the USSR before the UK decided on bombing civilian areas. Both Japan's larger involvement in the pacific and the US' entry into the war happened afterwards. This was indeed a purely UK decision that shaped the coming years.

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1 point · 3 days ago

Yes, the point was that the UK considered it practically impossible to get any meaningful results out of their attempts to target industrial and military so they switched over to unprecise bombing of residential areas as a form of terror to hit the population instead. See the parallel?

I see a tangent far more than I see a parallel, but more importantly,

And no, that's nothing Germany or Japan did before or that the US decided independently at the same time.

This is very incorrect. And even if you wanna nitpick that the London Blitz was smaller scale and more targeted or whatever, the continual bombing of Chongqing was not, and it included firebombings at least twice, and the Chongqing bombings started in May of 1939 so it predated the war in Europe entirely. Like quite a few other massive military operations and atrocities committed in China and elsewhere in Asia. I dunno why you would even mention tiny border skirmishes with the USSR in light of all that.

Anyway, this is all getting quite off-topic, agreeing to disagree here.

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Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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1 point · 4 days ago

Okay, but why the fuck would anyone ever buy arms from Switzerland again?

All future Swiss weapons and munitions should stay in Switzerland if they’re gonna actively interfere with protecting Europe.

Somewhere_Elsewhere commented on
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4 points · 5 days ago

Saddam had our support in the Iran-Iraq war. He thought he had our support in invading Kuwait. Seems more like it was a trap to get rid of him like everyone else Bush did business with while he was the head of the CIA.

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1 point · 5 days ago

I’m about 99% certain Hussein did not think this, just that he thought we wouldn’t do anything about it to directly intervene.

Because when the American ambassador April Glaspie asked Hussein about his military build up, he lied and said he wasn’t looking to invade, just settle a border dispute, and she was not nearly blunt enough and just said that border disputes should be resolve peacefully. She also said that American was concerned, but implied that it was ultimately an internal Arab issue.

Hussein thought he could get away with it based on far less info than one should have before invading another country, and Glaspie didn’t consider that someone willing to drop chemical weapons on his own citizens in Kurdistan and who was at war with Iran for nearly a decade maybe-just-maybe was capable of invading a defenseless nation right next door with 10% of the world’s oil.

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