
Thread of common pwBPD phrases by Donut-Confident in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Big time agree with the “always/never” statements and especially the “you always choose “them” over me”

Another version “you never have my back”

Do Thanksgiving for the kids? by Benzon22s in Divorce_Men

[–]ragingredditir 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Perhaps try to take your kids out for the start of new thanksgiving traditions?

Running “turkey trots” in the morning. Driving around to see Christmas lights at night Watching a movie instead of football

There’s lots of other traditions on this holiday besides eating a big meal. You could also be setting yourself up for compromises in the future, depending on how cool your wife is.

For instance, the year is 2027… “I know it’s your year to have the kids on thanksgiving, but can I pick them up at 8 PM and drive them around for an hour to look at lights since that is our tradition”

Would that ever work? Probably not, but there’s always a chance.

Thread of common pwBPD phrases by Donut-Confident in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 7 points8 points  (0 children)

“Everyone else gets it except you. You’re literally the only one who doesn’t understand me”

Profession or career of your special BPD loved one lol by burneraccount8886 in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My exwBPD was also a nurse. I think the profession is a good fit with the personality

It’s my birthday. by Logical_identity in Divorce_Men

[–]ragingredditir 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Happy birthday man!! Get the peace you deserve. Put it on the calendar, schedule it and go (no matter what).

It could be a hike, a couple hours fishing. Shit, it could even be some time at a hotel just watching TV or whatever.

But schedule a couple hours for yourself. It sounds like you need it

(18M) I am ready to be roasted by BottleSome2751 in RoastMe

[–]ragingredditir 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I maxed out my zoom trying to figure out if the weak ass attempt at facial hair was on purpose

Why are RVs marked down so much more than cars? by flight19 in RVLiving

[–]ragingredditir 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sweet! I’ll sell them mine used and I’ll go buy the new one lol

Why are RVs marked down so much more than cars? by flight19 in RVLiving

[–]ragingredditir 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It depends on how bad the recession is. The toys are the first to go. If the recession is bad enough that people are selling their houses to move into RVs full time, then the demand will still be there because the RVs are no longer just toys

Wow. Is this anyone's experience of pwBPD? by Hydee59 in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think the post has some truth to it.

I think PwBPD are likely to be abused because BPD stems from being abused. Not always, but often, PwBPD experienced some severe trauma starting early in life. Some of it is genetic, but a lot of it has to do with how they were raised.

Since the trauma feels natural to them, they may be tempted to put themselves in situations that replicate it. Alternatively, they may also create the same chaos by being the abuser.

It certainly isn’t unusual to see PwBPD become nurses. We can debate if “empathy” is the right word, but they definitely can excel in the caretaking role. I think they relate to a lot of patients. They feel like their needs are always ignored (because often their needs are unrealistic). They feel like the least they can do is meet a patients every need. In that regard, they can anticipate needs and go the extra mile in ways that a lot of people may over look.

Edit: I’ll also add that whoever posted this needs to be wary of believing if a PwBPD is abused. Yes, their chances of being abused may be slightly higher than that of anyone else. It doesn’t negate all the false abuse allegations that are incredibly common though. Across the board it seems like PwBPD will claim “abuse” for situations that are not abusive. They can certainly spice it up and sell it that way though

Finished my first beast in SC today, it was an amazing experience! by Kryptonian_Nelly in spartanrace

[–]ragingredditir 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Technically it was North Carolina, I made the same mistake and labeled my pic wrong too lol. Good job man!!

Things to do for spectators - Carolinas Beast 11.19.22 by Icy_b00bs in spartanrace

[–]ragingredditir 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not much around Mill Spring, but Greenville/Spartanburg would have plenty to do.

The only thing I can guarantee is that your username will def check out tomorrow!! Brrrrr

Holidays & Vacations? by Tequila498 in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 34 points35 points  (0 children)

“Which wire should I cut, only to have it blow up after I thought everything was fine.”

This had me cracking up! Very relatable

Holidays & Vacations? by Tequila498 in BPDlovedones

[–]ragingredditir 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Yes, very much so.

Social events are a trigger, family is a trigger, anything involving gifts could be a trigger, and generally speaking, anywhere they don’t have their normal level of control (like vacations/traveling) could be a trigger.

The holidays would obviously encompass some or all of the variables.

Needless to say, my internal “smoky the bear” was always waving his red flag right before the holidays, letting me know the chance of an out of control raging wildfire was imminent

Zuck showing some semblance of human emotion at the UFC Apex by Throwawayacct1015 in ufc

[–]ragingredditir 1 point2 points  (0 children)

He let his human side show and as a result his stock lost about 100 billion

Can anyone help me in this decision? by After_Ad1235 in selfimprovement

[–]ragingredditir 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You aren’t expecting handouts from your mom, you’re working hard, you walk to get where you need to go, you invest in yourself and avoid debt, working on an education…

As someone who is twice your age, the world needs more kids like you. You’re off to do great things.

Can anyone help me in this decision? by After_Ad1235 in selfimprovement

[–]ragingredditir 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I’m anti-debt. I’d personally pay off the braces, save up a few grand and then buy a used car with cash

stripclub investing by pauliggoe in wallstreetbets

[–]ragingredditir 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Your friend has no job and spent 2K on strippers??

He sounds like he has the kind of financial wisdom that is abundant on this subreddit. One of us.

AITA for kicking out my date in the middle of the night by 2426733849493 in AmItheAsshole

[–]ragingredditir 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You’re more than an asshole, you’re a complete douchebag.

Why are you embarrassed by your political opinions? Grow a pair and be proud of who you are. You’re drinking wine and getting to know each other. Asking questions like that is part of the process. If she disagrees, turn it into a fun, respectful debate.

A drunk woman spills wine. Okay? Clean it up. Problem solved.

I got a job! by core_in_underland in selfimprovement

[–]ragingredditir 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Congrats!! That’s how ya get it done.

Can you drink in the parking lot? by FifthGearGTXT in spartanrace

[–]ragingredditir 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Most of the races come with a ticket for a free beer afterwards

how does one become stoic and is that too masculine? by Amazing_Unit_6494 in selfimprovement

[–]ragingredditir 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can def be stoic as a woman.

Being stoic has nothing to do with being masculine or feminine. It’s just training yourself to basically ignore or redirect pain.

Lots of ways to practice stoicism.

Cold showers are common. Fasting is common. Going without creature comforts.

By purposely exposing yourself to conditions that suck, you have the ability to better handle unexpected situations that suck.