
If you could modify the result of one single NBA finals in history which one would you choose. by coastalmarker99 in nba

[–]HomicidalRex 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The bubble chip, Let Miami Win.
Not cause I hate the Lakers, but that felt like Miami's only real chance to win a ring while everyone was recovering from the Pandemic. Jimmy gets to lead that team to a ring, The Lakers might not blow the team and suffer for 2 seasons and Spo, proves himself again.

A very close 2nd is the 16 title. I'm really interested to see If KD still ends up in GS or does he team up with Beal and Wall in Washington. Is the "KD was never interested in NY" idea a lie? I Kept hoping the Spurs or Jazz dragged him in for 3yrs.

[SPOILER] Alexander Volkov vs. Jairzinho Rozenstruik by inooway in MMA

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looked like an early stoppage. Couldn't tell if Rozen would recover enough, but its close.

JJ Redick ends Stephen C. Smith's career and Kendrick Perkins giggles by Lagooooooon in nba

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He forced ALOT of shots in that series, but I don't think he was just jacking up contested double team 3s.

The 50,000 Man Slaughter for Constantinople. Turning point of the war. Never had such an intense battle by Friendliest_sniper in totalwar

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did (tried to anyway) 300 vs Persia army. Edited some stats and names and halfway through, game crashed. At that point I lost 14 spartan's and killed 7600 Persians. These battles are always fun to play and watch the AI panic

If this ever happens again which 2 superstars and why? by Shreks8thtoe in WWE

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Cody and Miz.

Remove the Iconic part and just the rags to riches part would be enough to main event Mania. But the Promos would be tp tier.

Roster Advice by ThiccPoppaPump in WWEChampions

[–]HomicidalRex 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Batista and Sasha (Striker).
Leftovers: Rock

Who is your least favorite (US) player and why? by eye_muh_kunt in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex -1 points0 points  (0 children)

They don't play the game the games they do to build relationships. Even the producers know, the only way to get some heat in the game is to have people start wondering whose a catfish from the first people in.

Who is your least favorite (US) player and why? by eye_muh_kunt in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex 1 point2 points  (0 children)

that's a large stretch. They were all skeptical of Carol. The first vote ended that argument because they voted Paul out knowing he was a catfish. Nathan came in thinking Alyssa was a catfish and wanted her out.

I'm not convinced the loot is "random..." by bakedrefriedbeans in WWEChampions

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Key pulls have dropped in quality since the Goldberg release. You're now most likely going to get (out of 100) 90% of common pulls. Keys are useless unless you're pulling around 150 at a time. The best I've gotten from Key Pulls has been 4ss Kane. The odds throughout the loot pulls are randomly fucked and its stupid to think they will ever give us the advantage, even though I have faith one day they will.

Who is your least favorite (US) player and why? by eye_muh_kunt in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex 4 points5 points  (0 children)

1A: Carol/John: Just made no sense how all these people had a idea he was a catfish and they all accepted it until the end.

Dream casting for season 5(US) by LittleMarySunshine25 in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex 4 points5 points  (0 children)

  1. At least once in the season the Ratings made public. Just to squash some these heavy alliances late in the game.
  2. More anonymous mode.
  3. Having only one person as the influencer.
  4. A longer Finale. What's the point of having this "dinner" and all they do is spend 10minutes drinking?
  5. More conversations between the cast. We get 3-4 each episode, make it more.

If you want to bring someone back Sammie

Who’s had the biggest fall from grace in their MMA career? by bigmacpapii in ufc

[–]HomicidalRex 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Holly Holm.

One fight made her the most loved Woman in the sport and failed since then to live up to it. Furthermore, Amanda ended her career as a threat in that division.

I'm tired of smelling them!!!! by PsychoFluffyButt in Vent

[–]HomicidalRex -1 points0 points  (0 children)

There was never a threat. So that would've been a lie.

I'm tired of smelling them!!!! by PsychoFluffyButt in Vent

[–]HomicidalRex -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Then OP is more trouble for a false police report

I'm tired of smelling them!!!! by PsychoFluffyButt in Vent

[–]HomicidalRex 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They cant get fired for odor. Thats a lawsuit

[Spoilers S4E12] Who is going to win Season 4 US?! by Professional_Pop1860 in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Thats been every winner. All the "Gamers" have been voted out. The nice people always win

[Spoilers S4E12] Who is going to win Season 4 US?! by Professional_Pop1860 in TheCircleTV

[–]HomicidalRex 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Yu-ling wins.
Frank gets downvoted in the final voting for "Strategic" reasons and Yu-ling makes up enough in the 3rd/4th place points to win it.

The "Mavs are screwed" narrative is way overblown. Worst case scenario, in 2 years the Mavs will have max cap space, all of their draft picks, and a 25 year old generational superstar. by Greedy_Craft in nba

[–]HomicidalRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"Max cap space"
Most teams have had that for years and not attracted to free agents.
The best coming out of them are Kwahi and Lillard, Neither of which have ever been close to going to Dallas.
The Mavs aren't fucked, but that 50 mil isn't taking into account, The Mavs will make a move or two that will dig deep into that number. I cant remember a contender that just let that much money sit for a season and not make a move to win sooner rather than later.