
What is an unpopular opinion you have that has gotten you downvoted in other subs? by thuddingpizza in ask

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Downvoted? Hell I’ve been permanently banned! No, I will not give out the reason,or, what I thought about the ban. 3-days,7-days, bans, are too many to count. I try to keep my thoughts, to myself!

First thoughts when seeing someone on the job site wearing this this hardhat? by Guitar81 in Construction

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Nah, he’s the owner! He is out there trying to find out where,and, how, his grandsons have screwed up, his company. His daughter is the boys mama. He hates his worthless son-in-law. The daughter is the office manager/ President. The old man co-signs all the checks his daughters secretary writes. He knows when he’s loosing money,and, he is going to fix it.

Inverse Cramer by slywalkers in wallstreetbets

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m still an admirer of the Hunt Brothers in the 1980’s! I made a little change on silver. Those boys had one hell of a squeeze going on! It was fun for awhile!

The owner of Foster Gwin Gallery sprays a homeless person with water in San Fransisco. by AccomplishedPin8646 in facepalm

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

He was just cleaning the sidewalk in front of “His Business “! The lady just happened to catch a few ricochet’s. It happens, just physics.

To just walk away after being called a weirdo by Less-Prize2562 in therewasanattempt

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That “Weirdo” finally got on El Hombres last nerve! Adiós Mother F-/;;er!

Cursed_truthbomb by BekkaBlaze in cursedcomments

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A Mob enforcer, collection agent for FanDuel!

@alexis.landlot on Instagram by SilentExpert8 in SweatyPalms

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You’ve got to be crazy to do this! Whoa! 🙄

I witnessed a fatality today... by Memegusta42 in Machinists

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It does. Just need a Dr. To write it up. I know!

I witnessed a fatality today... by Memegusta42 in Machinists

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It’s worse than physical ailments. I don’t wish it in my worst enemy.

I witnessed a fatality today... by Memegusta42 in Machinists

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I’ll have to try that. I’m old , now and I’ve seen plenty dead . I’m starting to dream about em, now. I’ve carried it in my subconscious and moved on. Now it comes back. I figure I’m getting closer to going see em. I definitely want to see some that were really close to me. I stopped getting close to folks and I can’t let myself love any new folks. I have empathy, just always careful about it. A person needs to get help, I can handle it. Get help, talk to someone, empty your soul to em. Maybe a Dr. Will help you with meds. Things have really changed in the mental health field. Changed for the Good! Seek help!

side of jaw hurts after rear naked choke by CantaloupeDouble7943 in jiujitsu

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 21 points22 points  (0 children)

It’s supposed to hurt. Get used to it,or,defend against it,successfully.

America by bryanislion in shitposting

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A future plaintiffs attorney should download this video. It can be entered as evidence, not if, but, when it will be logged into an evidentiary hearing.

America by bryanislion in shitposting

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or, no recess for you! Oh yeah, you gonna stop me, I didn’t think so. Anton drop the weapon!

America by bryanislion in shitposting

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wonder where they came up with that name? Maybe, Lee is his middle name.

America by bryanislion in shitposting

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Site picture, rendering it safe etc…. There’s more to it than this. It looks sweet to her , he needs better training, if he was mine, he would get it.

America by bryanislion in shitposting

[–]Fair-Audience-4001 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes. He’ll either be saying to someone,or, they’ll be shouting that at him , after capping his ass for trying to escape.