Welcome to r/coys, a subreddit for Tottenham Hotspur - the club that Bill made.
All posts must be related to Tottenham Hotspur, or players and staff who currently/recently played for the club, and other topics and news that affects the club.
Exceptions can be made but please try to keep discussions relevant and on-topic.
Read the Welcome New Fans guide before asking about club history, ticketing, where to watch matches etc.
Sidebar shaming is enforced for ticket question violations.
Certain domains are blacklisted and will be deleted by the automod
For all other news sources, we endeavour to avoid:
Low Effort (in this context: little info; poor writing; sensationalism etc)
Self-promoted posts (repeated posting from domain; violations of 10% rule)
Editorialisation (keep source headline)
Twitter Aggregators
When sharing news, the easiest way to follow the above is to share the original source.
Domains posted that violate the above may be blacklisted.
Upvote parties
Drunk threads
Memes & gifs (Face swaps, Text on picture memes, or templates are low effort)
Spamming posts about a player/event
Merch (look for Merch Monday thread)
Duplicates (please search the sub before submitting your post)
Try to keep your this stuff contained to the post-match threads and r/coysmemes.
This also includes submitting text posts with little effort - please put thought into your discussion-starters.
Don't post requests for streams, broadcast info, GIFs etc. - use the match threads for this.
We have pre-match threads, match threads and post-match threads for you to discuss the matches - please try to keep discussions about the match in one of those threads (don't start a new one!).
For transfer suggestions, please include more than simply the players name in the title, and provide reasoning behind your suggestion in the body of the text, e.g.:
Who the player plays for
Their position/role
Why you think they'd be a good fit (etc)
If you're unsure of the reliability of a source, please check our Transfer Tiers list under Community Links in the menu, or contact the mods.
Use the message the moderators feature or reporting feature for anything that breaks the rules or needs to be updated on the sidebar. No creating posts asking the mods to specifically do something.
Much like church and state, we support a division of sport and politics.
If your post has a political element we will remove it unless it comes from an official source from Tottenham Hotspur (e.g. the club site or the twitter account of a player), or is about an issue that is directly related, or will have an effect on, Spurs.
If you feel that your post was incorrectly flagged for this rule you can message the mods about your post.
Daily discussion threads are intended to promote discussion. If your post is not an in-depth analysis or Quality Original content, then you should use a comment in the discussion thread rather than a new Post.
When adding commentary to large news stories, transfers, etc., do not create an individual post to comment. Choose one of the existing / relevant threads to comment, or use the daily thread.