Political, religious or otherwise off-topic/inflammatory/insulting/harassing/hateful offensive content will be removed and may result in a ban. The same goes for trolling other fanbases. Please keep all content and conversation appropriate and related to the Milwaukee Bucks or Bucks-related NBA topics. A limited number of exceptions about off-topic content are explained in the full rules.
1.2 Self Promotion
r/MkeBucks prohibits any post or comment made for the purpose of financial or other inappropriate gain or promoting someone's personal brand (YouTube, blog post, etc.)—users may be granted an exception if given permission from the mod team prior to posting—however, this occurs in a very small number of situations and this rule is strictly enforced. Also, permission for a self-promotional submission, if granted, will usually be only for posting it in a Free-Talk Friday thread.
1.9.1 Brigading Brigading is not allowed and may result in a ban. appropriately.
1.9.2 Witch-Hunt Threads: If you have a problem with any moderators or users, please just send a message to the moderators about it and then it will be dealt with appropriately.
1.9.3 Lazy/Empty Self Posts: You should try to start the discussion by talking about what you think, not just asking a question, submitting a phrase or a stat line.
1.9.4 Misleading, Sensationalized, Biased and/or Ambiguous Titles: If a title doesn’t specifically address what will be inside the self post/article/video/etc., it may be removed.
1.9.5 Hate Threads: Not acceptable.
1.9.6 Reaction Posts Reactions from _____ about _____ may make for great comments to enhance on-going discussions about ____, so leave it in the comments of the relevant post. Individual reaction posts unnecessarily clutter up the sub and make it harder for people to find more-relevant content.
1.9.8 NSFW Content NSFW content will be removed unless it is relevant to the Bucks and is worth discussing (example: the video of Sterling Brown being tased and assaulted by police and the following discussion of the event’s impact on Brown, the Bucks, the NBA and the general public). In any of those cases, an NSFW tag must still be used for the post.
In addition to r/MkeBucks’ subreddit rules, users must also adhere to site-wide Reddit Rules.