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That's only $45,662.10 to spend a day for the next sixty years if you don't make any interest. How on earth could he survive???

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a billion $ is so much more money than people think about

281 points · 9 hours ago

My Company has a bad habit of replying all, especially to company wide emails. (why? oh fucking god why) I've taken to just BCC'ing the whole company when i have to send out announcements.

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this old gawker article about a massive reply-all chain for a major corp (BP) is one of my favorites

stephen miller writes trumps speeches. And the mouth breathing maga-orcs still say "i dont see anything trump does as racist"

And protection detail agents are only GS-13, I doubt they can afford multiple months without pay

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internet says thats $75k... do they get a housing adjustment for living in DC? if so they should have some kind of money squirled away

Score hidden · 6 hours ago

* had to be carried by a golf cart

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it's going to be great when trump starts getting around in a sedan chair carried on the backs of 4 slaves

The one lawmaker who had publicly revealed having been invited is Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), a leader of the centrist Blue Dog Democrats. She declined to attend, citing a scheduling conflict.

A Democratic aide said around a half-dozen lawmakers had been invited to the White House meeting. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to reveal private discussions.

Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.), a senior member of the Blue Dog Coalition, said there was reluctance expressed at a meeting of the group Monday night to attending the White House meeting, “lest they be used as a prop.”

God, when even the Blue Dogs can see their use as a prop coming...

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haha arent there like 5 blue dogs left?

343 points · 10 hours ago

Everyone in the YouTube comments defended it as "American".

But he could have had the WH cook up some $10 steaks and it would have been way better, and way more American, for not much more money.

He just did this to create scandal, knowing his broke af hillbilly supporters think fast food is great. Probably also assuming that we would belittle them for being broke hillbillies, which drives them closer to Trump.

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Everyone in the YouTube comments defended it as "American".

yeah.... diabetes is soooo American

-29 points · 1 day ago

Not trolling, just genuinely curious how this is racism? It's rude and childish, fine. But why racist? Racism. "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Where does the white supremacy come from?

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Where does the white supremacy come from?

what's your opinion of steve king and all the committees that he sits on at the pleasure of the GOP?

Guy who gargles Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson's nuts making a totally "innocent comment" about conservative racism not being racism... Straight out of the playbook. At least grow some testicles and own up to who you are and why you're asking pointed questions to prove a point, because you're fucking bad at lying. Pretending to ask a question instead of just saying what you think is the action of a coward, would Papas Shapiro and Peterson approve? (BTW is your bedroom clean young man? You can't own any libruls until you make your bed!)

Inb4 "it's just an innocent question, why are you attacking me for asking questions!!?!"

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damn dude that's some cold ass shit. have an upvote

537 points · 1 day ago

He is fully fluent. He's also known to pretend he isn't or act like his grasp on the language isn't strong.

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He is fully fluent

meh... he's only conversational. it's a third language for him that he only recently started studying

Cake day
June 3, 2015
Trophy Case (1)
Three-Year Club