
Randoll Mill between Oak and Collins is in deplorable condition. by scottwax in arlington

[–]bluesNrock11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I used to live in this block so imagine how bad it was especially before the downtown area got gentrified


COVID-19 prerequisites for entry by Serwat50ever in StarWarsCelebration

[–]bluesNrock11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

THanks! So i can just bring my vac card now! No need to poke things up my nose, horray!

COVID-19 prerequisites for entry by Serwat50ever in StarWarsCelebration

[–]bluesNrock11 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I'm dumb so I want to make sure I'm reading that rule right. Are they saying you need BOTH a Vac card AND a negative Covid test?

Just because Rian Johnson's trilogy wasn't mentioned in the presentation doesn't mean it's off the table by ShambolicClown in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 3 points4 points  (0 children)

For what it's worth, the original starwar.com article of his film announcement is still up, while the GoT guys' have been taken down. Also RJ still worked with Lucasfilm/Lucas Sound for Knives Out and even got to be on set for the Mandalorian 1st season so he has still been in relatively tight with them. Plus he loves Star Wars too much and still ties himself to the online fandom a lot

I Love how Rian is still plugged into the deep fandom. Liking random posts about Celebration by bluesNrock11 in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

He's liked random tweet from deep fandom figures like Mollie Damon, where he wasnt even tagged in or didn't mention TLJ at all.

He also liked a random tweet about someone talking about Quinlin Voss lol

What films have you recently watched? Weekly Discussion by AutoModerator in criterion

[–]bluesNrock11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nolan week for me this week

Inception Following (first time) The Prestige (first time)

Rian Johnson praising The Prequels: “Lucas made a gorgeous 7 hour long movie for children about how entitlement and fear of loss turns good people into fascists, and did it while spearheading nearly every technical sea change in modern filmmaking of the past 30 years.” by danielthetemp in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 125 points126 points  (0 children)

The rigidity and entitlement of the Jedi were the seeds for their own destruction too, long before Anakin massacred them. They were driven by rules and inaction , yet were so quick to become war generals. You can argue that Obi Wan didn't do enough to be brother rather than a detached Master to Anakin during his darkest turmoil was another example of failing to listen (not just in the literal sense) . Entitlement, failure to listen, and fear were all roots of the crumbling of the democracy and the Jedi, just like in real life empires and religious institutions

Lets remember how supportive the creators of this amazing universe are with eachother whenever we hear all this negativity from fans. by Discoverlife3 in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Fun fact: Rian story boarded on the same white board that Filoni used to storyboard on the Rebels season finale. So Rian knew about the finale years before it aired , and has photos of it lol

Lets remember how supportive the creators of this amazing universe are with eachother whenever we hear all this negativity from fans. by Discoverlife3 in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Not a diss against TROS or TFA, but Filoni never made one for JJ Abrams. He made two for Rian. Also he and Rian more closely collaborated than any other director except than the ones on the Mandolorian.

Reminder that Dave Filoni and Rian Johnson talked during the writing process of The Last Jedi, and that Rian is a fan of the Clone Wars by anonymous_meatbag in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You're sad because...let me get this straight...Rian tied in the themes of the prequels and even the motifs from that era, while balancing it with the rest of tapestry. You think that goes against his vision? So Luke being stranded on an island being wholly based off of Lucas's original pitched script is going against his Lucas? Bringing back Lawrence Kasdan is going against Lucas?

Sam Witwer on RotJ being a better ending for the saga than TRoS... by LegendInMyMind in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm not the biggest fan of TROS myself but I disagree with his reasoning on the ending here. Palps represent ultimate evil, symbolic, generational evil that is on the surface, so you have to show him being defeated - once and for all. And Rey did it in the most defensive way.. That being said i am still not a fan of reviving Palpatine in such a palpable way like that. ...

Reminder that Dave Filoni and Rian Johnson talked during the writing process of The Last Jedi, and that Rian is a fan of the Clone Wars by anonymous_meatbag in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 9 points10 points  (0 children)

To be honest , Rian admitted he's never read the EU (which probably is the case for 99% of fans) , save for the Jedi book that was released a few years prior to the Disney purchase. But he was willing to dive into this as reference.

Also, bro, no need to trash Witwer like this. He probably shouldn't have said it that like initially about Rian, but in the whole context, which i saw live, he was very respectful about his opinion

Reminder that Dave Filoni and Rian Johnson talked during the writing process of The Last Jedi, and that Rian is a fan of the Clone Wars by anonymous_meatbag in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Notice he said "rewatch" too, so he was already a fan of the series coming in, like Terrio, except he better conveyed the tenets of that series

Reminder that Dave Filoni and Rian Johnson talked during the writing process of The Last Jedi, and that Rian is a fan of the Clone Wars by anonymous_meatbag in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 38 points39 points  (0 children)

To me, TLJ best tied in all of the trilogy and the core tenets, from Sidious's mention and the dogmatic hypocrisy of the Jedi, and how the cycle can be ended by looking beyond Jedi and Sith. The core of the Jedi lives on Rey and even in everyday people like Finn, Poe and Rose, simply by making the unselfish choice. Hell, watch the deleted 3rd scene and it felt straight like a Filoni episode during any Jedi centered Clone Wars episode. It was clear that Rian was already familiar with the series beyond just the Mortis Arc

My drawers are soiled by theninjashyguy in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I will gladly pay all the cheese for a true anime styled Star Wars series. If this isn't already being developed or in consideration then I want to have a talking to with Lucasfilm

Like father, like son by deadshot500 in StarWarsCantina

[–]bluesNrock11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think this was no accident. Yea the ROTJ could be a part influence but the blocking and the lighting is too similar to be coincidental . Also this episode was likely in post after TLJ came out, and not to mention Dave and Rian pretty much worked in Lucasfilm for almost a year. Dave also mentioned than Rian also saw him working on the Rebels finale too