
Not drama farming smh by iconbehemoth in VaushV

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Unprepared as in he isn't used to live debates, I mean. He was confident going in but once he was actually live it was different than how he imagined. Didn't know about the tweets, that does sound a bit fucked up

Not drama farming smh by iconbehemoth in VaushV

[–]MaxFuckingPayne -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

I'm not really invested in the PF part of it, I just don't think Noah deserves to be treated like a racist for showing good faith. All I've seen him say on the topic is he doesn't think she actually believes that stuff. Regardless of what she does or doesn't believe, that's his perspective on the matter. He also said he did a bad job in that debate, that he wasn't prepared and isn't good at debate. Sounds like he choked in a live setting, to take that as his ideological position without hearing him out in his videos seems unfair. Like I said before, I can't speak on PF I don't know. I haven't watched any of her content.

I got my mom to play resident evil 2. I thought she would like it. I was wrong lol by EmotionalFlail in residentevil

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That sucks but re7 just wouldn't work in third person dude. The game is 99% super cramped spaces and half the scares rely on the first person perspective to be effective. It just wouldn't translate well at all, you can somewhat see this in village but that game is much more open and much more easily translated in third person compared to 7.

Thought I’d share my Leon cosplay :) by TrainerLizzie in residentevil

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's dope as fuck, looking ready to roundhouse kick some ganados

Not drama farming smh by iconbehemoth in VaushV

[–]MaxFuckingPayne -21 points-20 points  (0 children)

Listen, I didn't watch their debate but I saw Noah's video and he wasn't defending professor flowers for saying that stuff, he was saying that she was explaining the position black separatist hold, not that she herself agreed with those beliefs. That was the "framing" he disagreed with. Whether PF actually believes that stuff, I can't say, I don't know. What I do know is Noah clearly doesn't think she believes in the positions she was explaining. So no, he's not "okay with racism when it's done by black people" he was disagreeing with how the conversation was being framed after the fact. This is the issue I have with this community, it's so disingenuous to say shit like that with authority when that simply is not true. You can't just assume shit about people based on shaky evidence then pretend that's reality now. Edit: if you're gonna spam dislike have the balls to say what I got wrong, for a community of debate lords I haven't seen anyone actually refute what I'm saying here.

How do I deal with feeling endlessly hated for being trans? by NadiaTrue in asktransgender

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I don't know how much my input matters here, but I'm a cis guy and the average person just sees you as a person. Transphobic sentiments have been growing increasingly common due to the right wing culture war being waged, but while they manage to seep into most public spaces you need to know people like that are still the minority by a lot. Normal (as in not transphobic) people do not see you as less than or bad for being trans. The transphobes are just a very loud group that want everyone, especially trans people, to think their opinions are the common ones held by the majority, but they aren't. Also, I'll be your friend (:

Matt walsh's fans by salehi_erfan001 in VaushV

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's awesome bro, and yeah I said before it's more about power dynamics and how they can be exploited. Obviously hookups are pretty different, just two people having some fun

They wave a wand and WOOSH they own all the things by GeekyFreaky94 in Marxism_Memes

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's the weakest fucking reply I've ever seen. You can't even provide a rebuttal just weak ass generic insults. It's almost like you're afraid to read what I have to say because your world view can't handle the weight of reality without snapping.

They wave a wand and WOOSH they own all the things by GeekyFreaky94 in Marxism_Memes

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I don't work at McDonald's you condescending dickhead, but what makes you think McDonald's is a necessity anyways? We could eat healthier locally prepared food and be better off for it. How "replaceable" someone's work is doesn't matter regardless, they're still the ones doing it and they're the ones generating value. Anyone could sit around having lunch meetings with other rich freaks, but the vast majority of people don't make as much as a C.E.O. does. Anyone could own a bunch of shit, sit on their ass, and pay someone else to, for example, manage a bunch of rental properties for them. The only difference between them and anyone else is they have money to do that, and most people don't. At least people working at McDonald's contribute something other than owning shit people need to live/work. At least they provide instead of leeching off other people's labor, taking the lion's share of the cut like the parasitic entity the owning class is. Furthermore, people do shit for free all the time. My dad was one of many volunteer fire fighters in my home town, they didn't make anything and he would wake up in the middle of the night and drive his own truck to go fight fires. I volunteer at the local soup kitchen when I have the time. People want to give back to their community. There's also a simple satisfaction in accomplishing something. Why do you think one of the most popular genres of video games are simulators, from truck driving to power washing there's a sim for nearly every mundane job out there, that people pay money for and play for fun. People like to do shit, and lots of shit needs doing. "Why wouldn't people just be sad and bored then starve to death?" is the dumbest fucking position you could take. Because that would suck, that's why. When some other dickhead isn't exploiting your labor while you make poverty wages there's also a lot more incentive to contribute. A lot of labor simply doesn't exist when production is based on need rather than maximizing profits as well. Just take more time off, get a hobby. A lot of useless jobs, like the people getting paid to destroy overstock products so poor people can't have them, wouldn't exist. What if, crazy idea, everyone's necessities were provided for, then were given the tools to pursue whatever type of work they prefer? Do you think people would take advantage of that, or not? As things stand, poor people are forced into shitty jobs they hate because the conditions created by profit incentives make them shitty. Flipping burgers doesn't need to be miserable, and the people doing it don't need to live in poverty so a faceless corporation can make even more money. If everyone was able to do what they wanted to without fear of living in poverty, a lot more people would probably be okay sweeping floors and making burgers. A lot more people would also be able to become scientists and engineers. Just think of all the potential Einsteins born in the wrong place, wrong time, who lived and died working in factories and mines.

They wave a wand and WOOSH they own all the things by GeekyFreaky94 in Marxism_Memes

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 13 points14 points  (0 children)

You realize they only need to pay for all of that due to laws designed to protect the interest of capital right? We don't need land to be privately owned by one person to utilize its resources, private ownership of the means of production only exists to extract surplus labor value from the workers. That's not a necessity for a society to function, we could just make stuff and give people the things they need.

This video game lock for the NES by FrigginMasshole in gaming

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My dad used to take the power cable to the computer but I had a box filled with random cables, including a pretty cable, so I'd plug it up when he left and unplug it before he came back.

Technically a Shoe post, sorry, but the conversation is interesting and I’d like to know a progressive community’s opinion on it. The downsides of the normalization of sex work. Is asking women if they have an OF sexual harassment? by LittleBumblebeebee in VaushV

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 58 points59 points  (0 children)

A little less creepy when the person makes and sells porn for a living. Edit: less creepy when you have reason to think they might, I should say. Just hitting random women with "can I buy naked pictures of you" is pretty indisputably creepy.

What would your own Leon one liners be? by Ok-Abroad6874 in residentevil

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I'm my playthrough I shot Krauser with it directly after Leon dropped "let's settle this" and instantly ended the fight

Honestly wasn’t too bad. by BabyBoy6927 in residentevil4

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Internet hasn't said anything about that, it says you can use bonus weapons and I'm pretty sure that includes IRL which doesn't carry between saves Edit: FUCK. I'm very wrong here

Honestly wasn’t too bad. by BabyBoy6927 in residentevil4

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I saved an exclusive upgrade ticket through, by the time I use it, two playthroughs just for the sweeper. I've beaten the game three times, first on standard normally. Another standard run to collect treasure, fully upgraded my weapons, finish all merchant request, start saving up for infinite rocket launcher and grind charms. Third run in hardcore I continued to save money for IRL, and grind for charms, ended up pulling Leon with rocket launcher right as I had collected the 1,600,000 I needed to buy it around chapter 11. Finished up the game and now run 4 is for Ashley's armor and to get the one clockwork castellan I'm missing. After this, run five is sweeper and cat ears. Following that another for fun, then I'm doing pistols and knives only.

Honestly wasn’t too bad. by BabyBoy6927 in residentevil4

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Spinel method? I don't have the tommy gun yet but I have an exclusive ticket saved for when I unlock it in my next run (and hopefully cat ears too)

Gaming gaming gaming movies gamers movie gamer go burrrr by pipopapupupewebghost in Gamingcirclejerk

[–]MaxFuckingPayne 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The idea of cutting that game into a two hour movie is ridiculously stupid