
Orcas disrupt ocean boat race in latest display of puzzling behaviour by tricksovertreats in worldnews

[–]B-BoyStance 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I feel like orcas are the type to do zoomer memes

And honestly I love them for it.

For the love of God please not georges by emperorzit69420 in ufc

[–]B-BoyStance -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It mostly has to do with the sudden willingness to work with some more oppressive governments and fulfill their requests for media blackouts. They've only done it a handful of times but it is a first for the company, and not a good sign.

I also think he is using the platform and his access to it as a means to actively boost his politics over the politics of others. I think that's dangerous regardless of what politics we are referring to - if you're gonna champion free speech then you better do it, because otherwise it feels like you're building a psy-op.

That's a very simplistic explanation of why I don't like Twitter under Musk. I also didn't like it before - I just thought its approach to moderation and censorship was much more transparent (still flawed), and i respected the stance they took against governments requesting changes and information. They told them to either block Twitter or pound sand.

There are way more considerations to be said, intricacies to be pointed out, and even reasons to be skeptical of what I am saying (because he just hasn't been around long enough for anyone to point to any sort of pattern, or an expectation that what I'm saying above will continue. They could all be one-offs).

What's the story with the liquor store on Grand between 1st and Newark? by Irishguy74 in Hoboken

[–]B-BoyStance 9 points10 points  (0 children)

LOL I had a similar experience with Hoboken Exotics except rather than yelling I think the dude got very scared.

First day I noticed the place, I walk in wondering what it is and then immediately conclude that it's an exotic candy store. Guy must have overheard me making comments to my gf, like, "wtf is the point of this place?"

Go to the counter with our Japanese candy because we walked in and talked shit, figured we should buy something. Dude goes, "Hey just so you know we're a weed store"

My eyes lit up. Tell him what I want, and then start asking him questions about the process of opening (I thought he was the dude in this sub that has been fighting with the city). He goes on about how they have all these rules, such as their stock needing to consist of a certain percentage of food.

Then a kid walks in, and buys a gatorade. And I'm like, "Woah that's crazy. So Hoboken made all this stink about weed shops being near schools. But because you sell food, does that mean you guys need to let kids in?"

And looking back, the guy shit his pants. He stuttered a bunch and was like, "Oh yeah it's bullshit man. We can't even card people when they come in"

Then two weeks later I read a story that a bunch of them got arrested, and the shop got shut down.

Guy probably thinks it was me, whoops

For the love of God please not georges by emperorzit69420 in ufc

[–]B-BoyStance -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

I mean, I despise Elon and think he's a genuine threat to the world with Twitter

But I'm not about to judge a guy who has shown me he has class in every moment I've ever seen of him. He probably isn't even aware of Elon on the level that you or I are.

Rob Schneider endorses RFK Junior! Two relevant people! by Top_Flight_Badger in TheMajorityReport

[–]B-BoyStance 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Really just speaks to how different the world is for rich people.

They don't actually care about this stuff, because why would they? David Spade might look at Schneider and disagree, but doesn't think much of it beyond "silly".

Analogue shipping Mega Sg without an email notification. Receive it today. by Dangerous-Squash-590 in AnalogueInc

[–]B-BoyStance 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It isn't, but it'll do what many other sites do and scrape your data as much as you allow it to.

Mom goes off on guy who can’t drive by TheMillieDWay in PublicFreakout

[–]B-BoyStance 106 points107 points  (0 children)

Buddy - if she had a gun in her hand and decided to follow these people and insert herself back into the situation, then she's in the wrong 100%. She could go to jail, in fact, without even firing a shot (and if she did fire a shot, she'd definitely go to jail). Not this guy for making what might have just been a very dumb mistake in the eyes of the cops that respond.

It's one thing to tell someone how you feel. It's another to do what you are suggesting.

This is an insane comment. You should set a reminder to yourself to read it again in a few years.

And yes, people in public places, like public transit or just on the street, should be standing up for each other more. That's a huge issue with the world and why I think many feel that crazy people are taking over (they aren't any more numerous than in previous decades I've lived through, people are just not willing to fight them anymore).

None of that applies here though - this was two people in motion who could have just kept going in the direction they were headed. No one needs to pull up on anyone with a gun.

Carrying a water bottle is feminine 🤣 by Bubbly-Row-2465 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]B-BoyStance 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Men that are feminine and proud of it are as "manly" as anyone can possibly be. Just like any other man that is comfortable with themselves and non-judgmental of others' differences - that's a huge part of being a good man.

There is only beauty and goodness in a person being comfortable in their own skin. Anyone who tries to take away from that is a fucking pussy IMO. It's performative signaling to make themselves feel better.

Tucking in your horse for the night by alanboston in MadeMeSmile

[–]B-BoyStance 246 points247 points  (0 children)

My favorite is the last time she moves it, after it's almost fully in place, he looks back like,

"Hey, stop, it's fine! I don't want to adjust it again!"

Should eye pokes be a DQ instead of no contest? by disguised_as_alive in ufc

[–]B-BoyStance 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm not sure

I feel like they could never be enforced consistently - shit happens and there has to be some room for leeway IMO. But at the same time, refs let too much shit slide.

so this happened last night... by vietmam_ in AnaloguePocket

[–]B-BoyStance 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Wow younger me never knew this and you just saved me some trouble on my newest Crystal playthrough

I spent so much time trying to catch this mfer when I was younger lol

Idk what to do by Commercial-Snow3198 in legaladvice

[–]B-BoyStance 6 points7 points  (0 children)

ehhh I don't think so - meth when smoked isn't that pungent

I mean I think it can vary if it has impurities etc but generally, it doesn't give out any odor and especially not an overly pungent odor.

It's usually the cooking process that gets described as having a pungent smell (plastic, cat piss, etc)

Some of the Rostov's citizens are against the PMC "Wagner" rebellion by xMxost in PublicFreakout

[–]B-BoyStance 12 points13 points  (0 children)

That's a tad hyperbolic wouldn't you say? Lol

Historic event, in front of an invading force, the person probably isn't a wartime photographer/videographer so would imagine it is unnerving trying to film this, etc

This actually captured what is happening too, it's just hard to focus on. I've seen worse videos from people safely filming an event from hundreds of feet away while sitting inside of a house.

It is reported that the Wagnerians broke through the barricades on their way to Moscow by Smartercow in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]B-BoyStance 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Lindsay Graham doesn't run shit. He can say whatever he wants, doesn't mean it will happen because he said it.

And yes, if they use tactical nukes there may be war with NATO. But don't let Lindsay Graham be the barometer for that. Dude is an opportunistic scumbag.

Traitors exposing themselves. by dmaSant in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]B-BoyStance 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Went to school with the kid

We legit used to joke that his mom was a spy. She (and he) were so fucking weird - like felt like she was probing you when speaking to you weird. And had all of these weirdly specific rules for the kid that were just so insane.

Also - Joey is almost certainly gay. We all thought so from 1st through 8th grade. He spoke like a white person trying to impersonate a sassy black woman, like all from the ages of 6 to 14 (and probably after too, I didn't speak to him after we left that school). Guy also used his hands to speak at a professional level.

Now that doesn't mean he is gay, but I was around him every single day for 8 years. He was not interested in women. And that all is fine, it's just that these days he is a traitor to his country on Twitter and attacks gay people to boot.

I'm really not surprised he turned out this way. He was very mean (and also was bullied), and while he had a lot of the mannerisms of a stereotypical gay guy, he def was self-conscious about that and tried to mask it.

I fucking wish I had videos of what this dude was like when he was younger. Like it is sad but also hilarious how he acted. Imagine the gayest child you can, doing like a gay New Yorker impression/mixed with elements of Whoopi Goldberg in the Sister Act or something.

Edit -

Here are some old videos from when he used to sing.

This kinda shows the mannerisms/way he spoke. It's toned down here a bit, it was way more apparent when he was younger. When I knew him he was basically a 10-year-old that exuded "R&B" at all times, just in the way he spoke/moved:


And this one is with Patti Labelle (who his mom was friends with). He sings at the end. They used to bring him on stage like he was a random guest in the crowd at every show. There are probably more videos of him at Patti Labelle shows throughout the years:


Like dude could have been dope as fuck but he decided to go the Twitter grifter route^

It is reported that the Wagnerians broke through the barricades on their way to Moscow by Smartercow in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]B-BoyStance 122 points123 points  (0 children)

Well he did say that

But yesterday out front of the MoD building he was saying that he wants the war to continue, and that he disagrees with how it is currently being led.

And previously he has suggested using tactical nukes on Ukraine.

So I wouldn't count on this guy wanting to save the Russian people from the war. To me it just sounds like he wants to use them differently.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 486, Part 2 (Thread #628) by WorldNewsMods in worldnews

[–]B-BoyStance 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I am not fucking sleeping tonight this is fucking WILD

And people are saying Prigozhin is fucked, and while in some ways I hope so, Wagner is advancing quickly and taking shit over as they do. Putin might be fucked too.

This likely isn't good though, whatever happens.

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 486, Part 2 (Thread #628) by WorldNewsMods in worldnews

[–]B-BoyStance 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Holy shit he is either greenscreened on top of some shit or something is UP

Edit: this is def recorded. Probably spent the past 2 hours trying to get this out in time lol

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 486, Part 2 (Thread #628) by WorldNewsMods in worldnews

[–]B-BoyStance 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I just switched to the CNN livestream of Moscow because I couldn't take morning news right now