
It’s stressful when people won’t see you’ve been abused. by Anonforrants in raisedbynarcissists

[–]solo954 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The book "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents" does a good job of explaining this phenomenon. It's well worth a read.

I don't understand games like Diablo, PoE etc. Please explain the appeal to me. by SKAppleboy in gaming

[–]solo954 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm playing D4 for the character building, the story, and for the fun gameplay and animations.

But I'm done playing the campaign once, I'll be done. I'm not one of those people who play the 'endgame' endlessly.

First time kayaking today. And drowning happens fast I rolled over panicked and forgot to pull my skirt off until 30 seconds in. by Rude_Ad8090 in Kayaking

[–]solo954 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Practice is key, but you can also practice in your mind more frequently than you can practice in the water.

Every time you get in your kayak, think about what you'll have to do if you go over. I imagine myself suddenly upside down in the water and think: keep holding my paddle in my left hand and grab the skirt loop and pull up and back with my right. (Reverse if left-handed.)

When it finally happened to me, I reacted immediately because I knew what to do.

Last days by carolizzy81 in labrador

[–]solo954 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He reminds me of my yellow lab, who almost made it to 13 with lymphoma.

At some point, you have to do a kindness to them, even if it wounds you to do so.

Who is your favorite DMZ streamer(s)? by PresentationNo3077 in DMZ

[–]solo954 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sinister, MarcusGGEZ, Wizard, Westie & Stodeh.

Update: My (35F) husband (36M) had a months-long affair with my sister (20F) by arkeller in survivinginfidelity

[–]solo954 34 points35 points  (0 children)

You must get an RO, she has already demonstrated that she is ignoring your wishes and will try to contact them again.

AITA for not wanting to play a game my girlfriend created? by Valuable_Frosting812 in AmItheAsshole

[–]solo954 3 points4 points  (0 children)

YTA. She's out of your league, and she'll eventually figure that out.

Everyone. I have made it to 4 months! I wanna talk about it. by Delicious_Domino in leaves

[–]solo954 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I live where getting high is acceptable, but it's no longer acceptable to me.

I highly recommend the book "Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence."

It really explains how addiction works and how our brains try to trick us into relapsing with these rationalized excuses.

AITA to tell a coworker to shut up about her weight ? by buuckstabu in AmItheAsshole

[–]solo954 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Truth. People in their 20's think they're healthy because a whole raft of problems haven't shown up yet, but they absolutely will.

Tiger Shark in Hawaii while on a cage dive, wasn't expecting to see one at all. I have thalassophobia and I did this to help conquer my fear. It's funny because when I watch this I get the heeby jeebies from how deep the water is, but I felt relatively fine when I was in the water. by Retired_alligator in sharks

[–]solo954 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Tigers are your favourite sharks, and you just happen to see one out in the ocean the one time you go cage diving? Wow, the odds of that happening are just crazy.

You may not have overcome your thalassaphobia, but you gained a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Congrats, you are very lucky.

Why is no contact the gold standard? by Beneficial-Stock5531 in raisedbynarcissists

[–]solo954 25 points26 points  (0 children)

They are not just unwilling to change. They are unable to change. They will never change.

Anyone hanging in there, going low contact and hoping for change will be forever disappointed.

Another reason to go no contact is because going low contact can still offer them opportunities to infect you with their toxicity. You might think that you're an adult now and therefore beyond their ability to cause further emotional damage, but that simply may not be the case. Of course, their toxicity and its effect on others differs from individual to individual.

As for me, I've gone low contact my entire adult life. I'm now 60 and my parents are in their eighties. And for me, one significant benefit of going low contact is that I see how they've diminished -- both physically and in importance -- over the decades. They're no longer the larger-than-life figures of my childhood; they're now a couple of sad old people who have no power over me whatsoever.

However, other than that one benefit, my continued contact with them hasn't benefited me in any other way, nor has it brought any additional joy to my life. And when I do contact them, I afterward feel like I need to decompress. There's still some stress involved and always will be.

If I were to do it all over again, I'd probably just go no contact. It would be easier in many ways, and even the little time and energy I spent on them could still be better used elsewhere.

I’m too nervous to go to the gym by NormalThingsMatter in GymMotivation

[–]solo954 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Everybody is there in the gym because they're working on improving themselves, and that's what and who they're focused on in the gym: themselves.

Do you ever fear becoming N? by winwin-22 in raisedbynarcissists

[–]solo954 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Narcissists don't fear becoming narcissists. If you fear becoming one, you're not one.

AITA for mocking my friend’s husband’s weight? by throwaway629037 in AmItheAsshole

[–]solo954 0 points1 point  (0 children)

NTA. Anything said right in front of you is, in fact, your business.

Are the sequel dune books worth reading? by radiantdayne in Fantasy

[–]solo954 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I agree re. Brian Herbert. He misunderstood his father's own novels and ideas, and he turned it into 'adventure-story' garbage.

I also agree with your breakdown of the books, though I still enjoy reading Heretics and Chapterhouse. The characters and their stories are still memorable, and they show the continuation of the Golden Path and how it manifests itself over time and throughout space.