
AI chatbot to replace human order-takers at Wendy's drive-thru. 13.9 million displaced. by xiccit in wallstreetbets

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 5 points6 points  (0 children)

it’s kind of him to assume we all work at Wendy’s and not behind Wendy’s 😌

This sub doesn't post enough exo-suits and/or power loaders! by Hunor_Deak in cassettefuturism

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

well a part of is that cassette futurism isn’t really as much as an entire setting genre.

it’s an aesthetic and mostly about electronic hardware.

in scenes where there was no actual electronic hardware, no furniture—let’s say, just cars, ppl, buildings, lights—it would be a lot more difficult to determine if it’s casette futurism. you’d like just identify it as retrofuturism more broadly, or atompunk, solarpunk, cyberpunk, etc

but any of those could have a casette futurism aesthetic for electronic hardware, furniture, car or other vehicle interiors, etc

it would be difficult to really define a mech exterior as cassette futurism. it would be more about the cockpit aesthetic of its controls, user interfaces, electronic hardware, etc.

[Nevada Independent] EW: The Oakland A’s and Bally’s Corp. have an agreement in place for the team to build a $1.5 billion stadium on a portion of the Tropicana Las Vegas site, a move expected to reduce the amount of public financing sought for the project to $395 million. by Terminal_Flatulence in baseball

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

88% of money, not ppl

almost certainly skewed heavily by a few whales.

ppl actually thinking it was was rigged or E&Y would risk their compliance over an ice hockey draft lottery: 😂😂🤦🤦

and I hate the Hawks lol but smh….. lol

[BetMgm] 87.8% of the handle was on the Chicago Blackhawks to win the first overall pick (+650) by Trolltime69420 in hockey

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 2 points3 points  (0 children)

total money which is a lot less insane because it could (most likely was) skewed by one or a few whales

88% of bettors would be much more insane. 88% of money just means a huge portion of the money could have been a few ppl.

How to die in a Vancouver crosswalk by powered_by_eurobeat in vancouver

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

1 and 4 both happen daily to me

(lived around downtown core for 6.5 years)

1 happens probably once every 30-60 minutes. worst for me has been Howe turning right onto Davie

every single day always some idiot doing exactly what the pic shows. light turns red but he’s trying to beat the upcoming Davie traffic so he blasts through looking left even tho pedestrian crossing light has just turned on

if i walk rapidly into the intersection the moment the pedestrian crossing turns on i’d probably be hit every single day.

if not Howe onto Davie then at Nelson onto Howe is a solid runner up

.#4 is less rampant since there’s fewer locations for it…. since usually pedestrians get the light first so they cars usually just do what the pic shows—aggressively crouch yo to the crosswalk but that’s it

but there’s a few right hand ‘cars advance first’ turns that are bad fire continuing to go after the light goes yellow or red

W. Georgia right onto Howe is maybe the worst in my experience. if you’re crossing east, always check left for cars cuz there’s a 50/50 chance that even tho the pedestrian cross light has turned, a car will try blast through

just to be equally critical of pedestrians tho, it sometimes seems like there’s a 50/50 chance a pedestrian will start crossing once W. Georgia gets the green light

so then 1-2 cars get through and Georgia right hand turn remains backed up 10 cars

so it’s not surprising cars get aggressive trying to get onto Howe. it’s a terribly inefficient for cars and dangerous for pedestrians.

Should we just allow students to use AI? by anti150 in ChatGPT

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

it’s a part of life now and not knowing to take advantage of it puts you at a disadvantage

reminds me of how professors made us focus on doing finance calculations by hand even just 8 years ago and not much focus on using a computer or calculator.

should students learn how to, and be forced to prove, they can understand concepts without tech? maybe. most likely. i feel you still understand concepts better if you understand its mechanics.

but not learning to do things with the tech puts you at a disadvantage. not learning how to do things the way actual employees do in regular practice puts you at a disadvantage.

things my finance program didn’t emphasize. proper use of basic programming in excel. heavy use of even a scientific calculator. use of math web software like wolfram. when i got to real world and also cfa i felt like only reason i wasn’t 10 steps behind is because i taught myself. not that it’s complicated but you need to learn to integrate seamlessly into everything you do and schools should be recognizing that employees will be increasingly expected to use AI as seamlessly as google search or excel or wolfram or any basic query-result software that has become ubiquitous in daily life.

Projects Like PePe gets listed within a month on all exchanges is exactly what's wrong with this space by BeingMe007 in CryptoCurrency

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

their wallet accepts it… you can send it to their wallet…

that’s not the same as their exchange listing it…..

The revolution in finance fashion is here! by pittluke in wallstreetbets

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 18 points19 points  (0 children)

you should be

let fashion spill over the schools and churches

let the bodies glamour in the streets


Old Men running the world

Why Those Working Remotely Are Heading For The Tragedy Of The Commons. Another anti OE rant by our overlords disguised as a "concern" for our careers. by pngtwat in overemployed

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 6 points7 points  (0 children)

it was such an duplicitous emotional appeal

here’s a question for you, George

does any one of those 12 things matter whatsoever when my performance review is based purely on performance?

more importantly, does the CEO consider this individual personal relations when he chooses to layoff 8000 people?

fuck no

you’re not a person

you are a faceless worker node measured purely based on performance and cost

treat your company the same way

Edwin Diaz making incredible progress when you consider the severity of the injury. I understand it is still very unlikely he will make it back this year. But his determination is great to see. by [deleted] in baseball

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 9 points10 points  (0 children)

yeah he was 6’3 and 145 lbs coming out of high school

in minors he was prob still 160 early on and slowly up to 180

think he was 195 coming into Seattle camp a few years back but talked about how a flu took him down to 185. so if he’s playing at 200-210 these days, maybe being shut down from a leg injury (a physical and an emotional toll) has him down 10-15 lbs

i know anecdotally i’ve got a similar frame and genetics that took years to get over 210, but one flu and then stop working out for 6 months?

that body type, u lose weight and muscle so fast. i got skinny so quickly again during covid lockdown. thankfully regaining the weight is so much faster second (or third) time around.

Trauma Team has some of the best drip, ngl by Sine_Fine_Belli in cyberpunkgame

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 34 points35 points  (0 children)

i.e. elite soldiers

for one of the most influential megacorps

left side describes Trauma Team better than right side.

bad meme. also, old reposted meme.

Projects Like PePe gets listed within a month on all exchanges is exactly what's wrong with this space by BeingMe007 in CryptoCurrency

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Coinbase hasn’t yet either but they likely still will list Pepe before they list long-standing defi coins like Fantom lol

after Binance list it you know Coinbase will

Apartment View for the Padres vs. Dodgers by Jddmtrees in Padres

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 18 points19 points  (0 children)

goat remote work view

remote work being a certainty since a J2 and J3 is pretty much how i’d afford it anyhow lol

the r/padres x r/overemployed crossover we were all waiting for

Audit finds conflict of interest between married top bosses at BC Housing, Atira | Globalnews.ca by cyclinginvancouver in vancouver

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 9 points10 points  (0 children)

don’t disagree. was reinforcing your point that at that very least they should face what private sectors do. at the most they should face worse.

Audit finds conflict of interest between married top bosses at BC Housing, Atira | Globalnews.ca by cyclinginvancouver in vancouver

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 20 points21 points  (0 children)

in finance you not only have to secure all your messages, you must keep them for 5 years

it’s even stricter in the US and enforced more heavily after that 1.8 billion dollar [collective] fine last year against traders using private WhatsApp groups and deleting messages.

there’s about 7 different rules or acts that make it a massive fine

and open up civil suits since it’s essentially collusion and there’s always a winner and loser in trades, so if you or hate collude over whatsapp, the other financial entity—or retail investors via class action—can sue them.

fines or suspension should the least of the penalties they face. a class action civil suit against them should be on the table.

City of the Future by Frank R. Paul by YanniRotten in ImaginaryCityscapes

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 19 points20 points  (0 children)

r/UrbanHell looking at the lack of trees and identical buildings like…

[OC] The Topography of South America by eon_james in dataisbeautiful

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 10 points11 points  (0 children)


i legit spent the last 10minutes looking at this thread thinking it was on mapporn

stock market manipulation by --_4 in CitiesSkylines

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Note that this is videogame advice and in no way supposed to be applied to the real world.

instructions unclear and now i’ve remortgaged to buy $eloncummies coin

Beep boop by BernieEcclestoned in wallstreetbets

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 0 points1 point  (0 children)

if she ugly, dumb, and less wealthier/connected than you, it’s always always she’s a fucking freak

maybe he likes getting pegged or giving Cleveland Steamers

Fixed level ememies are not ideal. Case in point: by Andrei22125 in cyberpunkgame

[–]s1n0d3utscht3k 9 points10 points  (0 children)

on console i’ve resulted to using my own rules: only items up to rare; 4-6 levels below my enemies, etc

it’s not ideal that a player has to do it

but just like many RPGs, from Final Fantasy XII to Tactics Ogre, it’s so much more fun to play 2077 when regular enemies are dangerous and regularly 1-3 shot you if you’re not careful