
i knew the bills were high but sweet jesus by Ok-Phase-9076 in memes

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's the only way we can keep people from doing stupid shit 24/7.

Veterans often favor more restrictive gun control legislation than civilians by hzj5790 in science

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Vets also hate civilians that parade around with guns like they are in the military when most of those idiots "couldn't join but really wanted to".

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Proper dual monitor support for the iPad is cool.

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This will be the thorn in their side for all games, probably forever. They need OpenGL and DirectX support. Even a crappy implementation would make me happy.

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I was hoping to hear apple say "Hey we support DirectX and OpenGL now". That would open up SO many things for the mac and gaming.

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

100% agree. Just give me snapping windows.

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Craig is having fun with this one. That's cool to see some personality pop through :)

WWDC 2022 | Event Megathread by aaronp613 in apple

[–]razoraki386 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Stage manager looks awful. It uses a ton of space on the left side and doesn't really solve the "I need to view many windows at once so please help me manage them" problem.

I'm just sad :(

meirl by Aztery in meirl

[–]razoraki386 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yamaha is the only company that I know that can pull this kind of shit off. And what they make is good too.

1200 C° Glowing Tungsten Ball VS Solid Lead Anvil by zenn8080 in interestingasfuck

[–]razoraki386 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Do you use the lead anvil for flatting out marshmallows or what?

What should i make for my internship? by sektor578 in swift

[–]razoraki386 1 point2 points  (0 children)

SwiftUI is like having html, css, js, and a stateful framework like react, all rolled into one tool.

What should i make for my internship? by sektor578 in swift

[–]razoraki386 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I would make a very simple app with a title screen, and a few navigation buttons to show info about the company you are interning at. You could even skip the nav buttons and do swipes to navigate. Keep it simple, focus on showing capability, and stuffing the app full of copied and pasted data from the company's website.

Swift is a pretty good language, but SwiftUI has a weird learning curve.

Stop the war! (only in Ukraine). by JohnPerera in cartoons

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Ukraine + Russia "war" started in 2014. 15000 people have been killed before 2022. Nothing was "unprovoked". Google the "Minsk Agreements".


Ukraine's bots/mods are hard at work with this war. It could be any country though. by [deleted] in DarkFuturology

[–]razoraki386 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sorry, keeping track of the US and their slimy deals is something that is hard to keep up with.

At least I can go back and learn. That is the missing piece.

Thank you for your comment bud. 10/10 driving the conversation forward.

Ukraine's bots/mods are hard at work with this war. It could be any country though. by [deleted] in DarkFuturology

[–]razoraki386 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I honestly agree with everything you said. I only used the Vice article because of the trust level it has with most of the left.

Ukraine's bots/mods are hard at work with this war. It could be any country though. by [deleted] in DarkFuturology

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Peace keepers obviously didn't work. THOUSANDS of people have already been killed on both sides.

Your second comment is incorrect.

Ukraine's bots/mods are hard at work with this war. It could be any country though. by [deleted] in DarkFuturology

[–]razoraki386 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think the real (and obvious) point to this conversation is lost. You are unable to hold a conversation about comparing facts and have resorted to name-calling, like the 12-year-old you just mentioned.

The point of conversation is to potentially get someone to agree with you, but I think that is lost with you. You aren't trying to further your narrative and because you don't have evidence or facts to stand on, you are resorting to childish behavior.

Good luck sheep. May the next political information campaign drive you further.

Ukraine's bots/mods are hard at work with this war. It could be any country though. by [deleted] in DarkFuturology

[–]razoraki386 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Do you think the United States or anyone else would idly sit by while THOUSANDS of people are killed? Do you not value life? Remember 9/11?