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door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
1 point · 3 hours ago

As a warrior, smash these rogues with a stun. Can’t dodge while stunned.

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1 point · 3 hours ago

Although, many stun abilities can themselves be dodged, so if a rogue has evasion up you have to make sure to land the stun first before you go ham.

1 point · 2 hours ago

Is this true? I’ve never had my storm Bolt dodged.

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1 point · 2 hours ago

That is because Storm Bolt is flagged to not be dodgable ( See the flags section) but that isn't the case for every spell.

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door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
225 points · 7 hours ago

Dang. Never really knew their music, but as a fan of CollegeHumor sketches, I know them from this:

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10 points · 3 hours ago

That ending scene where they are explaining song lines is absolute gold.

"Let us turn to The Koran"

door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
-4 points · 4 hours ago

but why do i play ranked if other people cant see my rank? why do i waste my time over this virtual title if even in the game, it is non-existent?

bro i get people enjoy the thrill and adrenaline of ranked games but blaming the absence of ranks on the reason why the competetive experience is worsened is fucking delusional

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1 point · 4 hours ago

but why do i play ranked if other people cant see my rank?

But why do I answer a question with a question?

Op-5 points · 7 hours ago

There's work arounds most of the time. A part from profile if it's private there's no work around in ow2.

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2 points · 4 hours ago

You read it here folks, Reddit is anti-privacy and demands that companies force all match history to be publicly accessable to the internet who pinky promises not to use that information to flame and harass you, more at 11.

Complaining that Blizzard let's you keep your personal stuff private is definitely a new one for me

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door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
3 points · 5 hours ago

It will see play in very niche decks. It will most likely see play in a combo deck that needs 11 mana to OTK.

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2 points · 4 hours ago

Right, it will be run in decks that very specifically commonly find themselves wanting to play big 11-mana turns. Obviously not Standard Relevant but Quest Priest comes to mind as an example of someone who commonly funds themselves saying "I really want to play this 8-cost card for my quest, but that would prevent me from playing this 3-mana spell that would allow me to trade for really big value in board, so I'm just going to have to wait untill next turn to drop the big guy." Or something like that.

For example, sometimes you get fucked and don't find a 4-cost card untill relatively late in the game. Being able to drop the 5-cost and 6-cost in the same turn can really help you catch up on progress.

3 points · 5 hours ago

Why does control love this? What does control get from having 1 extra card in hand and 1 extra mana?

I'm 90% sure this is solely fodder for Death Beetle.

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-1 points · 4 hours ago

Have you never been in a situation where you had to choose between dropping your 7-mana dude and playing a 4 mana board clear because you didn't have enough mana to do both?

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door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
2 points · 7 hours ago

I have learned over the years that when a company says they are a "billion dollar company" they are really just bragging about how oh-so-valuable they are to scam investors and pocket more money for the executives. None of that money goes into improving products or hiring more smart developers. All that is optimized for "the bare minimum to get by" so executives and investors can maximize their wealth.

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8 points · 7 hours ago

Blizzard never calls themself a "billion-dollar company", that is a term that the general public uses, generally disparagingly, in contexts like this.

And the general public tends to use that term to refer to companies who have annual gross revenues of over 1 billion dollars, not companies who are worth / have a market capitalization of $1B+.

And since Blizzard entertainment has consistently had annual net revenues well over 1 billion dollars, they are going to continue to be referred to as a billion-dollar company. It has nothing to do with investors or value, it's a quantification of literally how much money they rake in every year.

door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
41 points · 1 day ago

How good ETC is here depends on the quality of the other cards in the band, and how often you want/need them in your matches. If ETC is mostly there to bring Steamcleaner when you need it, you may as well just run Steamcleaner.

I'm curious what the other two cards are that you have alongside Steamcleaner, and how often you find them helpful as well.

door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
-9 points · 1 day ago

While I don't hate objection, I feel like in a game with opponent interaction being only available to secrets is rage inducing. Objection, Ice Trap, Counterspell, and Kidnap are the only disruption during your turn effects in the game. They all feel awful to play against because you just dont know if theyre even in play.

If i play against blue in MTG i know that if they have mana open, im probably going to get fucked over. In hearthstone? It's an actual mystery.

Beeeeees, snipe, and explosive are lesser because at least abilities trigger. They still suck.

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33 points · 1 day ago

Such an interesting take.

  1. In Magic, leaving mana untapped can 100% be a bluff that they can pull whenever they want if they want you to be worried, but having a secret in play requires having an actual secret in play. It may not be the secret you are worried about, but it has to exist.

  2. In Hearthstone, if they do have a secret in play, there is the possability of playing around it by forcing it to trigger on things that are less impactful. There are way fewer ways to do something equivalent in Magic. You can't throw a spell away to force out a Counterspell to make sure your important spell goes through, if they know there is a spell if yours that needs to be countered, they are going to counter THAT spell and nothing else.

So yeah, I feel the opposite, Hearthstone telegraphs the hell out of its counterplay, whereas Magic counterplay can happen at any time. There were even those zero-cost instants that were printed that can just literally happen wherever and whenever with zero telegraphing whatsoever.

door_of_doom commented on
Posted by
4 points · 3 days ago

If you want banks to protect deposits better, increase bank regulation on those accounts. But to throw up your hands and say the system failed depositors will only make people flee banks en masse.

These same people lobbied (the VC's that stand to lose everything) for the bank protections to be dropped so that they could do riskier plays that then resulted in huge exposure to failure in one point. If you lobby to lower the protections, then cry when the results happen and demand a bailout and claim people shouldn't have let you lower the protections that's bullshit.

Many, MANY normal people were against this, and now are against these clowns getting a free ride. Absolutely normal people with checking and savings accounts should be saved for 250K and lower. Above that no. They fucking shouldn't. They will, because they own the system, but they shouldn't.

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1 point · 3 days ago

So if I start a new company and get a 500k investment, I put that investment in the bank and the bank goes tits up, you think I should just get fucked?

16 points · 3 days ago

Maybe put the fucking protections back on the banks so they're less fragile? That might be a good fucking idea.

Ultimately my frustration here is that the VC's who stood to lose everything are the same ones lobbying have the banks be making risky plays (because then they can get more leverage for their VC plays). They're now up in arms that all their VC shit is gonna go tits up and think of the little guys. Afterall if we wanted better protection wouldn't it be there already?

It fucking WAS there. These same assholes undermined it that are wanting a bailout for undermining it.

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1 point · 3 days ago

Yo be clear, SVC wasn't exactly being "risky" here. They had their assets tied up if fucking treasury bonds, basically the least risky investment you can possibly make.

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