
Does someone know what this is? by Ruby766 in EliteDangerous

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Imagine if Raxxla was somewhere in the Sol system JUST to mess with us.

Democratic Senators hold news conference on debt ceiling today by werdmouf in pics

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Look, left OR right we need to get some younger fuckin people in office.

This is what a $50 oz looks like in Oregon. I feel blessed to be here by Date_Snape in trees

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well in NY your employer cant even ASK if you smoke as long as your job doesnt have federal contracts or you operate heavy machinery so ya know, theres that.

Florida teacher says she is under investigation after showing 5th grade class Disney movie with gay character by PinkPajamaPenguin in news

[–]Zero0mega 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah dont get me wrong, Ill shit on the south EVERY chance I get because moving to texas is the worst mistake I have ever made, but even in NY everyone knows once you cross the Tappan Zee youre basically in the yeehaws.

What scum bag would play with the shanties off?! by JackdawsShantyMan in gaming

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Probably the same kinda person who takes a cell phone pic of their monitor

An update to the Subreddit by All-Shall-Kneel in theHunter

[–]Zero0mega 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Screenshots = good, crappy cell phone pictures of peoples TVs = not so much

From Brody King's IG: A look at the House of Black's custom Trios Titles. by Tronvillain in SquaredCircle

[–]Zero0mega 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Rorschach's journal May 12th 2023:

Tonight, I got to hold one of the AEW trios belts. Though I kept my composure, inside I was marking out.

I want a customizable suit feature by Diamond_M_a_t_t in HiTMAN

[–]Zero0mega 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I think it would be cool to remove the jacket all together sometimes, give vibes of the old Hitman Sniper Challenge. Plus it would just look cool as hell if he was only in the vest sometimes, lookin at you Imperial Classic.

inside the maelstrom by Rat-Muncher in EliteDangerous

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It would be cool if we can find the surface sites these used to inhabit and see whats there now

We talk about annoying npc dialogue but what's your favourite npc dialogue? by IAmWaaa in HiTMAN

[–]Zero0mega 1 point2 points  (0 children)

One of my goto favorites is when wearing the requiem suit sometimes the guards would say Is that...Pitbull?

Hanging out with some of the coolest cats out there. by FifaConCarne in pics

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This picture reminded me Laurence Fishburne was actually in the MCU

Republican law makers regularly wear AR-15 pins instead of American flag pins. by nomadofwaves in pics

[–]Zero0mega 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I really believe some states are a lost cause, places like texas are so far up their ass even if the people with an IQ above room temperature were to try and change things, Cleetus and his brood of 16 home schooled bible brigade from out in the yeehaw counties would outnumber them just about every time, just look at the 2022 governor race.

Marijuana X Success by [deleted] in trees

[–]Zero0mega 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not for me, too much nothing

How I inspect joints not rolled by me by grimgrum420 in trees

[–]Zero0mega 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Call me crazy, but I wouldnt be comfortable with someone spinning around an object with a blade attached to it a fucking foot away from my face/body.

Big Bill Appreciation Post by FightDrifterFight in SquaredCircle

[–]Zero0mega 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I met him outside a house show NXT did in Austin TX during their first tour, guys like him and Enzo, Tyler Breeze, Samoa Joe and Finn were still down there. Outside the venue I had the pleasure of talking to him and we shot the shit for a few minutes because we had some shit in common as I was also originally from Long Island (the most MAGICAL place in the world) so he and I were talking about Queens and stuff. I really remember he was very well spoken, articulate and very down to Earth kind of person so when he went through his hardships I felt really bad because he seemed like for lack of a better word a REAL person, so seeing him have a second chance to do something he loves and be doing well at it for some reason or another makes me really happy for a guy I only met for maybe 15 minutes of my life.

Wrestlers giving away match finishes with their entrances by GoalaAmeobi in SquaredCircle

[–]Zero0mega -1 points0 points  (0 children)

The Rock had a gold bull on his trunks when he won the title once, cant remember which time exactly it was though

This subreddit is dying without pictures by Apart_Fly_832 in theHunter

[–]Zero0mega -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Well thats because they werent screenshots, they were pictures of someones TV that were always blurry, blue as hell and tilted because some people think we NEED to see their blonde mule deer 2 minutes faster than it would take to take a PROPER screenshot. Shit got real annoying to look at after a while.

Drew Barrymore Pulls Out of Hosting MTV Movie & TV Awards in Support of Writers Strike, Plans 2024 Return (EXCLUSIVE) by JAlbert653 in movies

[–]Zero0mega 3 points4 points  (0 children)

No real credibility or bragging rights comes from these awards.

Uhhh excuse me, MTV Movie Award Best Kiss winner Tobey Maguire got to star with 5 time Academy Award winner Kirk Lazarus in Satan's Alley. Thats quite the feather in his cap if I do say so.

iPhone and Google G1 shown in museum. I feel old now. by Xtasy0178 in pics

[–]Zero0mega 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I Also had both, I still have them actually and yeah those keyboards were great.