
What drug will you never touch again and why? by Bright_Rutabaga1628 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What I meant to bring across from my previous comment is don't buy drugs online. It's either a scam to steal bitcoins, the feds, or you're getting garbage laced with fentanyl. If you really need cocaine that badly, go to dingy nightclub and start asking questions and try really hard not to sound like a cop.

What drug will you never touch again and why? by Bright_Rutabaga1628 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's huge in the US due to all the pharmaceutical companies illegally pushing doctors to overprescribe and all the excess ends up on the black market.

What drug will you never touch again and why? by Bright_Rutabaga1628 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There kind of is, but it's mostly websites that host links that send you to more websites that host links. Half the links are broken, the other half are scams, and the one that actually looks legit is a honeypot.

What drug will you never touch again and why? by Bright_Rutabaga1628 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I doubt having a full camera crew in front of you would lead to a good trip. Not to mention, reality TV could just stage the whole thing for laughs.

What drug will you never touch again and why? by Bright_Rutabaga1628 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Or at the very least, start off with something like 10x or 15x to see how you handle it. Psychedelic are not supposed to be party drugs because if you're in a loud and uncomfortable environment, tripping will only make it much worse.

The amount of times I've heard people say, "I tried saliva 100x at a concert and saw a bunch of bat demons so no one should ever do it." Yeah, no shit. You got in an F1 car and tried to drive it through the Mariana Trench.

Huge penis mowed into lawn at King Charles’ coronation event site by web_explorer in news

[–]Override9636 128 points129 points  (0 children)

I went to a highschool where they used some kind of chemical mixture to literally burn away the grass and make it so it wouldn't every grow again...in a giant penis stretching the 50 yard line on the football field. It was visible on Google maps for years until they had to redo the whole field with artificial turf

New York becomes the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction by Adistrength in news

[–]Override9636 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Lead paint was banned on new constructions due to significant health risks. Whale hunting for oil was banned due to significant environmental impacts. Gas furnaces are being banned on new constrictions due to significant health risks as well as significant environmental impacts. It's pretty easy to see the commonalities between them.

I'm not sure who you're talking to, I never said anything about anyone lying. If someone wants to use a less efficient, dirtier, and more environmentally destructive fuel source, they're still free to pay for the installations themselves. The government shouldn't be subsidizing industries that are a net negative on society.

New York becomes the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction by Adistrength in news

[–]Override9636 -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

We're not allowed to build new homes with lead paint and whale oil furnaces either. It's not a conspiracy, it's just the future.

New York becomes the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction by Adistrength in news

[–]Override9636 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah, why would any professional like cooking on an easy to clean surface that transfers all of its energy into the pan instead of the work environment, and has pinpoint temperature accuracy?

New York becomes the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction by Adistrength in news

[–]Override9636 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Pretty much all states allow you to source your electricity from 100% renewable options. Hell, I was able to get my power sourced from wind that was even cheaper than the standard supplier from a year-long promotion. At the end of the year, switch to another renewable supplier and get cheap clean energy forever.

New York becomes the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction by Adistrength in news

[–]Override9636 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

One form of outdated inefficient method of generating electric heat being expensive does not mean that all forms of electric heat are expensive.

Modern electric heating is done with heat pumps, which is the exact same thing as AC, but in reverse. This is far more efficient because it takes less energy to move heat than it takes to generate heat.

How to Have Fun Again? by Star_interloper in KerbalSpaceProgram

[–]Override9636 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Try making interplanetary infrastructure! Setup a mining station on Minmus and an orbiting refueling station in Kerbin orbit. Then set up a similar system on Duna, or any of the other distant planets. Once you have all of your gas stations set up, take an SSTO into orbit, and try to visit all your other planets on a big old Kerbol road trip!

Hybrid Docking Port by bazem_malbonulo in KerbalSpaceProgram

[–]Override9636 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Careful, if you rub the docking clamp the right way, it might spring a fuel leak.

10-year-old children found working at Louisville McDonald's until 2 a.m., Labor Department says by hoyhoyy29 in videos

[–]Override9636 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I couldn't even tell they were referencing trans people. That is not what transitioning means at all lmao.

What about becoming an adult caught you completely off guard? by graces-taylor12 in AskReddit

[–]Override9636 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unfortunately, that story gets released basically every year.

He was supposed to release a narrated chapter of the book as a kickstarter goal that would be released by "no later than February 2022", and nothing happened. I get that authors don't technically "owe" their audience anything, but when you make promises in exchange for donations, and fail to deliver, it seriously diminishes people's trust and faith in an author.