
Completing this puzzle. by _Im_Dad in oddlysatisfying

[–]InsanityFodder 1 point2 points  (0 children)

While they did demystify it a lot with Cube Zero, I still had loads of fun with that film entirely because of the villain. He was stupidly evil and I loved it.

What are some things in gaming that should be included/mandatory? by GoodVillain101 in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This is an unusual one, but Horizon Forbidden West has an option to disable the fake tinnitus noise after being hit by sonic attacks/explosives and it’s a godsend for someone that already has it.

My ears can ring on their own thanks, and the fake noise just makes mine worse.

Sometimes I think the game is trolling me with arbitrary calamity by TenzhiHsien in HardspaceShipbreaker

[–]InsanityFodder 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Demo charges are usually the first thing I use to crack open the outer shell, and it hasn’t gone wrong for me so far. What ships does it normally happen on?

Shredder Gauntlets for Farming by MergenTheAler in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They’re all the most economical weapon types when you learn about weapon swapping. If you quickly swap ammo, then swap back, it completely refreshes the amount of charges a disc has. You can re-use the same disc forever, if you’re good enough at catching,

The Secret History of William Gibson’s Never-Filmed ‘Aliens’ Sequel by [deleted] in horror

[–]InsanityFodder 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I always give Resurrection extra credit since it at least tried a different tone/style to the first three films. It might not have pulled it off, but I feel like it’s still better than trying to do Alien/Aliens again but being a bit meh.

It’s at least fun and rewatchable, and the failed clones are a bit creepy.

I love Malignant by gordita_empanadita in horror

[–]InsanityFodder 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It’s definitely not a decapitation, I don’t believe there is anything close to that in the film.

Games that gave you a way better impression when you gave it a second chance. by Shotgang in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That game really starts to break apart when you get the skill that regens a partial adrenaline bar.

You can suddenly spam all the ranged/assassination abilities you want, firing arrows through walls and turning invisible every 2 seconds. It gets even more busted when you get the set that makes invisibility free.

advanced level humor =) by andrew_a384 in ComedyCemetery

[–]InsanityFodder 17 points18 points  (0 children)

It’s a lot longer than 5, I got sick of hearing it around 10 years ago.

When will charity shops realise that “Computers for Dummies - 2003 edition” probably won’t sell, even for £1.50 by lightswitchr in britishproblems

[–]InsanityFodder 24 points25 points  (0 children)

The one I used to volunteer for would keep books out for a few weeks/months since they weren’t donated often. Any that really didn’t sell went to a specific book donation scheme to make good use of them.

Things like clothes usually got cycled out after a month (but stored in the back if they were nice and in good condition, they could get put back on the shelves later when there was space).

Plot Beats That Basically Happened Out Of Order by BaskingLobster in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’ve just started playing Outriders, and I already have a horrible feeling that half of my allies are going to be absolute morons.

Your favorite moment of triumph in media? by eno-tita in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 15 points16 points  (0 children)

My favourite part is such a small detail, but I love how his title card changes from Father to Our Father

So Herogasm huh? by Comptenterry in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think it was him telling Soldier Boy to leave MM alone.

I don't even get the shredder gauntlet by TheVoidSprocket in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There’s one more cool trick, but it feels more like an oversight than an intended technique: if you don’t want to use up a disc after the third shot (like if you’re only taking out a Burrower), then you can swap to another weapon/ammo type and quickly swap back. The disc you were using gets all 3 uses back.

(NG+) Poor Grudda by Mostropi in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 0 points1 point  (0 children)

All gadgets are unlocked once you reach chainscrape for the first time, you unlock the spoiler upgrade once you finish the mission that unlocks the base.

Anyone found any of the NG+ dyes yet? by Klondy in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You just need to buy them at the dye merchants. Each cost 5 champion tokens, which you get 1-2 of for finishing missions in NG+

Sony vows to ramp up PS5 production to levels 'never achieved before' | Sony will also increase its investments in live services, PC and mobile. by chrisdh79 in gadgets

[–]InsanityFodder 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It might be worth trying to sign up again. I managed to get one, and it only took 20 days between signing up for it and getting the link.

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in britishproblems

[–]InsanityFodder 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My local hospital seems to be trying their hardest to kill people off. I work in a care home, and they kept a resident that had severe pneumonia in hospital for just one day. Then, just for a laugh, sent her back catheterised (without bothering to give us any discharge notes to tell us this) and some antibiotics, which she’s extremely allergic to.

We only had her back for half a day before she started going blue and had to be sent back, so god knows why they thought she was fine enough to leave.

What are some of beloved media that got their reputation ruined? by 5YearsOnEastCoast in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It also came after a long string of interesting plot decisions, like re-re-redestroying Gallifrey, and bringing back The Master (but evil!) again after spending an entire series developing their conscience. It would’ve had to be a pretty good twist to win some people back around after that.

That’s obviously ignoring all the people that were upset about details like the spare TARDIS’ chameleon circuit or judoon managing to get in off-camera. That faction were never really going to be won over by a twist that changes canon significantly.

What are some of beloved media that got their reputation ruined? by 5YearsOnEastCoast in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It’s a great early example of Chibnall’s weird “it’s fine to kill a bad guy as long as you don’t use a gun” morality that shows up a few times in the last few series.

What are some of beloved media that got their reputation ruined? by 5YearsOnEastCoast in TwoBestFriendsPlay

[–]InsanityFodder 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Let’s not forget that Chibnall also wrote some infamously terrible episodes of Torchwood, like Cyberwoman.

Jodie Whittaker did a great job with what she was given, there were so many companions that none of them really had anything to do most of the time, and all the episodes that were actually enjoyable were all the scripts that were obviously written for an older series or by a fan who had a script in mind for a while.

single player enjoyer by DoubleDaredToDeath in gaming

[–]InsanityFodder 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I’m not sure the hydra/cyclops fights are enough to show it off properly. The game really picked up for me with the first fight against an ogre, since they had plenty of health to start experimenting with. Having a few skills/new attacks really livens the combat up too.

Death Seeker’s Shadow vs Marshal Hunter Bow by rvl35 in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Marshal hunter bow is a reward at the arena for doing hunting ground challenges. It only needs 84 medals, so you can max out the hunting grounds in the daunt and plainsong then ignore the rest if you want.

It is insufferable upgrading the end game weapons ngl. by SgtDusty in horizon

[–]InsanityFodder 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It also doesn’t work on clamberjaw tail dusters or behemoth force loaders, for some reason.