
Is the Boyle family a cult? by LongBakunawa in brooklynninenine

[–]CrunchyGroovz 56 points57 points  (0 children)

I’m not OP but I think that they may be getting at the fact that one of the key factors of being a cult is that a cult takes advantage of its followers for the profit of the leader.

So, people often conflate a tight knit group they find weird for being a cult, which isn’t the case if the weird group isn’t being taken advantage of by some leader or governing body

Beginner's Luck by Yellyvi in gaming

[–]CrunchyGroovz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is because of how your brain works! During the day, you take in tons of information. Think of it as people walking by all day and piling papers on your desk. When you sleep, your brain categorizes and stores the information where it belongs. So that would be like at the end of the day going through all the paperwork on your desk and putting it where it belongs. Now the next day, that information is indexed and able to be easily found.

So now your are more reactive to the moves you learned and memorized the day before.

Looks great by [deleted] in JDM

[–]CrunchyGroovz 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This is disgusting but I absolutely love it. It’s the type of thing that if I saw it driving down the street my wife would think it’s the worst car she’s ever seen but I think it’s awesome.

My craving for alcohol comes from "soberty is boring" by SandraPlugged in stopdrinking

[–]CrunchyGroovz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I went and bought ice cream last night at 9:00pm. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I was a drinker because 10/10 times I wouldn’t be in condition to drive that late.

Inflation by _workchronicles in workchronicles

[–]CrunchyGroovz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The software company I work for raised their licensing fees by 10% due to inflation. I’m not confident that they will use that benchmark for annual raises come the end of the year.

As a director, this is going to be really fucking annoying trying to tell my best people that their raise won’t even meet inflation this year and that, relatively speaking, they will be getting a dock in pay

Honestly. what does it mean though? by yankee_doodle_ in memes

[–]CrunchyGroovz -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

So what’s the context? Like why would I use an emoji that elicits this sound?

[Pelissero] Statement from NFL spokesman @NFLprguy on the appeal, which has been filed by _bonzibuddy in nfl

[–]CrunchyGroovz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Welcome to fascism, friend!

“So this is how liberty dies.. with thunderous applause”

It’s a good thing Kirk is tall by SkolFourtyOne in minnesotavikings

[–]CrunchyGroovz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or Drew Brees or Russel Wilson? Interesting that you just point at a short guy that struggled.

Since Sean mannion is 6’7” can we use him as an example as to why tall qb’s struggle in the league and ignore all the successful ones?

It’s a good thing Kirk is tall by SkolFourtyOne in minnesotavikings

[–]CrunchyGroovz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah you’re right cause there has never been a successful qb that was a good but shorter than their o line(/s in case it’s needed)

In the United States, what should you never do? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]CrunchyGroovz 385 points386 points  (0 children)

Where were all these law enforcement when people were literally storming the capitol chanting that they were going to kill the VP and congressmen? Insert Shaq sleep meme here

Any dads out there make their own baby food? by wflancaster19 in NewDads

[–]CrunchyGroovz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can confirm. We are doing the same and my 7 month old eats everything. He is getting really good with picking things up and moving things around in his mouth. He knows how to chew and when to swallow. When something is too big he spits it out. All important skills that they don’t learn from purées

Mike Zimmer masterclass 2021 edition by liliceberg in minnesotavikings

[–]CrunchyGroovz 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Well the first three shouldn’t count. When you are playing hall of fame quarterbacks like Jared Goff, Sam Darnold, and Cooper Rush you expect these things to happen

Why is sex taken so seriously, didn’t people used to walk around naked and have public orgies back in ancient Greece? by daddydane123 in RandomThoughts

[–]CrunchyGroovz 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Our brains haven’t really grown in size since prehistory. Neanderthals has bigger brains than current day humans.

Why does alcohol still taste like shit? I'm 21, the drinking age is 18 where I am. All my peers already drink. I find beer and wine disgusting and can barely tolerate the taste of vodka and lady drinks (as a dude.) When does it get better? by Chipbread in NoStupidQuestions

[–]CrunchyGroovz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Alcohol is poison and it tastes bad because we shouldn’t be drinking it. You can only force yourself to like by repeatedly forcing yourself to ingest it. So if you want to do that, go for it. Otherwise, don’t bother

My tummy hurt, so I farted the pain away by Masterzumab in PointlessStories

[–]CrunchyGroovz 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I can eat all the cheese I want. Large pizza, extra cheese. No problem.

But accidentally put regular milk in my oat milk latte and we have serious problems

meirl by ScrewLetterU in meirl

[–]CrunchyGroovz 25 points26 points  (0 children)

“Hello, yes, this is The Zoo. Where there are lots of animals”