
Found this at book off. Was it a good deal? by H_Boss_127 in LightNovels

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

LNs have very small print runs since it's the niched of the niched of anime media. For the average series, it takes around 2,000 sales in order to be profitable, and some series don't even sell that much.

After the publisher has to decide whether or not to do another print run, which will have a minimum order. They have to figure out whether or not it will be worth it.

In this case, it looks like YP has decided not to do another reprint of the series since the series page on YP website has removed the Physical tag so it's now Digital-Only.

For this reason, if you're planning on buying physical volumes, LNs isn't something you can procrastinate on buying.

New skins added to the hero gallery after todays update! by Dr_FatherCock in Overwatch

[–]Villag3Idiot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Have to wait for it to either show up in shop, or in a future event.

Earliest is in two weeks when shop rotates.

New skins added to the hero gallery after todays update! by Dr_FatherCock in Overwatch

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just don't understand how Blizzard can't get out a decent skin for her.

New skins added to the hero gallery after todays update! by Dr_FatherCock in Overwatch

[–]Villag3Idiot 5 points6 points  (0 children)

If your country has access to Microsoft Rewards, you can get premium coins for free.

New skins added to the hero gallery after todays update! by Dr_FatherCock in Overwatch

[–]Villag3Idiot 79 points80 points  (0 children)

Check the back of Cardboard Rein.

His rocket thruster is just a cheap fan complete with tied deflated balloons.

Is Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian actually good? Looking at statistics its one of the more newer ones that released in 2021 and has been succesfully selling more and more volumes. Is it overated or actually worth reading? by Galact123 in LightNovels

[–]Villag3Idiot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Its alright.

Volume 1 isn't anything special. Seems like your generic romcom school romance series.

Volume 2 is when the story starts picking up, and we have more details on the MC and establishes the story.

I'd give the first two volumes a try.

Predator vs the Fellowship (not including Gandalf) by Revolutionary-Bee645 in whowouldwin

[–]Villag3Idiot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Aragon will also likely outskill the Predator as well since while Preds spends centuries hunting, their prey are still just animals driven by instinct.

While Aragon has spent a century fighting not just the supernatural, but intelligent opponents like Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, etc.

And the Pred will 100% initially underestimate Aragon as just a really skilled human.

We should live within holodecks --- Embrace the virtual reality by HenryWu001 in DaystromInstitute

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is basically the backstory of Escaped From Paradise and some light novels.

Raime Amamiya indie indonesia vtuber got doxxed and force to graduate due to safety reason by rooper_the_gamer in VirtualYoutubers

[–]Villag3Idiot 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Their previous online presence.

You'll be surprised how much you can dig up if you use social media, especially if you use the same email, real name, etc.

Even things like signing up to forums can get you doxed.

Kuro no Kiseki English release? by WebComplex6022 in Falcom

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ya, same thing with Nayuta. They're just going to patch the current Steam release.

Just make sure you buy the right version.

Canadian bank earnings at risk from office real estate exposure, says Bay Street analyst by Versuce111 in canada

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ya, banks in the USA are having a lot of issues atm.

Not familiar with our banking system, but I hope it doesn't happen to us.

Canadian bank earnings at risk from office real estate exposure, says Bay Street analyst by Versuce111 in canada

[–]Villag3Idiot -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I'm not saying that'll happen, just answering the question of the user I'm replying to.

No one is going to collapse the USD for such a stupid reason.

Canadian bank earnings at risk from office real estate exposure, says Bay Street analyst by Versuce111 in canada

[–]Villag3Idiot -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

If the USA defaults on their debt it would cause am economic crisis. The value of the dollar will drop.

edit: I'm not saying this will happen, just answering the user I'm replying to, so chill.

Was a mark on her permanent record really worth a complaint about UNO? Was Ubisoft ever going to notice someone saying it's incredibly difficult to change a username? by Cute_Description_277 in VirtualYoutubers

[–]Villag3Idiot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not just sponsorships, Ubisoft could revoke game perms if they really wanted to retaliate.

If that happened, Niji would have to private all VODs of Ubisoft games or the strikes could nuke entire channels.

Ubisoft might not care about an indie, but they might for a corporation.

Predator vs the Fellowship (not including Gandalf) by Revolutionary-Bee645 in whowouldwin

[–]Villag3Idiot 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Predators live for over a thousand years and spend most of that time hunting.

The thing is though that the majority spend their time hunting deadly animals or Xenomorphs. Deadly sure, but there's a reason why some Preds prefer hunting humans since even Xenomorphs are no challenge once they get to a certain point. Hunting humans however not the norm as it's actually a very controversial practice and only a few clans do so.

Aragorn have about a century of fighting experience as a Ranger not to mention he's a Numenorean, he's much stronger than a human.

Found this at book off. Was it a good deal? by H_Boss_127 in LightNovels

[–]Villag3Idiot 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Good find

Series is out of print though, which will make collecting the other volumes difficult unless you're willing to pay scalper prices.

Predator vs the Fellowship (not including Gandalf) by Revolutionary-Bee645 in whowouldwin

[–]Villag3Idiot 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Ya, the movies don't show or reveal just how powerful Aragorn actually is

Where do I start with Vtubers? by Boyo_And_His_F104 in VirtualYoutubers

[–]Villag3Idiot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Look up a game you like, type vtuber and give them a try.

Best are clips / compilations but usually only more popular vtubers get those.

1v1 Moira tips by leeulisa in OverwatchUniversity

[–]Villag3Idiot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you're ahead in HP and cooldowns, don't move all over the place and juke. Just stand / follow and suck them for maximum accuracy. They won't kill you before you kill them.