
GTA 6, the Most Expensive Video Game of All Time, Could Eventually Receive a Reveal Trailer This November by MKTomar729 in GamingLeaksAndRumours

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Okay but it literally was announced as "The next instalment in the GTA franchise." Everyone knows what that means.

When a Big Mac meal is $18. by fishbethany in mildlyinfuriating

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Even with inflation, McDonalds has lost their damn mind.

I haven't been to McDonalds in fucking years. Their niche was being the slightly rubbish little place you went to when it was either too late at night or you just wanted something completely unchallenging, but with their current prices? Fuck no.

New King Kong game leaked by Amazon Spain by Jeracobra in GamingLeaksAndRumours

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The original King Kong novelization is public domain, as long as it has no connection to the films outside of what is in the novel they can do what they want with it. I also don't know if I'd really call it a big IP these days, but that's up for debate. It's going on 20 years since Kong was really relevant pop culturally.

IIRC the rights to Kong are really messy in general so even referencing the films might not require the consent of Warner Bros but some much, much smaller entities.

Better late than never? by reddit_irl in reddit

[–]TaleOfDash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This will likely be the void's year.

Sign me up! by merelala in ChoosingBeggars

[–]TaleOfDash 39 points40 points  (0 children)

This post is probably from a few years ago. It's a stupid fucking trend that started on YouTube where videos were being demonetized for using the word "Covid" or any variation thereupon. Facebook did it too for a while, not sure if they still do. All in the name of trying to stop misinformation spreading without putting any effort into actually stopping it on their platforms.

Reworking Awarding: Changes to Awards, Coins, and Premium by venkman01 in reddit

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yo I uh... I wouldn't mind my first either (👉゚ヮ゚)👉👈(゚ヮ゚👈)

What does the blue one mean by Resident-Treacle-561 in dbxv

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I get it, and honestly everything else wouldn't have bothered me if they had just scaled up the fight levels at least a little bit when you go into it on a character that has finished the campaign. I'm still glad I bought it because I never actually played XV1 and it was cheaper than buying XV1+GT Arc DLC just to play the story.

AITA for ruining my own birthday party by exposing my sister in front of everyone? by Weickzj in AmItheAsshole

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Have you taken your cat to a vet to get a professional opinion on this? It's possible that the declawing was done really badly and your cat is still in pain from it which is why it won't use the litterbox. A puppy pad is a band-aid, cats need privacy and space to do their business and they want to at least mimic the action of burying.

AITA for ruining my own birthday party by exposing my sister in front of everyone? by Weickzj in AmItheAsshole

[–]TaleOfDash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What the FUCK? That's not as evil as declawing the cat in the first place but that's still pretty fucking bad ownership. Not to mention incredibly unsanitary.

Cats need a specific territory where they feel safe and comfortable to do their business, where they can bury it (or pretend to bury it.)

Not only that but declawed cats can absolutely use the litter box, I've worked with plenty of rescues like that. They wanted a different kind of litter but still. The problem lies elsewhere, potentially the declawing was done really, really badly and the poor thing is still in pain from it... But I'm not a vet.

Better late than never? by reddit_irl in reddit

[–]TaleOfDash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Make sure you join either team fuckspez or team API!

AITA for hiding food from my boyfriend? by DCpurpleTart33 in AmItheAsshole

[–]TaleOfDash 5 points6 points  (0 children)

That's not what gaslighting is. Gaslighting is someone making an active attempt to convince someone else their feelings are irrational for the situation when you know they aren't or that something didn't ever happen, he's just playing off the situation because he's embarrassed. He never denied it happened.

Better late than never? by reddit_irl in reddit

[–]TaleOfDash 149 points150 points  (0 children)

If that becomes the case then I'm all for team void this time

Better late than never? by reddit_irl in reddit

[–]TaleOfDash 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You get a pixel every few minutes, you place the pixel, the pixel can be replaced by others. That's how it goes.

Y’think all these fake obituaries for Barb is just to fuck with Chris in the off chance they’ve been peeking this sub reddit or obituary sites for some reason? by Eastern_Set8677 in ChrisChanSonichu

[–]TaleOfDash 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Have any of them been on Legacy or something? Like did they have any seeming legitimacy at all, like being on a funeral home's website? I've never seen one of these fakes so I'm just curious how obvious they were.

I had access to an old workplace's obituary submission area for a while where it'd get cached to Legacy, it was pretty tempting to submit one (though it was gonna be for KingCobraJFS) but I'm not that stupid... Sometimes, anyway.

Did Bob ever teach Chris about the birds and the bees? by CrazyJoeGalli in ChrisChanSonichu

[–]TaleOfDash 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Given he thought the vagina was in the same place as the penis up until shecameforcwc, I don't think so somehow.

AITA for telling my mom she can’t talk to my kid about her miscarriage and take him to the grave? by HotPlatypus9646 in AmItheAsshole

[–]TaleOfDash 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Honestly, your mum gave you a home, a family, a life and unconditional love, despite her grief

That's not an optional thing. She chose to adopt, and unconditional love is certainly questionable in this case. Sure as fuck seems like there was a condition, "you will listen to me talk about my miscarriage in graphic detail from a very young age irrespective of your feelings on the matter and act like my therapist and be constantly reminded that you are acting as a replacement before you're even old enough to understand any of this."

However, instead of growing and maturing and seeing the situation from an adult point of view, empathising at how awful it must be to lose a child and how

And none of this was inspired by her Mum's unabashed emotional neglect? She brought none of this on herself because of a fetus she lost 30 years ago? And because that fetus existed, OP deserved to constantly be compared to it and made to feel inferior to it?

Meanwhile the Mum has to do absolutely no introspection about how her actions toward a child she adopted at young age have clearly given OP trauma?

This whole "consolation prize" issue is yours, I would bet she feels nothing of the sort.

I think the OP probably has a much better idea of how her Mum portrayed this whole situation to her and you're just going to sit here saying "nah none of that actually happened you're just mad" like you know her and how she was treated from a young age?

You have no idea what her life was like. Don't you dare act like you're some sort of master psychologist about all this when we only have a very general overview.

AITA for telling my mom she can’t talk to my kid about her miscarriage and take him to the grave? by HotPlatypus9646 in AmItheAsshole

[–]TaleOfDash 138 points139 points  (0 children)

/u/flignir /u/SnausageFest /u/techiesgoboom What did they get banned for? You can't just leave the bloody "insert ban reason here." Was this an automod mistake? C'mon now. Free /u/Catherine16783

What does the blue one mean by Resident-Treacle-561 in dbxv

[–]TaleOfDash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Honestly don't remember if it did, if it was in the core campaign then it was probably there. It wasn't fun because I was max level and completely steamrolled it, all the fights are still scaled as if you're starting the campaign on a new character so there was no challenge. It's also just generally easier even on a new character with XV2 mechanics and there's nothing tweaked to compensate for that.

Also because a lot of the story missions, zones and cutscenes in XV2 are either re-used or re-purposed from XV1, so there's a lot of overlap.

What does the blue one mean by Resident-Treacle-561 in dbxv

[–]TaleOfDash 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I enjoyed all the DLCs but... Oh, boy... That was not a fun experience. They could have at least level scaled it :(