
When RNG is your friend. by Wild-fqing-Rabbit in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dreadway with ludens and multiple stabilizes is a pretty sinister setup that I'd not really thought about on Annie before

The unluckiest auspex minigame by tim-zh in DarkTide

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well that's the real tip. If it did count then you can't do the double tap because it will screw you much more often than not and you would have to take the moment to quickly look for where the next one is.

I've beaten ASol with every champion at 3* so here's a tier list of how fun it was by Legitimate-Resolve55 in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Man I had a run with Ekko a few days ago where I got none of the best powers or items for Ekko, my only good power was sharing is caring. Asol high rolled into thresh turn 1, used it to auto summon Asol on turn 2 and started printing free celestial cards turn 3 alongside malphite. Turn 3 all I could do was create a bunch of parallel convergences in my deck. Turn 4 I was absolutely fucked until I predicted a parallel convergence and played it, lost chapter on Ekko refilled my spell mana and gave my whole board spell shield. He easily repelled the attack and hit me with skies descend, popping all the spellshields and leaving me open to malphite board stun. Then I predicted a second parallel convergence, hit him with that and got overwhelm and lifesteal and won with an S, just moments before I was about to fucking die. I just love Ekko. The way he wins games is so much more exciting than just spamming Big stats.

Swap Lee Sin and Ornn though, lol

"People were so much better off in the 50s" Starterpack by Porchie12 in starterpacks

[–]Ixziga -1 points0 points  (0 children)

The economy and work culture is usually what they're referring to, there was less income inequality, more affordable housing, and pensions. Although those things peaked in the 70s, not the 50s, then started going down. The change in income equality over the last 50 years in the US is culture-shifting, it might as well be a different country altogether. There's a lot about life today that's better than back then but the economy is worse for basically everyone. The US population is basically a bunch of peasants that don't realize they're peasants because the positive effect of advanced technology has overcome the negative effects of destitution.

This is what Taylor Swift’s been trying to warn us about through song by districtcourt in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I probably would have identified as conservative in 12th grade, simply because I was Christian and didn't really look into politics much. Never really thought about it much during college, didn't have time to think about politics or vote. When I graduated and started dealing with health insurance and student debt and income inequality and trying to settle down with a family, that's when I became a liberal.

Diablo IV Patch Notes 1.1.1 by 4YearsOfGold in diablo4

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's coming after Baldur's Gate 3 comes out

Hendrick Honda new car quote by burntCheezits2 in nova

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Holy shit dude, I bought a new Stinger in 2018 for less than that, $27k for the car, $29k after all fees and taxes.

Not that anyone needs an easy way to kill primogenitor, but here’s an easy way for any difficulty by Prepared_Noob in remnantgame

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I appreciate this because it took me like 20 minutes to beat this stupid boss with how rare the times are you can actually damage him

1.1.1 Patch Notes by Revenge7x in LowSodiumDiablo4

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's got nothing to do with VRAM. VRAM is used by GPU cores, nothing related to the logic of the game is going to be stored in there. It's only for things related to rendering computations like models, textures, screen space buffers, and so on.

Weekly Adventures - Rant by janda125 in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah I just did that one and I was thinking that Ashe as an opponent for this one seems really nasty. But I was also playing ashe lol (2* lvl 13). That fight lasted absolutely forever but didn't end up doing much damage to me. If I was playing other champions I think it'd have been way harder. Weekly adventures can be really easy or really hard, there's a lot of variance. The 1.5* gets irelia as the final boss which I think is also way overtuned but I cleared that one first try with 1* lvl 5 Gnar so idk.

Edit: to more directly answer your post, you probably want to go wide or bring a lot of removal or frostbite of your own.

Has AI always been that bad? by the_elmo in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think the AI is usually pretty solid but there are certain things it's known to blunder like always playing certain cards immediately when possible. It also just does weird things sometimes like this, but for the most part it's not bad.

I think each fight actually has its own AI and some fights have kinda shitty AI on purpose. Other nodes are a lot less forgiving

Waiter is done with life by sus-man in WatchPeopleDieInside

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Are there any consequences to the waiter if they drop the drinks? Is it an accepted overhead or are there consequences?

Are Ultra textures better yet? by JayDubMaxey in LowSodiumDiablo4

[–]Ixziga -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I don't believe this issue has been addressed yet

China curbs children from using smartphones, internet at night by ZyntaxB in worldnews

[–]Ixziga 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Huh? If we don't want our kids on phones, we just don't let them have phones. I don't understand what we stand to gain from government gating internet access.

Not gonna i had doubts with that miniscule reliquary by Antique-Property in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've played this game since day 1, 2 weeks ago I had zero gate breakers. Now I have 3. Idk what is up with the drop rates.

Aurelion Sol when you swing with lethal on turn 1 by Ixziga in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The last time I played him he got thresh at the end of the first turn, swings on turn 2 to summon Asol for free

Please Aggressively Monetize tPoC by Slydox in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I get that would be an argument against them in LoR specifically, but that has nothing to do with being "monetized aggressively", you're talking more about marketing than monetization

Please Aggressively Monetize tPoC by Slydox in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Since when are paid xpacs "aggressive monetization"?

Please Aggressively Monetize tPoC by Slydox in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's pretty well known that LoR is not making anywhere near the amount of money that the other Riot games do. We don't know the exact numbers but the game is absolutely working with limited resources

Relic combos for Jax and Teemo? by LoneRanger999 in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Jax can work with a ton of things, but teemo not so much. All he wants to do is hit the Nexus. Probably just stack rerolls or go bounty hunter in the absence of both gatebteaker and galeforce. You can still use teemo as elusive burn but it won't be nearly as insane.

Please Aggressively Monetize tPoC by Slydox in PathofChampions

[–]Ixziga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

TBH I would pay for expansion content. That's not "aggressive monetization" in my opinion. Make content, get paid. It's the oldest and best way to do things imo. Currently I have just been buying the passes even though I don't really care about much of what's in them, but if they were going to make a content expansion, I have no issue with paying for it. I just don't want gacha bullshit. I don't want PoC to be a job or a chore, the fact that it's not is half the reason it's my mobile game of choice over all the other crap out there.