Incivility isn’t allowed on this sub. We want to encourage a respectful discussion. Incivility includes but isn’t limited to
broad generalizations about groups of people
insulting other users
posting personal information
celebrating or wishing for someone’s illness
attempts to stir up drama
All submissions must be submitted with the original title of the submitted article where applicable. Editorialization via title editing of any kind is likely to be removed.
Reposts will be removed. Reposts also cover new posts containing only information that has already been posted.
Political discussions can easily come to dominate online communities. Therefore we remove political posts and comments and lock comments on borderline posts
You can see our full politics policy on the wiki
Your post or comment was removed due to being low quality information.
There are many places online to discuss conspiracies and speculate, we ask you not to do so here. Please provide an English translation for all non-English submissions in a comment on your submission.
You can see our full policy on reliable information on the wiki
Viral by design submissions aren't allowed
You can see our full clickbait policy on the wiki
Content must not be spam or be promotional in nature. Spamming the same or very similar posts or comments, as well as self-promotion of any kind will likely lead to a ban. Scams will be reported to authorities. (More Information)
Submissions should primarily pertain to the coronavirus and the associated outbreak. We require that posts maintain a certain level of relevance to the subreddit topic and posts that do not meet that may be removed. (More Information)
Please do not post links to data trackers. These types of links can be posted in the Daily Discussion thread as a comment.
Misinformation is not allowed on the sub. Users who post misinformation are subject to a permanent ban.
Please report any comments that you suspect are posted by a bot or inorganic actor.