Socialist Alliance

Socialist Alliance recommends a Yes vote for the referendum on the Voice. But we also recognise that substantial measures to benefit Indigenous people require a strengthening of the grassroots movements for change. This will be true whatever the outcome on October 14, writes Sam Wainwright.
Both the official Yes and official No campaigns for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament referendum are based on conservative agendas.
Socialist Alliance has joined hundreds of organisations criticising Queensland Labor for suspending the Human Rights Act 2019 and allow children to be indefinitely detained in adult watch houses.
It's probably no surprise that the Intergenerational Report 2023 passed without much comment. It forecasts the need for greater income revenue, and that will fall to a younger generation. Sam Wainwright reports.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's argument that long-term government is counterposed to pro-working class policies contains major flaws, argues Alex Bainbridge.
Socialist Alliance stands in solidarity with Indian students resisting hate mobs lead by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the fight for a democratic campus.
More than three decades after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, no capitalist country has made any serious effort to decarbonise. Alex Bainbridge argues for system change.
Socialist Alliance condemns the politically motivated persecution of renowned Marxist sociologist and anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky who is being held in a Russian pre-trial detention centre and faces the possibility of up to 7 years’ jail.
The stakes are high. “Ecosocialism or extinction” is not an empty phrase, Susan Price argues, when discussing capitalism and its rapacious drive for profit and how we win a democratic, ecologically sustainable, safe climate future.
While the Royal Commission report into Robodebt did not recommend systemic compensation to the victims, it did suggest lifting the rate for social security benefits
The Greens leadership is wrong to mainly focus on getting more MPs and believe that its someone else’s job to do the “street heat” it knows is needed, argues Sam Wainwright.

Treating housing as a commodity has made it inaccessible to people who need homes. But it doesn’t have to be like this.