Pope Fred is dead! Long live Pope Fred!

I recently learned that a local (Naarm) anarchist called ‘Pope Fred’ has died. I’ve no doubt others will have reflections, but to mark his passing from this realm to the next, it seemed appropriate to make a blogpost.

Assuming the mantle of a Pope was Fred’s tribute to organised religion, and he further distinguished himself by way of his distinctly un-gaudy, proletarian uniform of white overalls, often accompanied by a black balaclava when performing poetry or weaving a magickal spell. Fred had strong opinions, especially about anarchism. When not being delivered in person or on stage, these were often expressed in short, poetik pamphlets, of which he produced many over the decades. I remember him being especially delighted upon discovering that ‘Oppositional defiant disorder’ (ODD) had been diagnosed as an illness by other men-in-white-lab-coats, ODD becoming one of many signals the universe sent him in order to better prompt his subversive imagination. Despite having a sometimes prickly disposition, I always found Fred to be at heart a friendly indeed jovial fellow, eager to talk creative theory and unruly practice, and to share gossip and stories. I’m sure others will have their own stories of His Holiness, but in the meantime:

Hail Eris!

see / hear also : Pope Fred, Radical Australia, 3CR, April 7, 2021

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #181 w Émile P. Torres on TESCREAL (From Transhumanism to Longtermism) : October 5, 2023

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to philosopher and historian Émile P. Torres [Twitter/X, Mastodon] about TESCREAL:

Effective Altruism and

If that sounds like science fiction you may be right, but Émile was kind enough to explain the method behind this madness, the relationship of this cluster of doctrines to one another, to ‘Silicon Valley’, and to the many vEry stAblE bRanes geni0uses it’s produced.

And much more, of course.

See also : Human Extinction A History of the Science and Ethics of Annihilation, Routledge, 2023 | Tech Elite’s AI Ideologies Have Racist Foundations, Say AI Ethicists, Samara Linton, People of Color in Tech, May 24, 023 | Why Effective Altruism and “Longtermism” Are Toxic Ideologies, Current Affairs, May 5, 2023 | A Short History of Eugenics: From Plato to Nick Bostrom, truthdig, May 1, 2023.

4.30pm, Thursday, October 5, 2023 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Collingwood win AFL thriller to claim 16th AFL flag

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – SEPTEMBER 30: Bobby Hill of the Magpies celebrates winning the Norm Smith Medal and premiership during the 2023 AFL Grand Final match between Collingwood Magpies and Brisbane Lions at Melbourne Cricket Ground, on September 30, 2023, in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Quinn Rooney/Getty Images via AFL Photos)

‘We are going to inherit the earth. There is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie may blast and burn its own world before it finally leaves the stage of history. We are not afraid of ruins. We who ploughed the paddocks and built the cities can build again, only better next time. We carry a new world, here in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.’

~ James Francis “Jock” McHale (12 December 1882 – 4 October 1953)

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #180 w Dan McQuillan on Resisting AI: An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence : September 28, 2023

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Dan McQuillan [Twitter/X, Mastodon]. Dan is currently a Lecturer in Creative & Social Computing in the Department of Computing at the University of London and the author of Resisting AI: An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence (Bristol University Press, 2023), a book:

about how and why we should resist the introduction of artificial intelligence, or AI. It hopes to persuade the reader that resistance is what is needed, by showing how AI represents a technological shift in the framework of society that will amplify austerity while enabling authoritarian politics. However, despite the presentation of the varieties of AI harmfulness in the first part of the book, it is intended as an ultimately optimistic text, one that holds out the possibility of a radically transformative approach to AI that aligns with wider values of care and the common good. But before we get into discussing these developments, let alone what part we can play in them, we need to clarify what we mean by AI itself.

See/hear also : Yeah Nah Pasaran! #179 w Emily M. Bender on Parrots for Make Benefit Glorious Intelligence of Artificial : September 21, 2023 /// Dan McQuillan in conversation: Big data, deep learning, and hold the apocalypse, The Sociological Review, June 2023 | Dark Satanic Data Mills feat. Dan McQuillan, TrashFuture, April 4, 2023 | Why We Must Resist AI: Dan McQuillan, Tech Won’t Save Us, March 9, 2023 /// The Triumph of General Ludd.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 28, 2023 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Art, Broken Windows, Cats, Death, History, Media, Music, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Melbourne Nazis Say: No to The Voice to Parliament/Yes to Boxing Gyms in Sunshine West

A march and rally supporting a ‘No’ vote in The Voice referendum was held in Melbourne CBD yesterday, one of several that took place in cities across the country. The Melbourne event, the latest in a series titled a ‘World Wide Rally for Freedom’, coincided with similar rallies around Australia organised and promoted by Australia’s No.1 Putin fanboy Simeon Boikov. Sadly, Mr Boikov was unable to attend any rallies as he’s bravely tucked himself away in the Russian consulate in Sydney in order to avoid an arrest warrant (issued after he allegedly assaulted an elderly Ukrainian late last year).

According to the ABC, about 1,000 people gathered in Sydney’s Hyde Park, hundreds in Melbourne, and smaller crowds in Brisbane, Adelaide and several regional towns. For reasons best known to itself, in its coverage of the event in Hyde Park — which starred ‘John Ruddick MLC and former MP Ross Cameron, One Nation’s Tania Mihailuk MLC and former United Australia Party MP Craig Kelly’ — SBS News elected to provide an opportunity for neo-Nazi activist Joel Davis (of ‘The Joel Davis & Blair Cottrell Show’) to complain about “the Aboriginal industry”:

For those of you coming in late:

On Saturday, 14 October 2023, Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Voters will be asked to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a single question. The question on the ballot paper will be:

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

The campaign against the vote has unleashed a torrent of lies and propaganda, naturally, as well as provided some Very Fine People an opportunity to resurrect some hoary old chestnuts like The Communist Plot to Erode Australia’s Sovereignty; or: How Australian white supremacists used a 40-year-old documentary to divide voters on the Voice (Kevin Nguyen and Michael Workman, ABC, September 23, 2023):

The ABC has analysed dozens of Telegram channels and Facebook groups showing mentions of Red Over Black — created by former Communist Party member turned right-wing activist Geoff McDonald — dating back to August last year.

During the first re-shares of his documentary, there was no mention of the Voice to Parliament.

But then on January 30, the anti-Semitic website XYZ — founded by white supremacist David Hiscox — linked McDonald’s work to the proposed Voice and described it as “communism by the back door”.

Two days later, a new telegram channel, Aboriginal Voice Exposed (AVE) was created. It would go on to become one of the most shared anti-Indigenous and anti-Voice to Parliament spaces on Telegram.

Hiscox — a UniMelb graduate, children’s music teach and relative veteran of the AltRight — announced his retirement from publishing antisemitic and neo-Nazi propaganda just last month, so he must be pleased that his vituperations in January continue to have their desired effect. As it happens, David’s kameraden in the National Socialist Network made an appearance at the Melbourne rally holding a banner reading ‘Voice = Anti White’.

The nazi contingent at the march and rally was small — about two dozen or so — and heavily outnumbered by those joining the ‘mainstream’ participants, organised by way of various superannuated influencers thrown up by the anti-lockdown movement of 2020–2021, including Harrison McLean. In 2021, McLean was using the handle ‘Dominic D’ to shitpoast, and a Guardian investigation revealed:

… Dominic’s engagement with a number of far-right groups online, including one used by the far-right Proud Boys group to vet new members and another made up of white supremacists including neo-Nazi Tom Sewell, who last month was charged after an alleged assault of a Channel Nine security guard.

Dominic D’s real name is Harrison McLean, a 24-year-old IT programmer, “blockchain architect” and former competitive cheerleader from Wantirna South in Melbourne’s outer suburbs.

Using his pseudonym, he has outlined plans to introduce his “freedom” group to more radical political views, while expressing deeply antisemitic opinions.

Antisemitism permeates right-wing opposition to The Voice, as it did the anti-vAxx movement (from which it draws much support). Another prominent ‘Voice At the Rally’ against ‘The Voice to Parliament’ was Darren ‘No Political Solution’ Bergwerf:

In the days before 7.30 attended his market, Mr Bergwerf shared anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to a My Place social media channel. When quizzed about its contents, he condemned last month’s demonstration by neo-Nazis in Melbourne but said he believed there was a question mark over the Holocaust in part because “I wasn’t there”.

See : The new frontline for conspiracy theorists: how Victorian councils were driven online to avoid chaos The Guardian, July 8, 2023 and for ongoing discussion of the anti-lockdown/freedumb movement hear Tinfoil Tales podcats.

As for the neo-Nazis, Rohan Smith (Neo-Nazis gathered in Melbourne for ‘No’ rally against Voice to Parliament, news dot com dot au, September 23, 2023) writes that ‘Days after neo-Nazis clashed violently with anti-fascists in the Melbourne suburb of Thornbury, they were out again — this time in a disturbing show of support for the No campaign against the Voice to Parliament’ and notes that the boys wore ‘black masks to cover their faces and were heckled by members of the public and, on one occasion, pepper-sprayed by police’ as they were forced from the steps of Parliament: a position they’d previously occupied in May and March.

The NSN has been having a number of brushes with the law this year. In Adelaide in June, ‘Duncan Robert Cromb, 38, and Jackson Trevor Pay, 23, pleaded guilty to possessing documents and records of information for terrorist acts’ and received prison sentences in return. Last month, NSN fuehrer Tom Sewell and his sidekick Jacob Hersant (previously of defunct neo-Nazi grouplet Antipodean Resistance) pleaded guilty to a charge of violent disorder and are due back in court this week for sentencing. Also last month, another NSN loser was charged with making violent threats against senator Lidia Thorpe.

The NSN can, however, rely on the Christian nationalist crowdfunding site Give Send Go for financial support, having raised over $50,000 to date via that Goodly Christian site. Posing as both ‘Christian’ and ‘conservative’, Give Send Go was the gold sponsor of Warren Mundine’s Conservative Political Action Conference, the site of many bizarre claims about Indigenous peoples in general and The Voice in particular.

See also : Media holds power to end neo-Nazi threat, Tom Tanuki, Independent Australia, September 23, 2023.

You won’t take my sunshine away

Finally, also on Saturday but this time in Melbourne’s west, the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism organised a rally and march to protest the National Socialist Network’s gym and organising base in Sunshine West. It’s estimated that around 500 attended, a similar number to a previous event in July. The protest follows closely upon the failure of the NSN to disrupt an anti-fascist benefit gig at Cafe Gummo in Thornbury on Friday, September 15. Another night of Anti-fascist Oi organised by SHARPs will take place in November, so keep an eye open and an ear out if that’s your thing.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Melbourne neo-Nazis flee from Melbourne SHARPs : September 15, 2023

Tom Tanuki has created a video to explain WTF happened when a dozen or so members of Tom Sewell’s neo-Nazi groupuscule the ‘National Socialist Network’ unwisely decided to attend an antifascist benefit gig last Friday:

I thought I’d share it here because YouTube.

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #179 w Emily M. Bender on Parrots for Make Benefit Glorious Intelligence of Artificial : September 21, 2023

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Emily M. Bender [Twitter/X///Mastodon]. Emily is a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Washington and is one of the people Time has named as among The 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023. She co-hosts, with Alex Hanna, the podcast Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000.

She also two cats — Euclid and Euler — which is pretty cool.

We spoke to Emily about ‘Artificial Intelligence’. More precisely, why it’s important to debunk the myths surrounding the label, the better to analyse the reality it obscures: for example, Large Language Models of the kind that produce ChatGPT are not ‘intelligent’, and AI would be better termed something like ‘mathy math’. Further, we discussed why it’s more important to focus upon the real and present harms of ‘AI’ than it is to join in ungrounded speculation on hypothetical risks in the future.

The world becomes a sum of lifeless artifacts; from synthetic food to synthetic organs, the whole man becomes part of the total machinery that he controls and is simultaneously controlled by. He has no plan, no goal for life, except doing what the logic of technique determines him to do. He aspires to make robots as one of the greatest achievements of his technical mind, and some specialists assure us that the robot will hardly be distinguishable from living men. This achievement will not seem so astonishing when man himself is hardly distinguishable from a robot.

~ Eric Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973)

See also : You Are Not a Parrot, Elizabeth Weil, NYMag, March 1, 2023 | What Really Happened When Google Ousted Timnit Gebru, Tom Simonite, Wired, June 8, 2021 | On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜, Emily M. Bender, Timnit Gebru, Angelina McMillan-Major, Shmargaret Shmitchell, FAccT ’21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, March 2021 | The #BenderRule: On Naming the Languages We Study and Why It Matters, The Gradient, September 14, 2019 | Distributed AI Research Institute.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 21, 2023 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Art, Cats, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Anti-Nazi Rally, Sunshine West, Saturday, September 23 /// Donate to Black Peoples Union + White Rose Society

Just a brief note to highlight two things:


The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism has organised a protest rally in Sunshine West on Saturday. The rally meets at 2pm at IGA Sunshine West. CARF organised a previous rally in July and another in February. See the Facebook event page for more details.


Legacy Boxing Gym in Industrial Drive in Sunshine West is the organising base for the neo-Nazi National Socialist Network, members of which tried and failed to disrupt a benefit gig in Thornbury on Friday. The gig was to benefit the Black Peoples Union and the White Rose Society and, if you didn’t make it on the night, you can still donate to them via Chuffed.

Every dollar donated = one nazi tear.

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Neo-Nazis attack anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury, Friday September 15


On Friday night, a small group of neo-Nazis armed with knives attempted to disrupt an anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury. Happily, the cowards were chased away by attendees. Currently, while several have previously been identified as belonging to Tom Sewell’s ‘National Socialist Network’ (NSN), help is being sought in identifying several of the other individuals who took part in the failed attack.

If you have any infos on the parties pictured below (click for a larger version), please contact The White Rose Society: [email protected].


Because footage of the incident was made available to them, both 9 News Melbourne and 7 News Melbourne carried reports. The 9 News account was fairly straightforward, if inevitably tabloid.

The 7 News report, on the other hand, as well as being sensationalist, was also reliably stoopid, rendering what happened as a random clash between two groups of ‘extremists’, both exotic to the area, and each acting without regard for locals.

In reality, the nazis had gone to Cafe Gummo — a well-known, queer-friendly dive bar in Thornbury, popular with locals — because that evening it was hosting a benefit gig for a local Indigenous group (the Black Peoples Union) and anti-fascist research group The White Rose Society. The gig was organised by local anti-fascists, including Melbourne SHARPs (Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice), a local chapter of a global network of anti-racist skinheads which has been fighting racism and fascism for decades. The performers included local bands An Effigy To Extinction, Dire Need, Louts and The Victim’s Ball.

The nazis were also members of the NSN, recently made infamous by, inter alia:

• their fuehrer, Thomas Sewell, pleading guilty (August 1) to a violent attack on a group of hikers at a Victorian state park;
hosting (July 30) an organising event at Altona RSL;
• the recent jailing (June 2) of two members in Adelaide for terrorist offences;
• their attendance at an anti-trans rally (March 18) hosted by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (AKA ‘Posie Parker’) and starring disgraced Liberal MP Moira Deeming.

The nazis — whose ranks include the son of a Melbourne police officer — wore their typical black uniforms (including masks) and were armed with GoPro cameras and knives.

(In this context, it’s important to note that, along with Adolf Hitler, the NSN worships the Christchurch terrorist, who wore a GoPro in order to film the mass murder of 51 Muslims he committed in March 2019. Further, that another NSN member has recently been charged with making violent threats against federal Senator Lidia Thorpe.)

To cut a long story short, upon arriving at the gig, the nazis were spotted and chased away from the venue by attendees, fleeing north up High Street and into the surrounding area.

Finally, 7NewsMelbourne has a very poor record of reporting on fascism and the far-right in Melbourne. Most notoriously, in 2018, it portrayed the formation of a racist vigilante group — one directed at and attempting to capitalise upon Liberal Party hysteria over African youth crime — as ‘a kind of Neighbourhood Watch’.

The leadership of 2018’s racist vigilante gang is now the leadership of the nazi gang who attacked the benefit gig.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Media, Music, State / Politics, Student movement, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #178 w Mike Rothschild on Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories : September 14, 2023

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Mike Rothschild [Twitter/X]. Last time we spoke to Mike (July 2021) we talked about his book about that stormy nonsense called QAnon and — 100 episodes later(!) — Mike’s back to tell us about how to build a Jewish Space Laser.

Well, kinda.

Actually, Mike has a new book out called Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories (Melville House Publishing) which drops next week and which ‘looks at how one Jewish family —the Rothschilds—became a lightning rod for the conspiracy theories of the last two centuries, and how those theories are still very much alive today’ and:

is a deeply researched dive into the history of the conspiracy industry around the Rothschild family – from the “pamphlet wars” of Paris in the 1840s to the dankest pits of the internet today. Journalist and conspiracy theory expert Mike Rothschild, who isn’t related to the family, sorts out myth from reality to find the truth about these conspiracy theories and their spreaders. Who were the Rothschilds? Who are they today? Do they really own $500 trillion and every central bank, in addition to “controlling the British money supply?” Is any of this actually true? And why, even as their wealth and influence have waned, do they continue to drive conspiracies and hoaxes?

See/hear also : Marjorie Taylor Greene Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser, Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine, January 28, 2021 /// Marjorie Taylor Greene blames unabashed ignorance for her Jewish space lasers post, Adam Kovac, Forward, February 17, 2023 /// Did space lasers cause Hawaii wildfires? The many conspiracies debunked, Firstpost, August 16, 2023 | Yeah Nah Pasaran! #045 w Emily Tamkin on The Influence of George Soros : November 19, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 14, 2023 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, History, Media, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment