AAP rally
Suryashekhar Biswas — By studying the policies and actions of the Aam Aadmi Party, we can evaluate its role in the current political landscape and understand its impact on the working class.
PLM Congress
This document, adopted by the Party of the Labouring Masses, outlines the urgent demands of the masses, the transitional socialist platform of the Government of the Masses, and the socialist principles and lessons that guide the building of socialism in the Philippines.
Left Bloc
A conversation with former Bloco de Esquerda MP Beatriz Gomes Dias.
Namaa Al-Mahdi — The new commodity that the world powers are interested in is human-free land, to enable exploitation and expansion of neo-colonial interests. This is what is happening in Sudan.
BRICS global GDP
Michael Roberts talks about the realities of imperialism today and how much — or, rather, how little — has changed since Vladimir Lenin wrote his book on the subject.
Against the Japanese-Australian air drills Komatsu Air Base, August 23
Akira Kato discusses rising US-China tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Japan’s attempts to transform itself into a regional military power, the conflicts over Ukraine and Taiwan and building mass anti-war struggles today.
Trotsky 1905
Seiya Morita — The English translation of Leon Trotsky’s “1905” is brilliant as a whole, but it has a problem, in particular when it comes to the translation of his repeated used of the term “hegemony”.
us china pakistan
Ammar Ali Jan discusses global politics, growing tensions between the United States and China, the impacts of this on Pakistan and implications for anti-imperialism in the Global South today.
Imran Khan
Farooq Sulehria — Ever since Imran Khan’s dismissal as Pakistan’s prime minister, through a vote of no-confidence in April 2022, a section of leftish media outlets in the West have been busy unearthing a CIA plot behind the ‘regime change’ in Pakistan.
As violence raged in Manipur with no political solution in sight, CPI(ML) Liberation constituted a fact-finding team who visited Manipur from August 10-14. This is their report.
Ingrid Wergeland — For the first time in a century, Norway’s Labour Party failed to top the country’s local and regional elections, pipped to the post by the centre-right conservatives.
Walter Baier — Surveys indicate that the 2024 elections will be chiefly characterized by uncertainty and pessimism.