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Torkil Lauesen Answers Bromma, on The Global Perspective

Dear Bromma Thanks for the review and comments. It is rewarding to receive reflective feedback on your work. I was hoping for this kind of discussion. The idea of my book is to present a holistic “stew” of history, political economy, politics, and strategy – “all from a certain political …

DIVISIBLE: Breaking Up the US (by Bromma, 6-17)

As US politics lurches rapidly to the right, worried residents wonder about getting out. Friends talk among themselves about moving to Canada, Europe, Mexico–anywhere to escape Trumpland. Taking a different angle, some activists propose separating the “blue states” from the “red states,” essentially redrawing the map of North America. One …

Notes on Trump (Bromma Dec. 2016 – Revised Jan. 2017)

1. The normality of white supremacy Since Trump’s election, I keep hearing that we shouldn’t “normalize” him or his agenda. I believe that’s looking through the wrong end of the telescope. There’s nothing as “normal” in the U.S. as white supremacy. Sometimes it’s disguised by tokenism and obscured by “multiculturalism.” …

Cops are Gangsters

Intro: There are millions of oppressed people inside the borders of the u.s., but I’m not one of them. I come from a privileged background. I’m not the main victim of the police. Nor am I a leader in the growing struggle against police violence. Recognizing how far I am …

Notes on the Worker Elite

In the month since the publication of Bromma’s The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labour Artistocracy”, the book has been met with a lot of interest, including several reviews which raise a number of questions related to the text that folks may be interested in. So here’s a roundup of …

The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labor Aristocracy”

Revolutionaries often say that the working class holds the key to overthrowing capitalism. But “working class” is a very broad category—so broad that it can be used to justify a whole range of political agendas. The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labor Aristocracy” breaks it all down, criticizing opportunists who …

New World, Hard Choices: global empire and the new opposition

by Bromma (March 2003) [This paper contains shorthand summaries of several ideas relevant to the current world situation. Based substantially on published and unpublished writings by other people and on informal discussions, its aim is to promote debate.] The political/military hurricane swirling around Iraq, coupled with the 9/11 attacks and …