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Northwest Artists Against Extinction (NWAAE) support bold urgent action to protect wild salmon and steelhead from extinction and to restore them to abundance. 
Northwest Artists Against Extinction (NWAAE) support bold urgent action to protect wild salmon and steelhead from extinction and to restore them to abundance. 

Salmon Are Vital

Healthy salmon populations deliver irreplaceable benefits to the peoples and places of the Pacific Northwest. Salmon are vital to the cultures and economies of many Northwest tribes and an essential food source for critically endangered Southern Resident orca. 

Our ways of life as a region depend upon protecting wild salmon from extinction and restoring resilient populations. 



Call to Action

Northwest Artists Against Extinction, in partnership with Save Our wild Salmon Coalition, call upon our state and federal elected officials to create comprehensive solutions for the people, salmon, orcas and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest.

Restoring a free-flowing lower Snake River, by removing four federal dams, is essential for protecting native Northwest salmon from extinction.  This urgent conservation initiative represents one of our nation’s great salmon and river restoration opportunity today.



Britt two fish

Join us...

J Pod 1976, in honor of Ken BalcombAll Our Relations Snake River Campaign

On behalf of Se’Si’Le, NWAAE and Save Our wild Salmon invite you to stand with Indigenous leaders and Tribal communities across the Northwest in support of a Snake River journey and the Indigenous-led movement to restore salmon by removing the Snake River dams.

Sept 23: Olympia 1:00-4:30pm
Sept 25: Portland 6-8pm
Sept 26: Pasco 10:30a-1:00pm
Sept 27 Spokane 6-8pm
Sept 29: Nez Perce Evening Gathering
Sept 30: Hells Gate Park 8:30am-2:00pm
Oct 1: Seattle 6-8pm

NWAAE Articles & Blog

Read Articles and Blog posts by NWAAE and guests...

Speak For the Salmon Color B 01

Speak For the Salmon

Create artwork and send a strong message.

Pick a salmon template  •  Design/color it
Send the salmon and a message to elected officials


Speak For the Salmon Color B 01

Artist Partners

Save Our wild Salmon Coalition is partnering with Northwest Artists including:

Gabrielle Abbott
Victoria Adams
Alfredo Arreguin
Lisa Allison Blohm
Annie Brule
Sue Coccia
Melissa Cole
Rosemary Connelli
Marcus Fellbaum
Britt Freda
Lisa Gilley
Amy Gulick
Karen Hackenberg
Hart James
Eileen Klatt
Kim Kopp
Sarah Koten
Elsa and Tyler Lang
Odin Lonning
Megan Mack
Nikki McClure
Jen McLuen
Roxann Murray
Annie Musselman
Paige Pettibon
Austin Picinich
Nalisha Estrellas Rangel
Elise Richman
Karen Lené Rudd
Erik Sandgren
Israel Shotridge
Rachel Teannalach
Ray Troll
Josh Udesen
Claire Wachler
Rebecca Welti
Carrie Ziegler

Visit our Artist Partners page to learn more about each artist, with bios, images, and artist statements.