Social Internet Is Dead. Get Over It.

For the first two decades of the new century, the “web” was organized around people and social connections. What appeared to be a social utopia has now transformed into an algorithm-driven profit machine. The social web has transitioned into social media and thrives on engagement triggers. Algorithms prioritize influential sources, extreme ideas, and amplify false beliefs through pseudo-social approval. It’s no surprise that the web is flooded with noise, spam, and bots, diminishing its enjoyability and sociability. We find ourselves in a fog of misinformation. What we may not want to admit is that the Social Web is taking its last breath, and we’re entering a new phase of social decoupling. Continue reading Social Internet Is Dead. Get Over It.

A Game of Cricket, A Friendship Remembered

“History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme,” Mark Twain may have once said. I was reminded of this when watching the very end of a game of cricket earlier this month. While the game and its outcome will be forgotten in a few days, it dredged up bittersweet memories, reminded me of friendships, and finally helped me comprehend a recent (and very personal) loss.

Continue reading “A Game of Cricket, A Friendship Remembered”