NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023

An ethnolinguistic view of King County’s evolution over the last two hundred years

Beyond the tow­er­ing ever­greens and glim­mer­ing waters that encap­su­late King Coun­ty rests a mosa­ic of cul­tures and his­to­ries – lives that have con­verged here from around the world, weav­ing the fab­ric of a region in con­stant evo­lu­tion. A serendip­i­tous dis­cus­sion with a refugee opened my eyes to the rich cul­tur­al diver­si­ty and rapid evo­lu­tion of this region over three hun­dred years.

King Coun­ty is a place that encom­pass­es not just land but the sto­ries of diverse lives that have shaped its past and con­tin­ue to shape its present and future. Nes­tled in the heart of Wash­ing­ton state, King Coun­ty holds with­in its bound­aries the bustling metrop­o­lis of Seat­tle, a city known not only for the icon­ic Space Nee­dle but also for its role as a melt­ing pot of cul­tures, ideas, and histories.

Imag­ine a coun­ty span­ning about 2,100 square miles, home to the most pop­u­lous city in the state, where more than two hun­dred lan­guages echo in the air, cre­at­ing a har­mo­nious sym­pho­ny of human expres­sion. This is Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Coun­ty, where glob­al­iza­tion has woven its threads into the very fab­ric of its being, con­nect­ing it to the world in ways unimag­in­able just a few decades ago.

But King County’s sto­ry is not just about its present.

It reach­es back to times when native cul­tures thrived in the area, speak­ing var­i­ous dialects of Lushoot­seed and embody­ing a rich cul­tur­al web.

It extends to the first Euro­pean set­tlers who arrived in the 1850s, mark­ing the begin­ning of a trans­for­ma­tion that would shape the course of its history.

As I delved deep­er, I uncov­ered the chal­lenges and tri­umphs that this coun­ty had expe­ri­enced over the years. From the waves of immi­grants drawn by the promise of a bet­ter life, to the strug­gle against dis­crim­i­na­to­ry laws that sought to divide, to the flour­ish­ing mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism that defines the region today – every step has left an indeli­ble mark on King County’s identity.

In this arti­cle I will look at recent his­to­ry, explor­ing the inter­sec­tions of cul­tures, the resilience of com­mu­ni­ties, and the con­tin­u­ous evo­lu­tion of a place that stands as a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of diver­si­ty. King Coun­ty is not just a geo­graph­i­cal enti­ty; it’s a liv­ing embod­i­ment of the human spirit’s unyield­ing quest for under­stand­ing, growth, and uni­ty in the face of change.

The first Euro­pean set­tlers came to the area in the 1850s soon after Great Britain ced­ed the region to the Unit­ed States in 1846. Trade with Asia start­ed in 1882 as ships start­ed sail­ing back and forth between King Coun­ty and Asia.

With that trade came the first group of Chi­nese immi­grants to the region who found jobs work­ing on the rail­road and oth­er parts of the local economy.

As rail­roads start­ed con­nect­ing the Pacif­ic North­west to the rest of the Unit­ed States in the 1890s, Rus­sians, Greeks, Serbs, Sikhs and Fil­ipinos moved into the region as well and the region recov­ered from an eco­nom­ic depres­sion brought on by the end of the gold rush. Many of these immi­grants were not eli­gi­ble for Unit­ed States cit­i­zen­ship and con­se­quent­ly were sub­ject to land laws that were enact­ed when Wash­ing­ton Ter­ri­to­ry became a state, which pro­hib­it­ed “aliens who were inel­i­gi­ble for cit­i­zen­ship” (main­ly Chi­nese and Japan­ese) from own­ing land.

As the econ­o­my of the region suf­fered, the Asian pop­u­la­tion in Seat­tle and Taco­ma became the tar­get of vio­lence. Fur­ther laws such as the Chi­nese Exclu­sion Act of 1882 were enact­ed to bar Chi­nese immigrants.

First gen­er­a­tion Japan­ese farm­ers had come into the region in the 1920s and devel­oped milk and straw­ber­ry pro­duc­tion on leased farms.

The Japan­ese fared a lit­tle bet­ter than the Chi­nese because of the inter­ven­tions from the Japan­ese gov­ern­ment offi­cials and Japan’s sta­tus as a ris­ing power.

By 1910 there were 70,000 Japan­ese immi­grants in Washington.

How­ev­er, the sit­u­a­tion for immi­grants wors­ened soon after World War I, as impe­r­i­al Japan began expand­ing its sphere of influ­ence. A new law was passed which dis­al­lowed even leas­ing of land by non-cit­i­zens.

From World War II till the 1960s, African-Amer­i­cans moved into Pacif­ic North­west in sig­nif­i­cant num­bers and soon became the largest minor­i­ty in Seat­tle, over­tak­ing Asian-Amer­i­cans (Chi­nese, Japan­ese and Fil­ipinos). How­ev­er, like the rest of the nation, African-Amer­i­cans faced discrimination.

These atti­tudes and asso­ci­at­ed laws that pro­mot­ed seg­re­ga­tion con­tin­ued to per­sist in Wash­ing­ton State till the 1960s when the alien land law was final­ly repealed after two unsuc­cess­ful attempts between 1960 and 1966.

The repeal of these laws and chang­ing atti­tudes of peo­ple in the region along with an influx of immi­grants shaped how cities and com­mu­ni­ties in King Coun­ty have been pop­u­lat­ed over the last six­ty years.

With the Cen­tu­ry 21 Expo­si­tion, also known as the Seat­tle World’s Fair, the city drew world­wide atten­tion. The largest Japan­ese fair mar­ket store in the Pacif­ic North­west start­ed in the region in the 1960s soon after the fair.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton (UW) also decid­ed to increase its racial diver­si­ty and hired Samuel Kel­ly, a retired army colonel, as its vice pres­i­dent of minor­i­ty affairs. The uni­ver­si­ty admin­is­tra­tion approved the con­struc­tion of a cul­tur­al cen­ter which opened in 1972. The Eth­nic Cul­tur­al Cen­ter (ECC) housed events by Chi­nese, Indi­an, Chi­cano, Viet­namese and Cam­bo­di­an immi­grants and indige­nous peoples.

It became a home away from home for the immi­grant stu­dent pop­u­la­tion from across the world, home to a col­lec­tion of incred­i­ble murals.

In 1965, the updat­ed Immi­gra­tion and Nation­al­i­ty Act removed the coun­try of ori­gin based annu­al quo­ta that was estab­lished by the Luce-Celler Act.

This change allowed many edu­cat­ed and skilled immi­grants from Asian coun­tries to migrate to the Unit­ed States. Some of these immi­grants came to King Coun­ty, sig­nif­i­cant­ly con­tribut­ing to the diver­si­ty of the region.

By 1970, King County’s pop­u­la­tion had increased 26% in the pre­vi­ous decade, reach­ing 1,182,311. Whites still account­ed for 93% of coun­ty res­i­dents, fol­lowed by 40,597 African Amer­i­cans, 29,141 Asian Amer­i­cans, 7,391 Native Amer­i­cans and 3283 peo­ple of His­pan­ic her­itage. Oppres­sive land laws were repealed and while racial­ly dis­crim­i­na­to­ry covenants were still present in land deeds, their enforce­ment dwin­dled as years passed.

In 1996, King Coun­ty Exec­u­tive Gary Locke became the Ever­green State’s chief exec­u­tive. Wash­ing­ton became the first Low­er Forty-Eight state to elect an Asian-Amer­i­can can­di­date as its gov­er­nor.

Between 1970 and 2023, the pop­u­la­tion in the region dou­bled from 1.15 mil­lion to 2.27 mil­lion. Pop­u­la­tion diver­si­ty also increased, with the Asian com­mu­ni­ty grow­ing (it saw twen­ty-fold growth) and the His­pan­ic / Lati­no com­mu­ni­ty grow­ing (it saw sev­en­ty-five fold growth). In the 1970s, most Asian immi­grants came in as refugees from Viet­nam, Laos and Cam­bo­dia, while the 1980s saw migra­tion from Chi­na, Korea, India, and Pacif­ic Island nations.

By 1980, two-thirds of the state’s Asian Amer­i­cans were for­eign born as opposed to two-thirds being Amer­i­can born. 1980 was the last year that more Seat­tleites were born in Wash­ing­ton than in the oth­er forty-nine states.

The street trade along Jack­son Street was replaced by shops and restau­rants of Hieu Saigon, Seattle’s new Lit­tle Saigon. The 1980s saw a flood of refugees from Viet­namese boat peo­ple and their Hmong, Mien, and Khmer coun­ter­parts, to East Africa, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca, the for­mer Sovi­et Union, Bhutan and Myanmar.

This influx enriched local cul­ture (and din­ing), invig­o­rat­ed ail­ing neigh­bor­hoods, and chal­lenged schools and social services.

The over­all pop­u­la­tion of King Coun­ty increased from around 1.5 mil­lion res­i­dents in 1990 to over 2.26 mil­lion by 2018, growth of over 50%, while the rest of the Unit­ed States grew by only 32%. Cities such as Ren­ton and Kent grew by 153% and 244% respec­tive­ly. Between 2010 to 2020, Seattle’s pop­u­la­tion grew by 21% while King Coun­ty grew by 16%. This was the first time in over a cen­tu­ry that the city grew more than the sub­urbs!

While Boe­ing was one of the biggest employ­ers in Seat­tle pri­or to the 1970s, new employ­ers start­ed appear­ing in King Coun­ty start­ing the 1980s, the most influ­en­tial of which was Microsoft. As it grew, Microsoft attract­ed tal­ent from around the world, dri­ving sec­ondary jobs, and char­i­ties. The region became an even big­ger tech­nol­o­gy hub with the rise of ecom­merce pow­er­house Amazon.

Much of the increase in King County’s pop­u­la­tion has been due to an influx of for­eign-born res­i­dents. The per­cent of for­eign born res­i­dents of King Coun­ty rose from 15.4% to 23.5% between 2000 and 2018.

Of the pop­u­la­tion increase in King Coun­ty from 2000 to 2018, 52% of the growth came from for­eign born res­i­dents while the per­cent­age con­tri­bu­tion of for­eign born res­i­dents to the growth of res­i­dents for the over­all Unit­ed States was 32%, indi­cat­ing that more for­eign born res­i­dents moved to King Coun­ty. Greater than half of the for­eign born res­i­dents in King Coun­ty came from Asian coun­tries (Chi­na, Tai­wan, Hong Kong and India) fol­lowed by Mexico.

With this influx of for­eign born res­i­dents, the lin­guis­tic diver­si­ty of the region also blos­somed. Near­ly 600,000 res­i­dents of King coun­ty speak a lan­guage oth­er than Eng­lish at home. Seat­tle Pub­lic Schools cur­rent­ly serves near­ly 7,000 Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ers across one hun­dred and six­ty-two lan­guages spo­ken at home.

Accord­ing to fed­er­al data, Seattle’s 98118 zip code is home to speak­ers of sev­en­ty-eight lan­guages, more than any oth­er zip code in the Unit­ed States. And Kent is cur­rent­ly ranked as the sixth most diverse city in the Unit­ed States.

Groups of immi­grants often chose to con­gre­gate togeth­er after mov­ing to King Coun­ty. In 1970, most non-white pop­u­la­tion was cen­tered around south Down­town Seat­tle. As years passed, the Asian pop­u­la­tion shift­ed in con­cen­tra­tion across the lake into New­port, Belle­vue and Red­mond while the His­pan­ic pop­u­la­tion moved fur­ther south into Ren­ton, Kent and Auburn. Many in Seat­tle’s Black com­mu­ni­ty also moved to South King Coun­ty as the years passed.

Set­tle­ment pat­terns shaped by eth­nic­i­ty and lan­guage are appar­ent in neigh­bor­hoods like Bal­lard, West Seat­tle, and SoDo.

King Coun­ty has cre­at­ed lan­guage access poli­cies to become more accom­mo­dat­ing to peo­ple with lim­it­ed Eng­lish proficiency.

The coun­ty has cat­e­go­rized lan­guages into three tiers. Span­ish is con­sid­ered a Tier 1 lan­guage and the coun­ty man­dates that all doc­u­ments be trans­lat­ed into Span­ish and made avail­able by default to the res­i­dents of the county.

Tier 2 lan­guages (Viet­namese, Russ­ian, Soma­li, Chi­nese, Kore­an, Ukrain­ian, Amhar­ic and Pun­jabi) are ones where the gov­ern­ment “rec­om­mends” trans­la­tion and Tier 3 are ones for which trans­la­tion ser­vices are “encour­aged”.

These clas­si­fi­ca­tions are based on the num­ber of peo­ple who lever­age trans­la­tion ser­vices as they use pub­lic ser­vices.

Look­ing ahead, pro­jec­tions show Asian and His­pan­ic pop­u­la­tions increas­ing over the next two decades while the non-His­pan­ic White pop­u­la­tion plateaus.

King County’s eth­no­lin­guis­tic make­up will con­tin­ue to shift but the over­all pic­ture promis­es to become even rich­er, as new immi­grants arrive, bring­ing their cul­tures with them. The sto­ries embod­ied in each lan­guage will inter­sect, shap­ing the county’s future as they have its past and present.

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