NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Monthly Archives: June 2023

Biden-Harris administration moves to restart student loan forgiveness under Higher Education Act after Supreme Court ruling

Excerpt: "I’m not going to stop fighting to deliver borrowers what they need, particularly those at the bottom end of the economic scale," said the President.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Education, Policy Topics
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Support for increasing the size of the U.S. Supreme Court inches upward in Washington

Excerpt: 52% of 773 likely 2024 general election voters surveyed by Public Policy Polling earlier this month said they supported increasing the size of the Court to make it a more diverse and representative body, while 40% were opposed and 8% were not sure.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Civil Liberties, Legislative Advocacy, Litigation, Policy Topics
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Happening today: NPI’s Even Year Elections For All panel convenes at Netroots Nation ’23

Excerpt: Learn about the voting justice panel that the Northwest Progressive Institute is hosting at Netroots Nation 2023.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Events
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Is Dave Reichert getting ready to run for governor in 2024? It sure looks that way

Excerpt: Former United States Representative and King County Sheriff Dave Reichert, a Republican, appears to be on the verge of joining the increasingly crowded field of candidates running for Governor of Washington State next year, if recent statements from Republican state legislators are any indication.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Sorry, local Republicans, but higher gas prices aren’t the winning issue you think they are

Excerpt: Republicans seem to be calculating that once Washingtonians are frustrated enough with high gas prices, public support for policies like the Climate Commitment Act will evaporate. However, our research suggests they are wrong. 
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Our Environment, Policy Topics
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Oregon voters will soon get to decide whether to adopt ranked choice voting statewide

Excerpt: A victory for the RCV campaign in November 2024 would be a significant breakthrough for voting justice, as it would liberate voters in Oregon from being required to vote for just one candidate.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Ye reap what ye sow: Putin forced to quell armed uprising by one of his own henchmen

Excerpt: The Russian government has struck a deal to defuse a rebellion with the rogue tycoon founder of the mercenary Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prigozhin and his fighters had seized a Russian military base and begun driving towards Moscow after becoming dissatisfied with the course of the war in Ukraine.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:National Defense, Policy Topics, World Commmunity
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A majority of Washington voters agree big tech companies should have to pay for news

Excerpt: 55% of 773 likely general election voters in Washington interviewed earlier this month said they strongly or somewhat agreed that big tech companies like Google and Facebook should be obligated to pay media publishers for news content. Only 17% somewhat or strongly disagreed, and 27% were not sure.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Media & Culture, Policy Topics, Technology
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The Earth is warning us of the consequences of continued climate inaction. Will we listen?

Excerpt: Consequences of climate damage have hit home this spring, from waters of the Atlantic Ocean to boreal forests of Alberta to the Mariana Islands of the Pacific Ocean. As our politicians fiddle with manufactured issues, the Earth burns.
Written by:Joel Connelly
Categories:Our Environment, Policy Topics
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Washington State Supreme Court unanimously upholds state Voting Rights Act

Excerpt: The decision is an important legal victory for voting justice and ensures that the WVRA will remain in force.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Litigation
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A plurality of voters oppose I‑2078, Larry Jensen’s measure to sabotage gun safety laws

Excerpt: Initiative 2078, filed in April 2023, is a right wing grassroots effort to create a giant loophole in the gun safety laws passed by the people and the Legislature for the last ten years. NPI's research shows 46% of likely 2024 voters oppose it.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Maria Cantwell retains fifteen point lead over hypothetical opponent Jaime Herrera Beutler

Excerpt: The incumbent Democratic senator continues to enjoy a fifteen point lead over hypothetical Republican opponent Jaime Herrera Beutler, a margin unchanged from our last survey back in March.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in Washington by seventeen points, Ron DeSantis by twelve

Excerpt: DeSantis is, as of June 2023, a slightly stronger candidate than Trump for the Republicans in Washington State. In a hypothetical matchup with the ultra MAGA Florida governor, once a protege of Trump's, 51% of our respondents said they'd vote for Biden, while 39% would vote for DeSantis. 10% were not sure. 
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Last Week In Congress: How Cascadia’s U.S. lawmakers voted (June 5th-8th)

Excerpt: The week's major votes included House passage of the Encouraging Public Offerings Act (H.R. 2793) and Middle Market IPO Cost Act (H.R. 2812), plus Senate confirmation of two Biden executive branch nominees.
Written by:Targeted News Service
Categories:Legislative Advocacy, Series & Special Reports
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