NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Monthly Archives: November 2020

House Public Safety Committee reviews ideas for police reform ahead of 2021 session

Excerpt: In a November 30th virtual work session, the Washington State House of Representatives heard from reform advocates as well as representatives of law enforcement.
Written by:Emma Goolsby
Categories:Civil Liberties, Open Government, Policy Topics
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Washington State Senate Democrats unveil their 2021 standing committee assignments

Excerpt: Find out who will be on each of the Senate's standing committees for the 2021 legislative session that begins in January.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Legislative Advocacy
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Washington’s thirty-nine counties certify the (almost record setting) 2020 general election

Excerpt: Voter turnout reached 84.14% -- not quite as high as the 2008 general election twelve years ago, but pretty close to a record. 
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Formal transition to Biden-Harris begins as GSA finally recognizes Democratic victory

Excerpt: Administrator Emily Murphy has notified the Biden-Harris team that they will be able to access resources made available by the Presidential Transition Act of 1963.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Legislative Advocacy, Open Government, Policy Topics
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The Biden-Harris administration takes shape with the announcement of key appointees

Excerpt: Joe Biden's picks indicate the direction that the President-Elect wants to take the country.
Written by:Ruairi Vaughan
Categories:Announcements, Our Environment, Policy Topics, Public Service
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Jay Pearson, 1948–2020: Mellow manager of Democrats’ victories and comebacks helped build Washington’s governing party

Excerpt: Read NPI contributor Joel Connelly's celebration of the life and accomplishments of Jay Pearson, who for decades worked to help elect Democrats and empower them to govern well once in office.
Written by:Joel Connelly
Categories:Appreciations & Remembrances
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Last Week In Congress: How Cascadia’s U.S. lawmakers voted (November 16th-20th)

Excerpt: The week's major votes included House passage of a bill that would authorize several billion dollars to expand federally funded apprenticeship programs and Senate confirmation of Stephen Vaden to be a U.S. Trade Judge.
Written by:Voterama in Congress
Categories:Legislative Advocacy, Series & Special Reports
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Republican civil war: Loren Culp lashes out at Kim Wyman and J.T. Wilcox after big loss

Excerpt: The Washington State Republican Party appears to be splitting into two factions: those who accept Jay Inslee's overwhelming victory and those who baselessly believe the election was fraudulent.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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The mother of all grocery bills: GMA must pay $18 million fine for 2013 disclosure violations

Excerpt: The Grocery Manufacturers Association remains on the hook for a record-setting judgment because it flagrantly violated Washington State's public disclosure laws during its efforts to defeat a GMO labeling initiative.
Written by:Joel Connelly
Categories:Elections, Litigation, Open Government, Policy Topics
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Scramble for the Senate: The results are in; here’s how the candidates and parties fared

Excerpt: Although the Democrats made gains, control of the upper chamber of Congress will not be decided until January of 2021.
Written by:Ruairi Vaughan
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President-elect Joe Biden appoints Ron Klain as his incoming White House Chief of Staff

Excerpt: Klain has decades of experience in the White House, as well as a close personal relationship with Biden.
Written by:Ruairi Vaughan
Categories:Announcements, Party Politics
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Trump booster Doug Ericksen wants to abolish vote at home in Washington State

Excerpt: The pandemic has demonstrated just how useful and valuable vote at home is. Let's build on that, and discuss ways to make it easier for people to participate in our democracy, not harder. 
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Tim Eyman’s latest obsession: Trying to get the Supreme Court to reverse its I‑976 ruling

Excerpt: Washington State's 2020 gubernatorial race might as well be ancient history. Having failed to defeat Jay Inslee, Tim Eyman has gone back to griping about I-976's demise.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Litigation
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Adam Smith: Trump’s “childish” firing of Mark Esper will embolden America’s adversaries

Excerpt: Members of Congress from the Pacific Northwest and beyond strongly condemned Donald Trump's dismissal of the fourth Secretary of Defense to serve in his regime, which comes weeks before he will be out of office.
Written by:Joel Connelly
Categories:National Defense, Open Government, Policy Topics
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