
Masto – smøremiddel applikator til vaier

For over 38 år siden ble den originale vaier smøreren fra Masto oppfunnet. Denne norske oppfinnelsen er den første fulleffektive smøremiddel applikatoren for alle typer vaier og ståltau. Se referansesiden for kundetilbakemeldinger.

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    Rust korrosjon og friksjon skader innsiden av ståltau og wire.

    De vanligste metodene for smøring innebærer å spraye eller smøre tauene for hånd. Dette er tidkrevende, kostbart, lite effektivt og potensielt farefullt arbeid. Problemet med denne metoden er at smøremiddelet sjeldent trenger inn i kjernene av ståltauet hvor korrosjon og rust og friksjon gjør størst skade.


    Masto vaier smøremiddelapplikator smører ståltauet grundig fra innsiden og ut.

    Dette gir økt styrke og fleksibilitet i tillegg til å forlenge levetiden på ståltauet. Applikatoren forhindrer nedetid og forhindrer at ståltauet må skiftes ut tidligere enn nødvendig, i tillegg til å skape en trygg arbeidsprosess for operatøren.

    We will carryout lubrication on our 103 mm wire in the coming days. This will be the third time this has been conducted, and I am extremely satisfied with the results. No wastage due to drop off during application and very good penetration.
    – Lifting Equipment Inspector, Boa Management AS
    Bridon Ropes has used Masto machines in its factories for over 10 years, in cases where a special lubricant coating is required on particular wire ropes. Over the years the machines have given dependable service over a wide range of rope sizes and constructions, and have given satisfactory seal lives.
    – Product Manager, Bridon Ropes Limited
    After having used the Masto unit for approximately 2 ½ years, we are more than satisfied with the unit. It is a clean and efficient way of greasing wires. Before we got the unit, greasing wires was a hard task, but now the unit is doing the work for us and the wires are greased properly and evenly.
    – Deck Foreman, Mobil Exploration Norway Inc.
    The undersigned surveyor to Det norske Veritas was present when the “MASTO” wire lubricator was demonstrated on two wire dimentions. After being greased, the wires were split apart, and we can confirm that the grease had penetrated through the whole cross-section of the wires.
    – Surveyor in Charge, Det Norske Veritas
    We have tested different types of wire rope lubricators and can ensure you that we are very satisfied with your product. We would definitely go for Masto lubricators should the need for such a product arise again.
    – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd
    I can confirm that the ‘Maesto’ wire rope lubricator has been in use on the vessels under my control for several years, during which time it has proved to be a highly effective tool to assist particularly in maintaining the wire ropes of the deck cranes in good order, despite the most ardous operating conditions.
    – Technical Superintendent, Unicom Management Services (Cyprus) Ltd
    After having used the MASTO unit for approximately one year, we are very satisfied with the unit. It is a safe and clean way of greasing wires. It has proved to be a timesaving tool, compared to brush, cloth etc.
    – Technical Commander, A/S Geoteam
    Today we have used the Lubricator for the first time. One word: Amazing! 2 hours instead of two days, no backache, 60 Kg grease instead of 250 Kg, clean dungarees, no mess everywhere around. It’s a great advisable product. I will recommend the wire lubricator to my collegues.
    -Tanklager Hamburg, Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG