The MRC's Hunter Biden Derangement, Spring 2023

The Media Research Center continued to desperately try to make Hunter scandals a thing -- then melted down over news of a possible plea deal.

Related: MRC's Summer of Hunter Biden Derangement • AutumnWinter

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The MRC's DeSantis Defense Brigade: Failure to Launch

The Media Research Center labored hard to spin away the botched Twitter-hosted beginning of Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign, as well as defending him after the NAACP issued a travel warning for Florida.

Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 3: 2022

The WorldNetDaily columnist claims he understands "why some LGBTers call us hateful" -- then went on to prove those LGBTers correct.

Dragphobia Is (Still) All The Rage At The MRC

The Media Research Center wants you to hate and fear drag queens as much as it does, and its attacks on them at the start of this year continued that narrative (but Milton Berle and "Bosom Buddies" have been deemed exempt from criticism).

The MRC Hating Transgender People, 2023 Edition

In the first few months of this year, the Media Research Center kept up its nasty campaign of hate against transgender people.

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