“We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Southern people, by all honorable means.”

The League of the South is a Southern nationalist organization, headquartered in Killen, Alabama, whose ultimate goal is “a free and independent Southern republic.” The League defines the Southern United States as the states that make up the Confederate States of America. While political independence ranks highly among our goals, we are also a religious and social movement, advocating a return to a more traditional, conservative Christian-oriented Southern culture.

A politically independent sovereign state is not required for “nationhood.” Scots form a “nation” although they do not have their own state. The South remains very much a nation even though it has not been an independent sovereign “nationstate” since 1865. Even then the Confederate States of America were not a unitary state but a confederation of independent sovereign States.

The League of the South is the largest, most organized, and foremost advocate for the Southron people in a day and age that is growing increasingly hostile to our very existence. Our culture is being sacked by an unholy crusade of leftist agitators and foreign religions and our very physical survival depends on us organizing and effectively defending ourselves from this enemy who seeks to eliminate us from the planet earth. If we fail to do this then not only will there be no more Southern flags and monuments, but soon there will be no more Southern people. We will all have been erased and our birthrights and those we intend to hand down to our children will have been given to foreigners and strangers who have no love for our way of life. We are being purposefully replaced by people who hate the Bible, they hate our ancestors, they hate our families, and they hate us with such a passion they would stop at nothing to see our culture and bloodline eradicated forever. This is why it is absolutely imperative that we rally what is left of our people, our resources, and every last vestige of Western Civilization in Dixie; to stand together and secure a future in which OUR culture can survive, dominate and thrive.

For the South, cultural as well as political secession is the only practical, the only realistic, and the only moral choice.

Deo Vindice (With God as Our Protector)!

League of the South Statement on 27 March 2023 Nashville, TN shooting:

The recent murder of six people, including three 9-year old children, at Covenant Presbyterian Christian School in Nashville by a former student who had become transgendered points up one undeniable fact: transgenderism is not only ungodly and unnatural, but it is also a threat to our people and institutions in the South and elsewhere.

Those who push transgenderism through such events as Drag Queen Story Hour at local libraries or those who advocate that vulnerable children undergo life-changing sex surgeries have no place in our Southern society.

In light of this latest assault by the transgender industry (and it indeed is a widespread industry funded by various leftist causes and organizations) against the most innocent among us, we in The League of the South call upon the Southern State legislatures to pass laws criminalizing all forms of transgenderism and its public advocacy and financial support.

Moreover, we call upon our State legislatures to pass laws to prevent pro-transgender (and pro-homosexual) studies and advocacy in our school systems. The gender confusion that these studies cause is sadly reflected in such events as the recent Nashville school shooting. Transgender violence must be stopped now, before any more of our precious children are maimed for life or killed by those who push this perverted and abominable lifestyle. It has no place in the traditional South. For the sake of our precious children, it must stop now.

Michael Hill, on behalf of the LS Board of Directors
Killen, Alabama