How Israel trades on war and occupation

Antony Loewenstein’s new book, The Palestine Laboratory, looks at Israel’s military cyber industrial complex and its role as one of the world's biggest arms dealers and seller of some of the most invasive software. He talked to Solidarity.

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Assassination in Canada exposes Albanese’s embrace of violent Modi government

The Indian government has been accused of assassinating a Sikh activist in Canada. This is all too believable in the light of Modi’s Hindu nationalism and authoritarianism.

Brotherhood campaign ends with sector-leading enterprise agreement and stronger union

Workers at the Brotherhood of St Laurence in Melbourne have voted up a new enterprise agreement, ending 16 months of bargaining that saw strikes for the first time in the 93-year-old anti-poverty charity’s history.

Labor conference runs dead on refugees

Labor's underwhelming announcement on the refugee intake set the scene for an equally underwhelming and orchestrated Labor conference.

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Ingham’s strikes show the way to fight for real wage rises

Workers at Ingham’s chicken plants in South Australia and West Australia have won an improved pay offer, better in-housing of labour-hire workers and improved breaks after five days on strike.

Climate action

Labor’s coal expansion fuels climate breakdown

“Climate breakdown has begun,” the UN’s Antonio Guterres has declared, after the world’s hottest three months on record.

Racism and Indigenous rights

Ukraine counter-offensive facing failure as bloodshed continues

Despite the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, both NATO and Russia are intent on continuing a war of attrition no matter the cost.


Labor conference endorses Albanese’s conservative agenda and military build-up

Anthony Albanese and Defence Minister Richard Marles staked their credibility on defeating dissent over AUKUS. It was not much of a gamble.

Sexism and LGBTIQ

Matildas’ success caught up in a wave of nationalism

The widespread admiration for the Matildas has been a blow against sexism but it has also fuelled nationalism.


Long reads

Jose Maria Sison: a flawed revolutionary

Sison dedicated his life to fighting colonialism and imperialism. But his devotion to a version of Stalinist politics means that, ultimately, his was a deeply flawed revolutionary project that has left a deep scar on Filipino politics.

Radical history and theory

Chile’s bloody coup 50 years on

In 1973 workers in Chile were on the march and could have taken power, but the left’s failures allowed the ruling class to unleash bloody repression, argues Raili Maria Haagensen.

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