Please don't fill the subreddit with amateur content. There are tons of amazing up and coming artists out there but this isn't the place to post your work (try r/animation).
Professional content includes most cartoons broadcast on television and cable channels, movie theaters, and major streaming services.
Other sources are allowed, however cartoons appearing only in public platforms like YouTube will face a higher standard of production value and public/community reception.
Spoilers are not allowed in titles and are only allowed in marked threads.
Untagged spoilers in comments may be allowed depending on the post's title/body (ex "What's the best finale?").
Please respect OP's wishes if they request to limit the scope of the discussion. Speculation/rumors/leaks are all considered spoilers.
Intentional or egregious spoilers which ruin a newly aired show for people may result in a permanent ban.
Many cartoon channels have entirely live action shows, however they do not qualify as cartoons. Please don't post them here. Instead, try finding the specific show or channel subreddit instead.
We certainly enjoy cartoons of the non animated variety as well but they do not belong on the sub. Please visit r/comics to post about cartoon strips, comic books, graphic novels, and web comics.
Such content may be allowed in comment threads as long as it's related to the posted cartoon.
Please provide useful descriptive titles and use complete thoughts in your posts.
We don't need any junk content such as irrelevant or hard to understand text/images, incoherent ramblings, major grammar or spelling errors, low resolutions, or poorly edited/cropped images and video.
Comments should be held to a lower standard
Image not related posts are fine as long as the image is about a cartoon.
Click bait is any post which directly or implicitly encourages the user to click it. False or sensationalized headlines especially.
Rage bait is any content whose purpose is to provoke an angry response. May be considered trolling.
Engage bait is any post that encourages interaction without offering potential for discussion in return.
This can also include calls to action such as "Click here!" Or "Upvote if you agree!"
Original content (OC) like photos of collectables, crafts, and fanart is encouraged. It should not be considered spam as long as you're not selling anything.
References to web stores/merch stores should not be allowed. You may mention which channel/service the relevant cartoon can be watched but no need for any links.
Anyone violating this rule should be banned and reported as spam so they may be added to Reddit's spam filters and thus receive a site wide ban.
NSFW content is acceptable only if it is from the show itself. Therefore, absolutely no user created material is allowed to be NSFW.
Please tag all NSFW posts. If you feel as if you have any doubt, flair it as NSFW. You may also use spoiler tags to hide NSFW comments.
NSFW comments regarding underage characters are never allowed.
X rated cartoons are not allowed on this sub. There are many alternative subs for such content.
Please do not use profanity in the title of posts and avoid excessive profanity in post bodies.
When used it should be in constructive ways such as to express an emotion.
Profanity used as a personal or fandom attack should not be tolerated.
Acceptable: "____ this! The (fandom) fanbase has too many annoying fans in it. ____!"
Not Acceptable: "____ those guys! The ____ (fandom) fanbase has too many annoying ____ fans in it."
Please engage with others in a kind and civil manner. Good faith conversation, debate, and discussion are the building blocks of our community here.
It is possible to be nice and disagree at the same time. Overly hostile content toward people or fandoms may be subject to removals and/or bans.
Jokes and sarcasm are great ways to express your dissent without resorting to hostilities.
Attacks on your fellow fans should not be tolerated. Name calling and insults have no place here.
Please respect other's rights to decide their own opinions, even if you don't respect their opinion. Focus on the merits of their words, or lack there of, rather than the person.
Everyone here has the right to disengage or to "agree to disagree". Often this means "I refuse to admit defeat" but it is their right. Pressuring people to continue after they try to disengage is a form of harassment.
Attacks disparaging an entire fandom/fanbase should not be tolerated. Broad generalizations are unfair to the diverse fanbase most shows have.
No fandom is immune to toxicity and discussing it can be very beneficial. Thus, content regarding the negative aspects of a fandom are allowed but must be focused in scope.
Inserting oneself into a discussion with fandom attacks unrelated to the topic of the post or comment thread may be considered a type of trolling.
Attacks directed at fellow users should not be tolerated.
This includes (but is not limited to) name calling, taunting, mocking, repetitive/annoying behavior, ignoring requests to disengage, repeated teasing, targeted hostility, and generally malicious comments.
Egregious or repeated violations of this rule may result in bans.
Intentionally provoking conflict via trolling, baiting, taunting, or mocking people/fandoms should not be tolerated.
Jokes and sarcasm are certainly allowed but should be written intelligently enough as to not be confused for trolling.
Anyone violating this rule should be banned and reported as spam so they may be added to Reddit's spam filters and thus receive a site wide ban.
Prejudicial behavior, especially (but not limited to) the subjects of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age, or disability should not be tolerated by anyone.
Anyone violating this rule should be banned and reported as spam so they may be added to Reddit's spam filters and thus receive a site wide ban.
Low effort posts with single digit karma scores and non-existent discussion after 48 hours may be removed.
Please report such posts if you feel they are cluttering up the subreddit. Moderators have full discretion.
Posts removed for this reason may be reposted after more effort is out into them