Charlie Kirk Does A Racist Impression Of A Univision Anchor

On their Rumble show, Thoughtcrime, co-hosts Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec broke down the second Republican presidential primary debate with their guests, Charlie Kirk Show producer Blake Neff and TPUSA COO Tyler Bowyer. The group panned the debate, with Kirk singling out Univision anchor and debate moderator Ilia Calderón for racist mockery.

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Bill O’Reilly Wanted Trump To Designate Mexican Cartels As ‘Terrorist Groups’ And ‘Send Special Forces Into Acapulco And Cut Their Heads Off’

In the 26th episode of his Tucker on X show, timed of course to coincide with the second Republican primary debate, Tucker Carlson interviewed another Fox News host who was ignominiously canned by the network: Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly, who was fired over sexual harassment allegations, told Carlson that he advised Trump on his immigration policy.

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Stephen Miller Wants To Use The Military To Deport ‘Millions’ Of Undocumented Immigrants

During an appearance on the Sept. 27, 2023 episode of The Charlie Kirk Show, former Trump advisor Stephen Miller outlined a plan to forcibly remove millions of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. According to Miller, the Alien Enemies Act could be used to deport immigrants without due process concerns, while the military could be tasked with the deportations.

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Elijah Schaffer: ‘What They’re Doing Is Essentially Extermination Of White People’

During the Sept. 20, 2023 episode of his Rumble show, Nightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer went on a rant in which he pushed the racist “Great Replacement” conspiracy. He also warned that white people face “extermination,” said he wasn’t sure if Jews are primarily responsible for it, and claimed that “white erasure is real.”

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E. Michael Jones Tells Stew Peters That ‘The Holocaust Created Jewish Privilege’

On the Sept. 21, 2023 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist Stew Peters interviewed E. Michael Jones. Jones, an antisemitic self-styled theologian who has appeared on livestreams with white nationalists and Neo-Nazis, told Peters that the Holocaust “created Jewish privilege” and that the Biden administration is controlled by Jews.

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Ken Paxton Claims Biden Administration Was Behind His Impeachment And Floats Challenge To Sen. John Cornyn

Following his impeachment trial acquittal, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton posted on X that he was “heading to Maine” to “sit down with @TuckerCarlson” and “discuss the last two weeks in Texas politics.” During the interview Paxton alleged that the Biden administration was secretly behind his impeachment and suggested he was open to challenging Sen. John Cornyn.

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Anna Perez Blames Lack Of Fresh Produce At Her Grocery Store On Black Customers

On Sept. 18, 2023, far-right pundit and conspiracy theorist Anna Perez debuted her new show, Wrongthink Primetime, on the Rumble channel of white nationalist Stew Peters. During the inaugural episode, Perez reacted to a story about food deserts and the possibility of opening city-owned grocery stores in Chicago by claiming that Black people “love fried food.”

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In Interview With Tucker Carlson, Javier Milei Denounces A ‘Murderous’ ‘Socialist Agenda’

Continuing his series of interviews with far-right politicians, Tucker Carlson traveled to Argentina to speak with presidential candidate Javier Milei. Milei, who won Argentina’s August primary and is currently polling in first place, used the interview to denounce Pope Francis and what he called a “murderous” “socialist agenda.”

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Stew Peters Believes ‘Directed Energy Weapon’ Destroyed The World Trade Center

White nationalist Stew Peters has voiced support for increasingly deranged conspiracy theories on everything from COVID-19 to dinosaurs to the moon landing. In an episode of his Stew Peters Show on Sept. 11, 2023, Peters added a new conspiracy theory to that list: that the World Trade Center was actually destroyed by “directed energy weapons.”

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Tucker Carlson’s Interview With Larry Sinclair Was Tabloid-Style Sleaze

On the 22nd episode of his Tucker on X show, Tucker Carlson gave a platform to Larry Sinclair — a man who spent years claiming that, in 1999, he used cocaine and had sex with then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama. Sinclair is a fraudster whose lengthy criminal record includes charges for theft and forgery.

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