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Where to study law

Hi everyone! I'm new to this sub and would appreciate your advice on where to study law. I'm currently leaning toward Australia and the United Kingdom.

Michael Fassbender stars in The Killer, a new film by David Fincher. Now playing on Netflix.

An International student being left out

I'm an Indian student in Europe and it's been nearly 4 months since I arrived here. Generally I'm not a complete introvert person but I socialize with people a little. It is really tough for me to make friends here with the Europeans even tough I initialize the talk. It is like I'm being completely left out or avoided and they don't include me with any activity or when going out. Sad part is I'm the only non-EU guy in my class, I feel really hurt. How can I cope with the challenges of feeling alone and struggling to make friends in a new country, and what strategies can I employ to build meaningful connections and overcome the barriers to social interaction. I don't know whom to share this with and seek help. Kindly any advice would do good. Thank you