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  • Privacy Policy
Last updated:03 May 2018

Privacy Policy

In line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the Working Class Movement Library (WCML) takes your privacy seriously and will ensure that your personal data is safe and kept confidential.

This Privacy Policy outlines how and why we use your personal information; the terms of this statement may change, so please check it from time to time.


The objective of the Library is to develop, promote and use its collections to help the Working Class, defined in the broad sense as “those who contribute their labour without owning its output” both to understand its history and to learn from it in order to organise for its future advancement socially, politically and economically.

The collection and retention of any information relating to individuals will be for the sole purpose of pursuing and assisting in the pursuit of the objective outlined above.

What do we use your information for?

The lawful basis that we use for processing the data is that either:

  • You have given us your consent 


  • The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller (WCML). In this case the legitimate interest is to carry out the objectives of the organisation.                                        

a) Supporter information

The specific purpose of retaining personal information shall be to:

  • Maintain a record of those undertaking voluntary work on behalf of WCML and those wishing to be associated with the Library as Friends or supporters.
  • Enable us to keep Friends, volunteers, and supporters informed about the Library via a quarterly news sheet.
  • Keep a record of individuals, or individuals acting on behalf of organisations, making donations in support of the Library.
  • From time to time seek support, including financial, from our Friends and supporters.
  • Inform Friends, volunteers and supporters of Library events and activities.

Information relating to individual supporters shall be deleted not more than three years after that person has ceased to pay a subscription to the Library, but sooner if expressly wished.  

Data which identifies an individual’s trade union membership will only be held when the name has been supplied to us as the contact for a trade union branch/regional/national affiliation.      

b) Reader information

WCML holds reader contact details for two years, solely in order to communicate with readers in relation to the material they have studied at the Library, and their potential wider research interests.  There is also a legal requirement for us to retain for seven years copyright and camera use forms containing reader contact information.

c) Web site visitor information

WCML collects the following information regarding visitors to our Web site: IP address, and information regarding what pages are accessed.  We may use this information to generate anonymous reports on the usage of our Web site which may inform marketing campaigns or bids for funding.  If you have given us permission to email you by signing up via the Web site to our e-bulletin, we use this information solely to send you copies of those e-bulletins. If you ever wish to unsubscribe from these, our mailings have an unsubscribe link included. 

Does WCML use cookies on its Web site?

Yes. Cookies are pieces of information that are sent to your computer by WCML when you log on to our Web site. They are stored on your computer's hard drive, allowing us to recognise you as a user when you next visit.

If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, it is possible for you to disable this function. However, if you choose to do this, you may be unable to access certain parts of our site.
For full details see our cookie policy page.

What security precautions are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of my information?

When you give WCML personal information we take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely. Non-sensitive details (your email address etc) may be transmitted normally over the Internet, and this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, WCML cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, WCML is committed to taking all required steps to ensure its security on our systems.

With whom will we share your personal data?

No information relating to any individual will be passed to a third party without the express permission of the individual concerned.  The only exception to this is that in some circumstances the law requires us to disclose information to another party. An example is the reclaim of tax on Gift Aid.  If you Gift Aid a donation, then we are required to tell HMRC the name, house number and postcode of the donor and the date(s) and amount(s) of any such donation, and to retain that information for six years.

In the course of our work we use third party Web sites (regularly Eventbrite, Facebook, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Paypal and Twitter). We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third party Web sites.

Your rights

The new law gives you certain rights and you can read these in full at https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protectionregulation-gdpr/.

You are entitled to see information we hold on you. This is called a Subject Access Request. You need to put your request in writing. You will also need to prove to us your identity, by supplying original or notarised ID. It is important that you prove your identity before we can send you any details. If you require this information please email  enquiries @ wcml.org.uk.

You can also:

• Withdraw your consent by asking us to stop emailing you 

• Ask us to update our records 

• Ask us to consider a request from you to stop processing your data (please note that activities like processing Gift Aid donations, or the fact that we hold material in our collection that you have donated to us, may mean we cannot entirely stop processing your data)

• Complain or discuss the way that we are handling your information.

For any of these requests, or to see a copy of WCML’s detailed collection and retention processes for different categories of information, please email enquiries @ wcml.org.uk.

You can also seek further advice from the Information Commissioner’s Office; details are at https://ico.org.uk.

Does WCML review its privacy policy?

WCML reserves the right to amend this privacy policy. You are advised to visit this page periodically to keep up-to-date with any changes made to this policy.

April 2018