The Disinherited

What happened to the 130,000 Syrian citizens living in the Golan Heights in June 1967? According to the Israeli narrative, they all fled to Syria, but official documents and testimonies tell a different story.

Shay Fogelman
Shay Fogelman
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Shay Fogelman
Shay Fogelman

The aroma of ripe figs fills your nostrils as soon as you enter the village of Ramataniya. At the height of summer, they're overripe and the smell of fermentation is oppressive. With no one to pick it, the fruit rots on the trees. With no one to trim them, the roots and branches grow wild, cracking the black basalt walls of the nearby houses, reaching through empty window frames, and destroying stone walls in the yards.


ינאי קמינקא ז"ל

I Lost My Son to the War With Hamas. Force and Violence Aren't the Solution

An Israeli air stirke in Gaza, last month.

The Israeli Army Has Dropped the Restraint in Gaza, and Data Shows Unprecedented Killing

Student pro-Palestine protest outside New York's Columbia University campus last month

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Volunteers from the Zaka Identification, Extraction, and Rescue organization remove bodies of Israelis murdered in the October 7 massacre at Kibbutz Be'eri, in October 2023.

Hamas Committed Documented Atrocities. But a Few False Stories Feed the Deniers


Progressive 'Freedom Fighters,' I'm a Palestinian Israeli. I Don't Need your 'Liberation'

Cochav Elkayam-Levy. “I never thought my work in international law and feminist theory would intersect in such a shocking way.”

Hamas' Campaign of Rape Against Israeli Women Is Revealed, Testimony After Testimony