Fuck Bash Back! 23

Fuck Bash Back! 23

From Bash Back

Fuck these middle aged organizers and their bullshit attempts to appease our rage. We will not be fucking stopped. Were you ever even nihilists?? You are almost as bad as the tiqqunists. We’re not some academic conference. So we’re saying no more workshops. All we want is orgies and actions. We want to be together and fight when we need to and wherever the fuck we want.

Is this even the same bash back that said “queers are gangs and conflicts are our language”??

We refuse to be civ-cucked. We will keep hooking up in your chill out zone. We will crack squats instead of letting you rent venues. We will not wear a face diaper at the orgy. We will not sit in your stupid workshops. Why did you plan so much shit? We needed more time to chill. Those early morning sessions were fucked up after long nights of crime. If you schedule shit that early again we will stay up all night just to come mace the room. Period. What happens off the schedule is the only thing that really matters anyway.

Shout out to the people who attacked [redacted] in solidarity with [redacted], took over the golf course for an orgy, chased the pigs off the beach, everyone who threw a punch, 2 on 2 fighting, 2 on 2 fucking, whoever looted that liquor store to supply the rave, everyone who caught tags around the venue, the squatters, teen liberationists, the DJs, the people who sucked dick, the people who stole shit from the gay (slur) bookfair.

Also, if you’re cishet, don’t fucking come. Suck some girl dick to prove it. And next year teachers are getting maced, basically prison guards. If you give a workshop about not having phones, we better not catch you texting.

Rumors of regional bash back gatherings next year ? Well you better expect to see us there and this time we’re not fucking around.

Make bash back a gang again. Make it a fucking threat. No more organizers period. No more “working groups”. We don’t want to work, we want to play and destroy. if we want food, we’ll go rack some with our friends. we’re going to be cracking squats instead of begging some central committee for housing like a bunch of radlibs. Or we’ll be sleeping under a fucking bridge. Everyone does what they want, or we die trying.

The nihilist enemies won Bash Back and we have the hickies to prove it. Next year stay the fuck out of our way.

– a few anonymous uncontrollables

Submitted Anonymously

There are 48 Comments

Let me get this straight…

Y’all are mad because you don’t want to wake up early because you think that being up early is something working people do so you stay up late because that’s what anti-work people do. So you are still operating from an association of work with when sleeping makes sense. You think somehow aggressively macing a voluntary event makes sense because you think the schedule should be different, or even not even real and just a diversion from basic bitch crimes.l you romanticize. Somehow you think squatting and administrating housing distribution are opposed to each other which is totally just your assumption and totally could be compatible if the evil committee also inventoried abandoned houses that were good places to squat, something squatters actually have done in the past. Half of your antics are basically just variations on displaying your genitals in a sexual context cause that’s totally against civilization to always think nudity as a sexual thing.

This isn’t nihilism it’s just the inversion of some shit. Fucking lame.

Waking up early does fucking SUCK, and it's indeed the trademark of LAME normie people.... at least those that do it on purpose not because their body clock is just making them wake up early.

Squatting and housing distribution are opposed. The first is nihilist where the other is legalist and reformist. Gazillion years study of capitalist cities just shows the managers mostly don't give a shit about affordable housing. (Source: Canada) But I and other *anarchists* aren't giving a bigger fuck about it, coz it's yet more of putting our daily lives in the hands of city administrators and other managers of the nonprofit/coop sector who maybe just as bad as landlords.

Your lack of an actual social critique beyond using the "LAME" accusation is just revealing of your liberalism. Yet more Instagram ID politicians maybe maybe?

Waking up early is obviously part of how our body clocks work at this or that age because that’s how the sun and melatonin work. Civ is what makes nightlife so big of a vibrant thing. These people are just bozos who stay up late because their crimes are so petty that they can’t operate them during the day. If your sick idea of crime is just fucking theft and graffiti and having parties in weird places then you are definitely in the barely deviant class of baddies.

And no, having groups (committees) that give a shit about housing isn’t the same as a city housing commission or whatever the fuck they call it. Yes. Squatters do inventory and research properties that would be good to squat. They look into the history of the property and it’s ownership, think about how to get electric and water going, and do all kinds of other shit to figure out if it’s viable. That isn’t a lot different form just inventorying housing and figuring out what to do with it collectively. If you think those two things are fundamentally opposed then you are the one without a critique of social blah blah whatever the fuck because you accept the legal property regimen as it is and get stuck in that paper bag instead of organizing against it. Spontaneously sleeping in abandoned infrastructure barely counts as squatting. Squatters live in places for years or even decades. I’m some places it has even been a route to legally becoming the property owner.

This oh so brave spleen venting of a response to an event is just contrarian crap wreaking the mask of some schoolgirls idea of a gang. Gangs are way more sophisticated than this shit. This shit is the thinking of a suburban ass weed crew that just isn’t cishet. Its little more than what the bad kiddies think they should do to the popular kids at school. It’s that boring and pathetic.

are really just normie superstars. Call me out for "ressentiment" but it's true! They can't become a something without being conform to the fixed models, yet they all know that's just not who they are, either due to being shallow fucks or some else entirely.... In both ways, they are impersonations of pony representations that are driven by poor collectivist cultures.

"Squatters live in places for years or even decades."
NooOoo brah CUM, there are the nomadic squatters, but yeeEaah, they seemed very bourgeoisie, thus inauthentic "squatters".

Choosing to believe this level of insane-keyboard-warrior-ranting, screaming-at-the-heavens-cursing-the-gods, actively-sweating-bullets-while-typing ramble HAS to be satire. For my own sanity this has to be satire. Please.

plus it's hilarious! especially if you read it in the spirit of I DONT BASH BACK I SHOOT FIRST


This is like the inverse of the dreaded "tenderqueer" - just as annoying and pigheaded though.

Writing this long ass post just to say "ima still go next time tho" ... The discussions and shit were not mandatory no one woulda stopped ya if you just showed up to the orgies smashed up some shit and left lol. Or just host another event?

Trying to imagine the authors of this petulant garbage communiqué Hosting A Thing. Seems entirely beyond their capacities and inclinations. Threatening to mace next year’s bash back seems like as much planning as they can handle.

Here’s hoping next year, when they ask to borrow the car, mom & dad say no, and everyone is spared their bullshit.

how stupid. sure, some of the anger and criticisms seem real, but fuck, what infantile crap, not to mention authoritarian. is anyone really still pushing the action vs thinking bullshit. i guess so. was this written in their parent’s basement?

I feel like the "middle age organizers" probably know a thing or two more than the idiots who wrote this trash.
The current wave of nihilist insurrectionary anarchy and that milleau are a dead end.
Long live "tiqqunism" and "middle age organizers"

this isnt nihilism its actually stalinism

you arent anarchists actually you are the authoritarians

just the general atmosphere of extreme intolerance to political pluralism, debate, differences, etc. i would say they are fascists but thats like too inflammatory sounding.

we need rival heresies not new orthodoxies.

I wonder what suburb the author lives in.
Genitals and graffiti is kewl!
Gender queer mafia, bro!
We are tOotally nihilists, bro. We believe in nothing except for all the things we just wrote about

How is this anarchist news?

I can't believe i just read all that.

White people sure do have a lot of time on their hands.

"I can't believe I just read all that."

It was like two paragraphs.

cannot wrap my mind around all of the middle-aged tiqqunist, civ-cucked, organization & centralization enjoyers seething over some good-old rowdy queers making a racket by rightfully criticizing the crazy tenderqueer co-opting shit that went down at bb23. lighten up a bit! these ppl are having fun, and so should you

Just fyi, there was nothing 'Tiqqunist' about Bash Back 2023. They were all too afraid to show up

Get the fuck out of here with this slappy hands bullshido bullshit, lumpy. You're going to get someone killed.

don't mind the trolls, you won't catch me posting martial arts videos here, too cringe for me!

several of the alleged "tiqqunists" were og bash back but nobody gonna say that i guess

So you can see how liberal ID pols makes all kinds of petty turf wars on matter that are so unrelated to anarchy...

Anarchism is not a sexual identity or preference, dudes, no matter how hard you try. That's like when the DSA ('member the DSA?) tried to scoop up anarchoid college kid types to their glorious agenda. Like fuck off with your reformist shit, alright? That's got nothing to do with being autonomous or just Being in itself.

We Contemptuous are tired of these ID pol temper tantrum screeds. In the dark future where we Contemptuous run wild our teeth and claws will do the communicating. There are no rad meetups or golf course orgies that can contain our feral contemptuousness!

The convergence had workshops, yes, I wouldn't call them academic, they were on knife fighting, striking/grappling, therapy, a talk by queer militants, a talk about youth crews squatting the woods and fighting/assasinating Nazis and sabotaging infrastructure, a talk about being against the internet and technological domination, and plenty of other cool talks, you didn't have to go to any of it, you didn't have to go to the strategy sessions(which I barely knew was happening)? If all you want is orgies and action, then do that, help make that happen, hell, I would love to help make that happen. I think it's true that I wanted more orgies and more action.
You're mad because people rented venues?

Anyways, I agree with "schedule less shit and I only want orgies and action, but if people want to go sit in a workshop in the meantime, I just wont?

Here's a tip for you "knife fighting" enthusiasts.

1. Nearly all knife attacks will not be a "knife fight". Most of the time you will never see the knife until it is plunging in and out of your body.

If anybody it teaching you to handle a knife attack by pulling out your own knife and getting into a duel then you should ignore everything that person has to say.

Create distance, use your surroundings. Use chairs, tables, parked cars, other objects to separate you from the attacker. Shoot the fucker if you have a gun.

Failing those options, control the attacking hand/wrist/blade that is holding the knife with BOTH your hands and get off center/out of the way of the sharp point part. Your two hands and arms versus their one. Look up the Russian 2-on-1. Use your forehead to smash their squishy face. Use your knees to smash their body. Do not let go of their wrist/hand holding the knife. Rag doll themas much as you can. Attack their elbow with your chest and body weight. Be the aggressor.

You will get cut and stabbed 100% of the time and it'll be awful. The aim is to survive.
Always control the distance.
Train this stuff with a friend at full speed with them using a shock knife or paint marker or sharpie.
Train it every day. See how often you don't "die."
Avoid knives.
Avoid people who carry knives.
Avoid places with people who carry knives.
Avoid people.

Knives hurt. Like, a lot.

Pooping in bags in not enjoyable.

Most important comment in thread right here. Bring a gun or car to a knife fight if possible.

*"knife fight"

i appreciate the sober tone for a serious topic but hey now, lots of us EDC nerds agree with all of this except -

"Avoid knives.
Avoid people who carry knives.
Avoid places with people who carry knives."


We Contemptuous can't be disarmed because our blades are sharpened teeth and claws that rend civilized flesh from osteoporosis-laden civ bones! You better hope you have a gun when We Contemptuous are on the prowl

Oooo-eee-o-ooooooo, Love hurts.

....so avoid love, and people with love. Also very hard to fend off LOVE attackers. Requires cold-hearted manly-man skillz.

This post is silly!

Maybe my troll senses aren't active but nobody is taking this seriously right? This is what we like to call in the land before the internet, an inside joke. You can even have jokes with honesty and critique thrown in!

What happened to us?

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