Happy Halloween

Well, it’s the occasion for donning costumes, so I explored a virtual costume event using a photo AI app on a free trial.

You start by selecting several photos which, in a few seconds, are wildly transformed by applying costumes, settings, or other transformations of your choosing.

The app itself is pretty remarkable.

Here are a couple of the results.

No, I don’t expect to actually remake myself along these lines, even for Halloween.

One of my favorites at the Portland Art Museum

I don’t know why I like this sterling silver boar so much. Perhaps because it reminds me of the large wild boars that would wander down from the mountains during dry spells when we lived in Kaaawa. Maybe it’s the contrast between the rough looking boar and the delicate silverwork. But I was glad that it was included in a exhibit from the Portland Art Museum’s permanent collection that opened over the weekend.

From it’s catalog listing: Gianmaria Buccellati, Boar, last half of 20th century, sterling silver.

The video might be a little slow in loading, but be patient.

Another look at those radios

What a difference a little change of perspective can make!

My post here yesterday shared a photo of a wall of old radios. I was concentrating on the radios themselves, and cropped the photo accordingly.

Our friend, Robin Beechert, captured the same scene but with a different “eye.”

Her version tells a lot more about the store’s preparations for the weekend before Halloween!

A lazy weekend

We spent much of Saturday wandering through several “antique malls” in Portland. We’re not talking “antiques” as in high-priced treasures. We’re talking old stuff of all kinds collected from who-knows-where.

We arrived about 20 minutes early at our first stop, Memory Den, which opened at 11. We waited in the car. At almost exactly 11, several other cars pulled in. Three? Four? I’m not really sure, but they arrived right on time just as the guy working in the story was setting up the “Open” sign outside the front door. When we got inside, it was a huge space.

Here’s a selfie I took inside the store. There were two floors of stuff, many individual booths by different sellers. I don’t think we had been to this particular store on previous trips.

On display that gets a lot of comment features a wall of old radios. Pretty amazing. Buy one and they’ll make sure it’s in working order, I’m told. Many of these are pretty cool!

Being Halloween weekend, we were surrounded by small groups having fun selecting items for costumes. It made for a pleasant shopping experience. We had no real “finds,” but it doesn’t really matter because the fun is in the hunt.

We ended up at a very good Lebanese restaurant in SE Portland, Ya Hala.

We have an unprogrammed Sunday, until an afternoon Happy Hour with Meda’s brother. We’re meeting at Jake’s Grill, one of our favorite Portland spots.

Perhaps we’ll spend another hour wandering Powell’s Bookstore. Who knows?