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Kathleen Supports Independent Journalism — Will You Join Her?

“I cancelled my long-time subscription to one of our national papers today. For years I have enjoyed diving into it on Saturday morning as part of my weekend routine.

"Over the past few months, however, it has become less informative and enjoyable. I became particularly frustrated at what was included and what (and who) was neglected in its coverage.

"So, I am increasing my existing payment to Tyee by the amount I saved. I deeply appreciate the perspectives, the inclusiveness, as well as the depth of reporting and the quality of writing.

"Join me in investing in journalism that matters.”

— Kathleen, Tyee Builder

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Turning to Youth to Bring Forward Solutions
(click to read in context)

I am constantly impressed by my conversations with my grandchildren — they are articulate, caring human beings — too often thwarted by disregard and disrespect.

The young people need to be encouraged to speak out and they need to be listened to. If my contemporaries at that age had a fraction of their awareness and sensitivity, I feel the world would be a better place.

Give them an audience and the opportunity to share. The future is theirs.

somesweetday, in response to "Help Us Report on Who's Making Things Better"

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