Only 5 percent of the redwood forests that once stretched across coastal Northern California have never been logged. An initiative to restore these forests is gaining momentum, aided by research showing that redwoods store more aboveground carbon than any forest on Earth.

By John Reid


    Road Hazard: Evidence Mounts on Toxic Pollution from Tires

    Researchers are only beginning to uncover the toxic cocktail of chemicals, microplastics, and heavy metals hidden in car and truck tires. But experts say these tire emissions are a significant source of air and water pollution and may be affecting humans as well as wildlife.

    By Jim Robbins

  • Biodiversity

    A Summer Light Show Dims: Why Are Fireflies Disappearing?

    Fireflies — whose shimmering, magical glows light up summer nights — are in trouble, threatened by habitat destruction, light pollution, and pesticide use. With 18 species now considered at risk of extinction in North America alone, recovery efforts are only just beginning.

    By Ted Williams

  • Climate

    From Carbon Sink to Source: The Stark Changes in Arctic Lakes

    For millennia, lakes in Greenland’s tundra have locked up huge loads of carbon in their sediment. But as the Arctic becomes warmer and wetter, scientists believe these lakes could be turning into sources of carbon, which would have important consequences for the world’s climate.

    By Cheryl Katz


As the Mississippi Swerves, Can We Let Nature Regain Control?

After the lower Mississippi began pouring through and enlarging Neptune Pass in 2019, sediment began flowing into a sand-and-silt-starved Delta bay. Now the Army Corps of Engineers — breaking with tradition — is considering letting at least part of the river have its way.

By Andrew S. Lewis

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Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum with Zambian environment minister Collins Nzovu upon signing a memorandum of understanding for Sheikh Ahmed's firm to manage and sell carbon credits from Zambian woodlands.


In New Scramble for Africa, an Arab Sheikh Is Taking the Lead

A company established by a Dubai sheikh is finalizing agreements with African nations to manage vast tracts of their forests and sell the carbon credits. Critics are concerned the deals will not benefit Africans and will just help foreign governments perpetuate high emissions.

By Fred Pearce

  • Photo Essay

    Edible Insects: In Europe, a Growing Push for Bug-Based Food

    To rein in emissions, the E.U. is looking to insects as an alternate source of protein for livestock and people and is easing regulations and subsidizing makers of insect-derived food. In a photo essay, Luigi Avantaggiato explores the emerging bug food industry in northern Italy.


    If South Africa Ends Lion Breeding, What to Do With Captive Cats?

    In 2021, the South African government committed to shutting down the country’s captive-lion breeding industry, which provided animals for canned hunts. Among the sticking points slowing progress is what should happen to the thousands of lions that remain on private ranches.

    By Adam Welz

  • Food & Agriculture

    As Armenian Fish Farming Expands, a Pristine Aquifer Is Drying Up

    In recent decades, aquaculture has proliferated in Armenia’s Ararat Valley. The heightened use of water, combined with a warming climate and increased drought, has led to groundwater reserves shrinking by two-thirds, once-bountiful farms withering, and wells going dry.

    By Lori Youmshajekian

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