AI: Profit vs. Freedom

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a profit opportunity for capitalists, but it presents a crucial choice for the working class. Because the working class is the majority, that crucial choice confronts society as a whole. It is the same profit opportunity/social choice that was presented by the introduction of robotics, computers, and indeed by most technological advances throughout capitalism’s history. In capitalism, employers decide when, where, and how to install new technologies; employees do not. Employers’ decisions are driven chiefly by whether and how new technologies affect their profits. More

The UAW Strike: a Historic Fight to End 44 Years of Concession Bargaining

Can American workers stop the concession bargaining that has devastated their incomes for more than four decades now? Can union labor come up with a strategy and effective response to protect their jobs from technology/AI in the decades to come? Those are the two most important challenges facing the American labor movement. And one thing is certain: relying on Democrat party politicians, or their no less anti-worker Republican political cousins, is a dead end. Either wing of the Corporate Party of America (Dems or Republicans) won’t lift a finger to help workers. But they’ll make promises and promises in this election year. And then give workers the ‘finger’ afterward, as they have for more than 40 years now. More

A Telling Tale of Two Press Lords

These immensely profitable news-and-views machines have left Murdoch a billionaire eight times over. But this deepest of media deep pockets took special care, in his retirement announcement, to position himself as a pal to the people, an ever-appreciative admirer of “the truck drivers distributing our papers, the cleaners who toil when we have left the office, the assistants who support us or the skilled operators behind the cameras or the computer code.” More

A Journey Into the Soul of Rupert Murdoch

It has been astounding that a world-scale monster such as Rupert Murdoch has thus far fared well at the hands of his various profilists and biographers. Criticisms of him have either been too broad-brush to be useful, or too tempered with Waugh-derived facetiousness about press barons. Murdoch is far too fearsome an affront to any civilized values to escape with mere facetiousness. More