[–]Dildo___Schwaggins 1284 points1285 points1286 points (123 children)
[–]kill-69 120 points121 points122 points (65 children)
[–]3rdp0st 65 points66 points67 points (26 children)
[–]professormamet 2946 points2947 points2948 points (344 children)
[–]Rowyco05 1209 points1210 points1211 points (149 children)
[–]HorrorTranslator3113 558 points559 points560 points (52 children)
[–]the_terra_filius 276 points277 points278 points (38 children)
[–]ERJAK123 134 points135 points136 points (23 children)
[–]46and2ahed 95 points96 points97 points (8 children)
[–]ChristyNiners 60 points61 points62 points (3 children)
[–]NotEnoughMuskSpam🤖 TruthGPT 2.0X (this is a bot 🤖) 70 points71 points72 points (1 child)
[–]ShouldersofGiants100 236 points237 points238 points (126 children)
[–]a_moniker 116 points117 points118 points (60 children)
[–]wurstbrot_royal 45 points46 points47 points (49 children)
[–]chanchogordo 2848 points2849 points2850 points (846 children)
[–]Enchelion 256 points257 points258 points (35 children)
[–]Taraxian 136 points137 points138 points (24 children)
[–]Bridalhat 92 points93 points94 points (23 children)
[–]TheSerialHobbyist 757 points758 points759 points (416 children)
[–]SamtheCossack 383 points384 points385 points (130 children)
[–]frissonUK 268 points269 points270 points (108 children)
[–]aquoad 213 points214 points215 points (44 children)
[–]Yanlex 109 points110 points111 points (26 children)
[–]meatbeater558Salient lines of coke 75 points76 points77 points (20 children)
[–]phrexi 213 points214 points215 points (75 children)
[–]cp5 119 points120 points121 points (57 children)
[–]WasabiParty4285 108 points109 points110 points (59 children)
[–]J_Patish 1057 points1058 points1059 points (50 children)
[–]SamtheCossack 121 points122 points123 points (51 children)
[–]HerbNeedsFire 62 points63 points64 points (17 children)
[–]mrmeshshorts 35 points36 points37 points (19 children)
[–]0theliteralworst0 41 points42 points43 points (18 children)
[–]ThatTimeInApril 680 points681 points682 points (74 children)
[–]JP058 107 points108 points109 points (30 children)
[–]LazyBastard007 1462 points1463 points1464 points (198 children)
[–]logosobscura 487 points488 points489 points (37 children)
[–]EnderTheError 70 points71 points72 points (26 children)
[–]Taraxian 205 points206 points207 points (54 children)
[–]Ace-of-Xs 26 points27 points28 points (3 children)
[–]NotEnoughMuskSpam🤖 TruthGPT 2.0X (this is a bot 🤖) 9 points10 points11 points (1 child)
[–]porsche4life 209 points210 points211 points (56 children)
[–]koolaideprived 137 points138 points139 points (29 children)
[–]Bannedin_3_2_1 317 points318 points319 points (25 children)
[–]LazyBastard007 676 points677 points678 points (133 children)
[–]WeirdSysAdmin 53 points54 points55 points (21 children)
[–]ShouldersofGiants100 39 points40 points41 points (24 children)
[–]pacific_beach 124 points125 points126 points (44 children)
[–]nastinaki 253 points254 points255 points (108 children)
[–]SquabCats 323 points324 points325 points (61 children)
[–]Various_Froyo9860 31 points32 points33 points (32 children)
[–]NotEnoughMuskSpam🤖 TruthGPT 2.0X (this is a bot 🤖) 32 points33 points34 points (11 children)
[–]AllyMcfeels 184 points185 points186 points (20 children)
[–]neonklingon[S] 125 points126 points127 points (14 children)
[–]SnipesCC 86 points87 points88 points (7 children)
[–]123barI paid 44 billion dollars to shitpost 42 points43 points44 points (3 children)
[–]-Hypnotoad26 26 points27 points28 points (2 children)
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