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PLN Cover Stories

Despite #MeToo, Celebrity Justice Remains Massively Unjust

by Matthew Clarke

We all know celebrities accused ofcrimes, including actors, musicians, sports figures, business leaders, politicians and journalists. If they’re prosecuted at all, the punishment is rarely harsh. The rich and famous simply aren’t treated like everyone else.

However, the rise of the #metoo movement has undermined celebrity privilege ...

Chronic Punishment: The Unmet Health Needs of People in State Prisons

by Leah Wang

Over 1 million people sit in U.S. state prisons on any given day. These individuals are overwhelmingly poor, disproportionately Black, Native, Hispanic, and/or LGBTQ, and often targeted by law enforcement from a young age, as we detailed recently in our report Beyond the Count. And all ...

L.A. County Jails: Leading in All the Wrong Ways

by Benjamin Tschirhart

Calling conditions in Los Angeles County jails “abhorrent,” attorneys representing a group of incarcerated plaintiffs appeared before a federal judge on April 19, 2023, asking him to hold the county in contempt of a recently granted injunction. That was after three detainee deaths in just nine days ...

“I Was Scheduled to Die in Solitary Confinement” – and May Soon Be Again

by Mark Wilson

Locked in solitary confinement for decades, mentally ill Illinois prisoner Anthony Gay engaged in severe and shocking self-mutilation. Stabbing a razor blade into his eye. Eating his own flesh. Cutting out one of his testicles and hanging it on a cell door. He also packed a fan ...

With “Fox in Charge of the Henhouse,” Almost All Misconduct Accusations Against BOP Staff Result in No Discipline

by Benjamin Tschirhart

In just over three years ending August 2022, at least 49 employees of the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) were convicted of crimes, ranging from pilfering government property to sexually abusing prisoners. That total – an average of 16 guilty verdicts every year – represents an admittedly ...

Convictions at Any Cost: DOJ Report Slams Three Decades of Snitches and Due Process Violations in California’s Orange County

by Benjamin Tschirhart

The U.S. Constitution, in its idealistic fashion, guarantees citizens that they “shall not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” During the intervening centuries, the fine brush of precedent has filled in those broad, optimistic strokes.

But even a cursory examination will ...

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Make Sure To Listen To:

05/17/2023 - Paul Wright on Political Misfits - Solitary Confinement & Mental Illness


Discussing the use of solitary confinement in US prisons and the human rights catastrophe it demonstrates, the pervasive imprisonment of mentally ill individuals, the divide between who has access to mental health treatment and who doesn’t, and any legislative paths to address crises in US prisons.


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