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โ€ขPosted by2 years ago

Original Post:

As a Full Stack ASP.NET Developer(platform Bing is Built on), I read this thread and saw a lot of blatant misinformation. I'd like to provide some advice on how to read network logs so that no one makes the same mistake.

OP posted an example of how Bing supposedly "preloads related searches":

As you see above, OP searches for "tacos" on Bing Images, and then there seems to be a lot of requests for related queries, such as "Chicken Tacos"

However, if you pay attention, you can clearly tell that those are not search queries, but rather, AJAX requests initiated by the page itself.

AJAX is basically a way for the client JavaScript to make requests to the server without reloading the page. This is how "endless scrolling" works, and also leads to faster, more responsive websites. It can also be used to load less important content such as images after the main page already loaded, improving UX.

Let's break down the urls, first by starting with the original search URL:

/images/ tells ASP.NET to look for the images "controller" which is a C# or VB class containing 1 or more methods

/search tells the controller to run the "Search" public method.

?q=tacos&form=HDRSC2 passes 2 parameters to the Search method. The first is obviously the query the user typed, the second doesn't really matter.

Next, let's look at the URL for one of the "automatically ran related searches" First thing any sys admin should notice is this is an entirely different subdomain which should raise questions immediately.

th? it is calling the th controller at a completely different domain. Because no method is specified, it will run the index method


You can clearly see there are a LOT more parameters being passed here than the other query. Seeing w=166&h=68 should be a hint that these are parameters for an image.

What is happening here is after you search for tacos, there is AJAX that runs and sends a request to Bing to load the preview image for the related search query(in this case, a Chicken Taco). The reason Microsoft does this instead of just loading everything at once is because by requesting images AFTER the page has loaded, the page can load quicker rather than the user having to wait for everything.

In this particular case, the subdomain should've been a dead giveaway that it wasn't a search. But in some cases it's even possible that AJAX requests can use the same path. Through something called "overloading", the same URL can run a completely different method based on how many parameters are supplied.

So what's the key takeaway here?

1.When viewing logs, pay attention to both the subdomain and the parameters passed to determine if the user actually actively navigated to a link, or if the request is a result of AJAX scripting.

2.The presence of a concerning phrase in a POST/GET request is not inherent proof that a user is engaging in that type of content. For example, if you accidentally hover over a Reddit username, it performs an AJAX request to:

So if my username was something VERY NSFW, it would look like you were looking at a NSFW reddit user's profile, when in reality your mouse happened to pass over my username, but you never clicked it.

3.Bing is NOT automatically searching related searches, but they should stop recommending illegal search queries because it's just wrong

edit: I appreciate the support, but please don't Gild me as I dislike Reddit's management and direction. Instead please donate to FreeCodeCamp or a charity of your choice instead.

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โ€ขPosted by4 days ago
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โ€ขPosted by4 months ago
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โ€ขPosted by1 year ago

Lately I've seen many posts on this subreddit where new .NET developers complained about the complexity of authentication and authorization in the .NET ecosystem.

I am Mike, a .NET developer and founder of a new SaaS startup,, developed entirely in .NET. In this post, I'd like to share with you my understanding of authentication in .NET from a high level, with some historical context added.

The goal here is not to write another "how to" quick guide. Our developers have stated that they're confused by too many guides, because they all looked different. They find it hard to understand what really is going on.

So here I want to show the "big" picture and help point developers to the right directions. The only prerequisites are fundamental knowledge of .NET DI, cookie authentication, the OAuth2/OIDC protocols and their common flows.

This is still a relatively lengthy read simply because there are quite a few topics to cover. But I'll try to make it easy to read. So grab a coffee, and let's get started!

1. Know your flavors of cookies

The first few parts of this post mostly discuss server-side projects such as MVC, Razor Pages and Blazor Server. We'll mention JS SPA/Blazor WASM clients later.

Chances are your main web app will use cookies and their claims to authenticate your users. A typical .NET project's authentication DI configuration starts like this:

services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = "Cookies"; 
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "SomeProviderScheme"; 
.AddCookie("Cookies", options => 
    //Configure some cookie options like expirations and security 

Here, we're saying we want to use cookies to sign our users in. The question is, who helps create these cookies and make sure they taste good?

Almost nobody wants to do it all by themselves these days. Instead, this job is delegated to your chosen .NET authentication middleware that will be chained after the config.

Understand authentication schemes

Note the reference of "schemes" in the codes above, which act as name identifiers. You will see more schemes referenced later down the chain. Why do we need schemes?

Well, the cookies you saw above represent the "final" cookies that your users ultimately will carry as tickets into your app. Prior to that, your users may have to jump through some hoops.

In case of local authentication via something like ASP.NET Core Identity (discussed later), it's straight forward. They enter usernames/passwords, get authenticated, and cookies made.

But if your user had to go through external OIDC authentication providers, those providers will likely use their own cookies on their own domains to authenticate your users first.

When the said provider redirects your user back to your app, "intermediate" cookies are often created by your middleware to capture the authentication results containing the claims and tokens at the external provider. Some of these cookies may be cleared after.

Finally, the external results are parsed and verified, and your app's own auth cookies are created.

Essentially, different schemes help distinguish different identity providers and their intermediate cookies created by your authentication middleware.

Why in some codes I do not see .AddAuthentication or .AddCookie at all?

If an app uses cookies authentication but you don't see these methods, chances are they were simply called under the wrapper of some other identity config helper methods.

For example, when using ASP.NET Core Identity (discussed later), your startup config will contain something like AddIdentity. Such extension methods will configure a set of cookie auth defaults for you, including their default scheme names and cookie options.

When this happens, they almost always also expose option delegates for you to customize/override the defaults, such as Identity's ConfigureApplicationCookie.

2. Meet the most versatile .NET OIDC middleware

In section 1, we mentioned that cookie authentications are typically assisted by some kind of middleware, depending on the authentication provider you choose. These days, OIDC with code flow + PKCE protection is the recommended standard for confidential clients.

The all-purpose, universal OIDC authentication middleware for ASP.NET Core is Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.

This middleware works with any dedicated OAuth2/OIDC identity provider. It can be your self-hosted IDP like IdentityServer, or third parties like Microsoft, Google, FB, Auth0, Okta etc.

Let's look at the basic structure of DI config methods when using this setup:

services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = "Cookies"; 
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "MicrosoftAccount"; 
.AddCookie("Cookies", options => 
    //Configure some cookie options like expiration and security 
.AddOpenIdConnect("MicrosoftAccount", options => 
    //Configure series of OIDC options like flow, authority, etc 

The example above registers a single OIDC provider identified by the scheme "MicrosoftAccount". In reality, you could have multiple providers, each with a different scheme.

Your sign-in link, which can be generated via some tag helper or component, can specify the provider by their scheme name to "challenge", if your app has multiple OIDC providers.

If some page/controller decorated with just [Authorize] is directly requested, then the DefaultChallengeScheme is challenged.

The challenged user is redirected to the external IDP, performs auth, and is redirected back to your app (redirect URIs are customizable if you don't like the defaults). The middleware takes care of all the hard work in between, and issues the final cookie to sign your user in.

The basic options you need to configure when using this universal OIDC middleware include standard OAuth2/OIDC parameters such as response_type (flow), authority, client ID, client secret, requested scopes, sign-in and sign-out paths, etc.

These parameters should all be well-documented by your identity provider and their well-known OIDC endpoints. Make sure to grab the correct ones, because some of them have multiple versions.

Additionally, it's a common requirement to perform some kind of claim shaping/mapping via options to make them more standardized for your own app, especially if you deal with multiple providers.

Lastly, the middleware exposes plenty of event handlers such as OnTokenResponseReceived and OnTicketReceived for you to hook into every step of the flow. This allows you to intercept the flow and add your custom logic, such as token handling, if needed.

The advantage of using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect: Single package, OIDC provider-agnostic, can customize every parameter and hook into any event you need.

Requirement: It is your job to correctly configure the options. Some provider may require some extra options. You should be able to find what you need via docs/Google/SO.

3. The "helpful-but-also-confusing" provider packages

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect does require developers to configure IDP-specific options manually. Various other packages aimed to simplify this process, with common parameters such as endpoints hard coded into the libraries.

The problem is that there are multiple providers out there, each publishing/deprecating their own packages. Even for a single provider, multiple SKUs and terminologies can exist.

For example, Microsoft alone has personal accounts and work/school (Azure AD) accounts. Azure AD itself also has Azure AD B2B/B2C. They specify their 1.0 endpoint and 2.0 endpoint, with the latter then rebranded as "Microsoft Identity Platform"...

The end result is a messy web of packages and methods and a whole bunch of tutorials and docs out there, some of them referencing outdated libraries, to perform essentially the same fundamental tasks underneath the surface.

Attempts to "hide away" the configuration options may make it easier to get started short term, but on the flip side, they also make things less customizable.

Real world applications may have non-generic requirements before, during or after authentication. When developers encounter unexpected behaviors and scenarios using these convenience packages, they may have no idea how to resolve them.

It is important to understand that there is no "magic" happening when you see the AddXYZProvider methods being used to configuration .NET OIDC cookie authentication. They're merely syntax sugars meant to apply a default set of configurations for you.

OIDC is /OIDC. The core protocols are standardized and once you realize this, it should be easy to see why it is entirely possible, and sometimes recommended, to ignore all these packages and simply stick with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect

This is not to say you should never use the helper packages. If your requirements are basic for a specific provider and the out-of-the-box configurations will work for you, by all means go ahead. Just make sure to find the latest versions supported by the provider.

But at the very least you should know how are some of the core parameters configured in them, such as the flow, the default sign-in/sign-out cookie scheme names used, the default callback paths, tokens options etc, which can be seen from the docs or just via Intellisense.

Finally, always keep in mind that you can fall back to the universal package to customize more options should the needs ever arise.

4. Where does ASP.NET Core Identity fit into the picture?

So far we've discussed OIDC authentication that involves challenging a dedicated identity provider. Let's backtrack a bit to local auth and local auth + external/social IDP hybrid sites.

Once upon a time...

The ASP.NET Core Identity (often referred to as "Identity") has been around since the very early days of ASP.NET. That was a time when external OIDC providers and social logins were not very popular, and most sites only offered local password logins.

Obviously designing a secure user credential store and login/logout mechanism is no easy feat, so .NET developers were encouraged to use Identity for good reasons.

The architectural design of Identity is a bit controversial. The kind of abstraction and extensibility it's built upon have been subject to some criticism. We won't discuss that here.

Out of the box, if integrated with EF Core (the most common and easy way), Identity is a functional local user store that can perform basic password authentications with minimal customization.

This "basic" level of setup would be considered somewhat inadequate today, since by default it does not configure mainstream features such as TOTP MFA and account recovery.

Scaffolders' shock

Because Identity was designed in a way such that all of its daily operations are abstracted via UserManager and SignInManager, and users are discouraged from directly manipulating the underlying database, customizing and extending it is a more involved process.

You start by "scaffolding" Identity, which essentially "unhides" the set of MVC controllers or Razor pages that contain the underlying authentication flow logic from the library.

This is where some developers immediately become a bit intimidated: going from "almost no code" to suddenly a few pages of codes to work with.

But the reality is that as long as you're willing to take a deep breath, gather some patience, and spend some time to dive in and just follow the code, you'll likely find them not hard to understand. Watching some tutorial video on Identity will help a lot, too.

In a nutshell, Identity is mostly customized/extended in 3 areas:

  1. Extending some base entities such as IdentityUser so that you can add your own properties/fields, including EF navigation properties.

  2. Implementing some interfaces and services if you need to add custom logic to the abstracted sign-in, sign-out, account retrieval and persistence methods.

  3. Editing the front-end controllers/razor pages to add/update features and business logic to your user authentication flows, such as MFA and account recovery.

These customizations can be a bit tedious at times, but they're all well-documented.

How does Identity work with external/social IDPs? Do you need to use Identity?

If your app wants to support local login only or both local and external logins, and you want those local accounts along with passwords to be stored in your own database, then Identity is still the preferred framework to use, because again, dealing with passwords is no joke!

When a project is created via one of those MS quick start templates that enables both Identity and external IDPs (Microsoft/Google etc), your auth DI configuration looks like this:

    .AddMicrosoftAccount(microsoftOptions => { ... })
    .AddGoogle(googleOptions => { ... })

As previously described, these syntax sugars configure a bunch of default cookie auth and OIDC config options for you based on "common use" scenarios.

You're 100% free to utilize the APIs provided by these packages to customize/override some of these options, or even ditch some of them and go with the standard libraries.

To integrate Identity with external logins, the framework's IdentityUser entity, which represents an individual user, can have many IdentityUserLogin entities linked, each representing a specific external login account the user has.

Some apps may enforce one user, one login; while others may allow multiple linked logins. The UserManager class provides built-in methods to look up users by their external logins so the correct user account can be located.

Your UI controllers define logic such as automatic user creation when someone logs in for the first time via an external provider. You can see the default examples from the scaffolded files.

Additional entities such as IdentityUserToken are also included in the framework to help you store user's external login tokens should you need them.

Finally, there are role and claim stores for authorization purposes.

As you can see, besides storing local credentials, Identity does provide an out-of-the-box framework to help you manage and associate your users with their external identities.

But if your app does NOT need local password auth, is it still worth the effort to utilize and customize Identity, just for the account linking and role/claim features?

The answer for many is probably no. You're free to implement your own user stores and management logic in this scenario. Be careful, however, if your app does need to store user's sensitive external tokens, especially refresh tokens!

5. The easier paths โ€“ using a managed identity provider

The "managed identity provider" I refer to here are full-service providers such as Auth0, Okta, and Azure AD B2C (note: Azure AD B2C is a separate product from the regular Azure AD).

Each of them is a dedicated OIDC identity provider with its own authority, so using the example in section 2, you can configure them via a single AddOpenIdConnect call. Each provider also provides its own helper SDKs to simply configurations, as discussed in section 3.

They support local password logins. Login pages and user credentials are hosted on their infrastructure, so you no longer need ASP.NET Core Identity for that purpose. They most likely provide built-in MFA support for password logins, too.

At the same time, they allow you to choose a variety of external/social providers such as Microsoft and Google. In that case, they act as the "middle man" to facilitate the flows, redirection, and linking of your users, so you don't have to add them in your own middleware.

Choosing a identity provider is often a business decision that is situational to each app and organization. I will try to summarize some consideration points here.

Advantages of using a managed IDP service:

  • Less complexity in your own code, no need to use ASP.NET Core Identity

  • No need to store sensitive user passwords locally

  • Less management UIs to implement, the ones at IDP tend to be quite polished

  • Support multiple social providers via a single configuration in your middleware

  • Can integrate additional non-OIDC providers (such as SAML, AD etc) that otherwise can be more complex to implement on your own if you need them

  • Can secure your APIs/SPAs via JWT tokens (will discuss in next section)

  • Potential developer support from your chosen vendor

Potential disadvantages:

  • Pricing model may not align with your business needs and scaling, this is vendor and app specific.

  • Full trust and dependency of your user credentials on a third party. Potential compliance and regulatory complications for certain industries.

  • May lack some fine-grained control over the configuration of some specific flows and providers, especially those involving external/social providers, tokens and scopes.

Honorable mention: Azure App Service "easy auth"

Some developers often ask what is the absolute "easiest" and "fastest" way to get authentication done in .NET without compromising security.

I'd personally say it's Azure App Service's integrated authentication, aka "easy auth", which can be enabled via a few clicks from the portal. It requires minimal or no code in your app.

Obviously, this requires that you host your app with Azure App Service, which in my opinion works great with .NET. 1-click deploy from Visual Studio is nice, too.

This kind of auth is essentially a gateway-like middleware that sits in front of your entire app. No request can come in without passing through the layer of authentication that is fully managed by Azure.

Of course, as with most "easy" things go, there are limitations. You will have access to the claims and tokens in your app, but you have little control over the authentication process itself. You cannot make anything publicly accessible โ€“ it has to secure the whole app.

The best use case for "easy auth" is an internal app that you just want to lock behind a gate, without much requirement for login flow customization and account linking/management, though some do make it work for public sites as well.

6. SPAs and web APIs

So far we have mostly discussed server-side cookie authentication facilitated through OIDC middleware and identity providers. SPAs need something extra.

Client side SPAs cannot access databases directly, so most SPA projects will use some web API to retrieve data.

First of all, you still need to show the user a login page and potentially redirect them to external IDPs to perform authentication first, so that you can utilize the resulting cookies, claims and tokens.

Currently, "code flow with PKCE protection without client secret" is the recommended flow for most SPA clients.

How this part is done depends on the specific SPA:

Angular and React have well-established JS components/SDKs to handle the OIDC flows.

Blazor WASM uses Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication or some higher level vendor package that wraps it (such as MSAL wasm packages). Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication itself is built upon JS OIDC packages.

In a sense, authentication of JS SPAs in .NET is fundamentally driven by JS itself โ€“ this should not be surprising because these front-end SPAs are powered by JS after all. The .NET's role is to provide the supporting components (such as razor components) and routes, facilitate the JS calls and utilize the authentication results.

This means a fair bit of unavoidable abstractions are usually in play when it comes to SPA authentications in .NET. You'll want to carefully follow the MS documentation for each specific type of SPA and analyze the provided quick start templates.

At first glance, things may be a bit confusing because of the abstractions and oftentimes "conventions" used to wire things up. But as long as you understand the fundamental concepts described above, you'll eventually learn to recognize the purposes of these packages and components, and how to customize them if needed by looking up the relevant documentation.

Understand SPA's inherent trust issues

Because SPAs such as React and Blazor WASM live on the client side and inherently cannot be trusted, the UI logic you implement such as "showing dashboard only for logged in users" is only for the "general" user experience.

In other words, there is a possibility that the UI codes can be tampered with and an unauthorized user can unhide that dashboard. So the key to secure SPAs is at the API level โ€“ they may see the dashboard page, but we can deny them access to the underlying data API.

The standard go-to implementation to secure web APIs is JWT tokens. To make this work, there are three major moving parts involved.

Attaching access tokens to make authorized API requests

We have two major patterns here. First one is all done on client side. During the prior page-level authentication flow, we save the access and refresh tokens on the client. We'll then attach the access token to the HTTP client on every request against the API.

All SPAs likely do have components/packages to assist in this process. Most current tutorials and Microsoft docs demonstrate this approach.

Token storage and handling at client side adds a level of complexity with potential security concerns. On the other hand, this approach does not require any backend for SPA hosting, so the SPA can be standalone. There is no SameSite requirement.

The second pattern is backend-for-front, or BFF. This is a more sophisticated pattern that requires a backend setup. Unless you're willing to roll your own, you will likely utilize either a managed IDP that supports this pattern, or set up IdentityServer (discussed next section).

The BFF pattern is considered more secure because tokens are no longer handled at the client side. Instead, the client uses encrypted cookies to authenticate against the BFF backend, and the BFF in turn acts like a proxy server to access the API on client's behalf.

The BFF backend takes care of token retrieval, storage, cache, refresh, and all that logic in between. The tradeoff is the added complexity to set up and configure the backend itself, as well as SameSite/domain SPA hosting requirements.

Securing the web API via JWT token

Because API projects do not need authentication UIs and they simply validate the bearer tokens carried by incoming HTTP requests, they're more straight forward to set up. In most cases, you simply use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer package, like this:

    .AddJwtBearer(options =>
         //Configure various JwtBearerOptions such as IDP authority here...

At a minimum, you'll configure some standard parameters like IDP authority, audience and validation parameters.

You may need to add a few more configurations such as back channel token introspection if you wish to use reference tokens, a more secure type of tokens that is subject to per-request validation against the issuing IDP.

Finally, you may need to configure role-based or policy-based authorization policies for your API to properly implement authorization โ€“ to validate if an authenticated user has enough privilege to access certain API resources, a topic that is not discussed in depth in this post.

Now we have an important question:

Who can issue/sign/refresh/revoke tokens and deal with scopes and consents?

This is really the job of a full-blown identity provider. To implement the standards properly, you almost certainly need to use either a 3rd-party managed identity provider, or host your own IdentityServer.

I say "properly" here, because there are probably guides out there that describe "how to do X without Y". Depending on your particular business needs, some of those methods may work for you. It's all situational.

But if you're trying to build a modern application that involves web APIs and/or SPAs, and you want to implement a standard-compliant OIDC setup that's "by the books", you'll certainly need to use an OIDC identity provider that's "by the books".

ASP.NET Core Identity alone does not deal with token issuance as it is not an OIDC identity provider. It has no concept of OAuth2/OIDC "clients" or "grants". It is an identity store and a set of APIs to interreact with the store.

The "easy" way is definitely a managed identity provider, as discussed previously in section 5. They shield all the plumbing work and infrastructure away from you, providing you with just the endpoints to call, and a fully-polished UI to configure your clients.

But if you do not want to use them, then IdentityServer is the way to go.

7. What is IdentityServer? Is it really "complex"?

Before we start, here's a little background on IdentityServer for the new comers: IdentityServer is .NET's only native, fully-fledged, OIDC-certified authentication server, created by Brock and Dominick, two expert developers in the security industry.

It used to be completely free (up to IdentityServer4). For years Microsoft's own docs have stated that IdentityServer is the product they recommend for serious OAuth2/OIDC needs, and they still say that today.

I don't know why MS didn't just buy it or something, but let's just say the creators can only maintain it for free for so long, so today it's a commercial product (Duende IdentityServer) with a free community license for smaller companies and non-profits (<$1 million revenue).

The reputation of IdentityServer being a "complex" product and "difficult" to learn mostly arises from the following aspects.

It does not attempt to hide things from you

IdentityServer provides several "quick start" templates in MVC or Razor Pages that cover most project types. You don't need to "scaffold" them. They are out there for you to see and customize from the get go. But you have to be willing to dive in.

Again, the codes in them are not inherently complex. As long as you understand the basic OAuth2/ODC flows, you just trace things from challenge to callback, and they will make sense. A video tutorial will help a lot, too.

You'll probably use ASP.NET Core Identity along with IdentityServer

IdentityServer is a dedicated authentication authority, so it needs a user store itself. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, it naturally makes sense that IdentityServer was designed out of the box to integrate with Identity's user store.

This means you may have to customize Identity, too. Everything mentioned previously in section 4 regarding Identity applies here, except that you don't have to scaffold Identity's set of UI controllers/razor pages separately. You only need IdentityServer's own templates.

IdentityServer + Identity + External/Social identity providers = more hoops

Previously we discussed ASP.NET Core Identity + external/social login. With IdentityServer added to the mix, it now behaves as the middle man to facilitate the external login flow and redirect, just like a 3rd-party managed identity provider does for you.

Let's say you want to support Microsoft and Google sign-ins via IdentityServer. In your IdentityServer project you will have configurations that look like this (if using the universal OIDC middleware):


services.AddIdentityServer(options => ...)
    .AddOpenIdConnect("MicrosoftAccount",options => ...)
    .AddOpenIdConnect("Google", options => ...)

Here, the ASP.NET Core Identity and IdentityServer extension methods will configure their default cookie and config options under the wrappers (which you can customize later). External providers are then registered, each with a distinct scheme, for challenge.

When your user performs a login, a series of redirects and cookies are involved:

  1. Your web app, through its own OIDC middleware, challenges your IdentityServer. A login page is shown with multiple external provider choices, each with a scheme.

  2. A chosen link is clicked to challenge a specific provider, say MicrosoftAccount.

  3. Microsoft authenticates the user via cookies on their own domain at their site

  4. The user is redirected back to IdentityServer's callback controller. A temporary cookie is created and parsed to obtain the Microsoft authentication result, then cleared later.

  5. IdentityServer looks up the user based on info in Microsoft's claims, or creates a new user if applicable. These actions are performed via the Identity APIs (UserManager etc), against the integrated Identity user store.

  6. IdentityServer issues its own cookie, performing a successful user sign-in under the authority of IdentityServer at the IdentityServer site, and redirects user back to the web app that initiated this entire sequence.

  7. Your web app parses IdentityServer's authentication result via its own OIDC middleware and creates its own cookies to perform a sign-in at the app site.

Note that the above sequence is a high level view that does not include series of additional round-trip requests (some of them via back channels) between each party depending on the OIDC flow used. But those requests are largely taken care of by the middleware.

Because there are more steps involved, the process may appear more "complex". But when you break down each individual step, they're just following the chain.

You're free to customize this entire process using all the controllers and event handlers exposed to you, including any custom business logic that you otherwise may not be able to insert via 3rd-party managed IDPs.

To show you a real example, when I developed, which requires additional OAuth2 scopes from Microsoft/Google (for calendar access etc), I ran into an issue where Google would display these "sensitive scope" checkboxes that are unchecked by default.

This is a big problem that plagued many developers because users often ignore them and proceed without granting those scopes. This renders the app useless and actions have to be taken after the fact to detect such failures and prompt the user to re-authenticate.

Via IdentityServer and its external controller callback, I could easily add a custom service after the initial redirect from Google to check the tokens against its TokenInfo endpoint.

If missing scopes are detected, I'd redirect the user back to the sign-in page with a message explaining the situation, and prompting them to sign in via Google again. This remediates the issue before the user account is even created, instead of waiting for errors to occur later.

IdentityServer supports a rich set of flows, options and extensibility

The biggest reason for most apps to choose IdentityServer over plain Identity is the fact it's a fully-fledged authentication server that supports multiple clients, multiple types of flows, and issues JWT tokens (self-contained or reference) out of the box to secure your APIs.

Client configurations can be hard-coded and loaded in memory, persisted in database via EF integration or whichever other store you want if you implement your own IClientStore.

Similarly, operation data such as signing keys, tokens, consents and other grant types can be store via EF or a custom IPersistedGrantStore.

Want to shape user profile and claims? There is IProfileService. Want to add custom token refresh logic? Try IRefreshTokenService.

The interfaces mentioned above are just some of the many ways you can extend and customize IdentityServer should the default implementations do not fit your needs. In most cases they should, though.

IdentityServer's config extension methods provide plenty of options for you to enable additional features built into the framework, such as token cleanup and state data cache.

The latest community, business and enterprise editions of IdentityServer includes the BFF framework to secure your JS and Blazor WASM SPAs the modern way.

IdentityServer may had inadequate docs in the past, but things have improved

Some complained about a lack of IdentityServer documentations in the past, but I believe that situation has definitely improved. These days, Duende has provided lots of docs on their official site. Google/SO returns plenty of search results for common questions, too.

For years, Brock and Dominick have always been responsive on their Github discussion boards and issue trackers, regardless if a paid or free customer raises a question.

8. Where to go from here

If you have made it this far, I sincerely hope by now you have a much better understanding on the overall structure of ASP.NET Core authentication as well as the differences and use cases among the various choices out there.

With these knowledge, you should be better equipped to make a more informed decision on the kind of authentication you want to pursue for your project. From there, you should look up relevant documentations and tutorials in a more targeted way.

When you do read them, hopefully things will be clearer for you as you recognize the fundamental elements hidden behind some of the wrappers and syntax sugars.

As for me, I learned most of what I wrote from watching video tutorials on Pluralsight. Instructors such as Kevin Dockx have excellent courses there. I can't thank them enough.

We can't possibly try to dig into everything as developers, and oftentimes we don't really want to. But when it comes to authentication and authorization, I believe it's worth investing some serious learning hours to learn it systematically. Half-baked security sucks.

Good luck!

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Asking the community for their opinion on ASP.NET with HTMX. It looks like a great way to more tightly couple the backend with the front-end and solves a major problem of keeping the two in sync and avoiding the chaos of JavaScript client side libraries. Has anyone had good or bad experiences using it?

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โ€ขPosted by4 months ago