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What's your teaching unpopular opinion? Something you truly believe, but wouldn't say during a staff meeting? What's your teaching unpopular opinion? Something you truly believe, but wouldn't say during a staff meeting?
Teacher Support &/or Advice

Title is my question.

  1. I think you can cut the credential program and student teaching in half, and nothing of any value would be lost.

  2. I don't think there's a true teacher shortage. I've met a lot of fully credential subs who were stuck subbing since they weren't able to get a contract anywhere.

  3. The job is severely underpaid and I think there's simply easier ways to make better money in life.

  4. Student population is everything. The type of kids you work with can make or break this job. If you work with mostly good kids, teaching can be fun and rewarding. If you're stuck with disrespectful kids with extreme behavioral issues, you'll have a migraine every single day before noon.

  5. The low teacher pay doesn't have anything to do with it being a female dominated profession. Nursing and HR are also female dominated, but those 2 career paths pay very well.

  6. I think students are no longer seeing the value in school since so many of their older siblings went to university and are now stuck in low paying jobs with debts. Even before I went into teaching, my BA degree didn't get me anywhere besides folding clothes at the mall. I do think it's very reasonable to question the value of modern education.

  7. The core of teaching is basic child care. As long as the kids and property are safe and I keep them somewhat busy, Monday turns into Tuesday.

  8. Every school has a vibe. Some schools are uplifting, healthy and fun while others feel like a dreadful prison.

  9. Induction is pointless. It just adds to even more busy work that doesn't have any value. It actually makes me a worse teacher since it's taking away my time to lesson plan for my classes.

  10. Teachers shouldn't have to be worried about being sued if they fail a kid who turns nothing in. I think we should be given immunity the way cops are.

Conversation I had with a student about their grade in my class Conversation I had with a student about their grade in my class

Student: "Mr. Classroom, I'm mad at you"

Me: "Why?"

Student: "You gave me a bad grade in your class on my progress report.

Me: "Here's why you're wrong. I don't give you grades, you earn them. You don't do your work or turn anything in, so the bad grade you have is the one you earned."

Student just turned away and pouted, still not doing their work.

You never know when you’re going to need 17 cupholders. And when you do, there’s the Volkswagen Atlas.
media poster

OK Superintendent Wants To Buy 55k Trump Bibles ($3.3 Million) OK Superintendent Wants To Buy 55k Trump Bibles ($3.3 Million)
Policy & Politics

The Schools Superintendent of Oklahoma wants to buy 55,000 classroom Bibles, and the request for proposals includes some specific requirements: The books must include the Declaration of Independence and other founding documents. They may not include commentary. They must be leather-bound, or at least use “leather-like” material.

And wouldn't you know it, there's only one Bible that meets those requirements. The Bible that Donald Trump is trying to sell for $60 a pop. And 55, 000 times $60 is $3.3 million.

And yet here is another case of political corruption. A MAGA politician trying to cozy up to Donald Trump by giving him $3.3 million Of the taxpayers hard-earned money to spend on Donald Trump's latest cash grab scheme. Even worse, it just goes to show show that some politicians try to keep the status quo of Rich getting richer off the backs of the common person.

Imagine what the schools could do with an extra $3.3 million. Even split up among the school districts, that's enough money to go ahead and hire additional aides or support staff that are desperately needed.