Toxic comments will be removed at mod discretion. Constant posting of toxic material may result in a ban.
Trolling, threatening, or using racist/sexist/homophobic language will result in a ban.
Posts not relevant to the Pacers, NBA, or other Indiana sports as well as NSFW content will be removed.
Similar or duplicate content will be removed.
Users posting their personal YouTube videos, blog posts, podcasts, etc. will have their posts removed and potentially banned. Users may post these if they are a part of the community, or have gotten prior permission from the mod team first.
Brigading other teams' subs will result in a ban.
The r/Pacers mod team s open to work with other mod teams in order to enforce this.
All links to other team subreddits must be in "No participation" mode. Do this by changing "www" to "np".
No direct links to streams, AS WELL AS links to such subs. If you would like to share, please do so in a private message.